A word about the "Deez Nutz" character (whose constant trolling and "ethnicist" incitement has been tolerated so far despite having been reported multiple times).
Take a look at the following:
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Now personally I had never seen the name being misspelled in this specific fashion before, the letter -a being replaced with an -e. It immediately struck me as odd when I saw how the above quoted user spells 'Tehran'. It was not a typo given that it's recurrent, as a quick search will show. I have been wondering to this day whether it stemms from some foreign accent and if not, what might be the explanation. At any rate it's a rare type of misspelling.
Next, behold this:
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ebs"? Looks like a rather improbable coincidence, doesn't it?
Of course it could be by pure accident that the troll spelled 'Arabs' in this bizarre manner reminiscent of Titanium100's 'Tehren'. But considering the latter's tendency to create multiple accounts coupled with periodic attempts to troll Iranians, this should be enough to give it a 50%-60% probability we're dealing with Titanium100's umpteenth alias.