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Iranian Chill Thread

--> as suspected, he is clearly not seeking escalation with Israel

it makes sense, Iran will not sacrifice Hezbollah for Hamas and nor should it

--> as suspected, he is clearly not seeking escalation with Israel

it makes sense, Iran will not sacrifice Hezbollah for Hamas and nor should it
Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah: We will no longer limit ourselves to border operations

--> as suspected, he is clearly not seeking escalation with Israel

it makes sense, Iran will not sacrifice Hezbollah for Hamas and nor should it
He also said HZ is in it since Oct8... lets wait and see


do these people want Hezbollah, a Lebanese guerrilla group dedicated to protecting Lebanese borders, to save them from Hamas/Israel? very low IQ on display

do these people want Hezbollah, a Lebanese guerrilla group dedicated to protecting Lebanese borders, to save them from Hamas/Israel? very low IQ on display
?? Is that you throwing a shoe? I'm confused. Why would you do that and publish you throwing a shoe?
Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah: We will no longer limit ourselves to border operations
they haven't been limiting themselves to border operations since a few days ago, the message overall was clear, Hezbollah won't escalate if Israel doesn't

?? Is that you throwing a shoe? I'm confused. Why would you do that and publish you throwing a shoe?
go take your medication Baghdad Bob

Two important part of speech :

Nasrallah: We tell the Americans that your ships do not scare us at all because we have prepared things for them.

Some say that Hezbollah will enter the war, but we have entered the war since October 7

Two important part of speech :

Nasrallah: We tell the Americans that your ships do not scare us at all because we have prepared things for them.

Some say that Hezbollah will enter the war, but we have entered the war since October 7

Another part was that Arab countries are begging not to act.
Well I guess we must be patient. Hezbollah is not a conventional military force but a Guerrila military force. Their military methods are not that of a conventional army meaning they wont launch an offensive using armoured vehicles covered by artillery and an air force.

In Hezbollah’s style of battle there will always be a line of contact and the way to advance is to consistently engage the line of contact and push it back steadily. That’s how they fight. It’s attritional in nature. But success can be achieved in this kind of warfare.

But the sad part of all this is, we don’t have the time to save Hamas. Gaza has been cut in half… fall of Hamas is a strategic defeat for the entire resistance axis and nothing else. If this was a game of poker, the last couple of days and today was the last chance to pull off a huge bluff to scare the Israelis to back off and withdraw from Gaza. They failed to do that. The situation has to be acknowledged as it is. If Hamas is destroyed , which as of now looks like it will happen is a BIG BLOW to resistance movement.. It’s a strategic Defeat.
Well I guess we must be patient. Hezbollah is not a conventional military force but a Guerrila military force. Their military methods are not that of a conventional army meaning they wont launch an offensive using armoured vehicles covered by artillery and an air force.

In Hezbollah’s style of battle there will always be a line of contact and the way to advance is to consistently engage the line of contact and push it back steadily. That’s how they fight. It’s attritional in nature. But success can be achieved in this kind of warfare.

But the sad part of all this is, we don’t have the time to save Hamas. Gaza has been cut in half… fall of Hamas is a strategic defeat for the entire resistance axis and nothing else. If this was a game of poker, the last couple of days and today was the last chance to pull off a huge bluff to scare the Israelis to back off and withdraw from Gaza. They failed to do that. The situation has to be acknowledged as it is. If Hamas is destroyed , which as of now looks like it will happen is a BIG BLOW to resistance movement.. It’s a strategic Defeat.

Yes, you see the thigs as it is, no phantasies or infinite rant.

the fact is, if Gaza falls, entire Palestine falls, there is not doubts here.

It s a colosal lose for Iran, i don t think Iran can talk about something if Gaza falls...No one will understand the concept of axis of resistence.

West will forget Plaestinians forever,..., because they won t be a problem anymore.

Israel will obtain a decisive and unidscutible victory here.
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