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Iranian Chill Thread

I am and Azeri not a turk, turks are yellow skinned people.
Between the two post.... 20 minutes i guess.
So, a brief test I guess.
BTW, no need to take the test dude, based on the fact that you know a language except your native one, I can say you are enjoying a high IQ man. And if you know how to play a musical instrument, then I will call you a brilliant.
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So, a brief test I guess.
BTW, no need to take the test dude, based on the fact that you know a language except your native one, I can say enjoying a high IQ man. And if you know how to play a musical instrument, then I will call you a brilliant.

Mate, every body knows a second language here :)
Yes, he does. I don't wanna bitching here like the 6th grade boys, but he always refer to @Sinan as "martikkeh" whenever he talks in persian. ;)
Why are you lying I never addressed him as martike, hell most of the times I don't even post, mostly I don't have much time to wast on net
What is that, how can a word describe me ? :lol:
It means little man, but I never called you that.
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