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Iranian Chill Thread

seriously no drones watching these scums ready to vaporise them? what's the point of all those drones

Iran needs to conduct some fucking drone operations against the Taliban, film it and release the footage…

This border attack, although not that successful. Is a horrible look.

Mullahs still sking other talib mullah bellz? Most badbakht regime ever

There’s cells within the Taliban already wanting to “go all the way to Tehran” and this recent deadly border clash is one of many to come most likely.

Iran has to send reinforcements to the East with the intent to kill…
Iran needs to conduct some fucking drone operations against the Taliban, film it and release the footage…

This border attack, although not that successful. Is a horrible look.

There’s cells within the Taliban already wanting to “go all the way to Tehran” and this recent deadly border clash is one of many to come most likely.

Iran has to send reinforcements to the East with the intent to kill…
We can effectively annex Herat and other Persian speaking territories of Afghanistan to Iran but the biggest question here is when will the mullahs wake up?

Atleast drone strike them
Why do we have 100+ cobras armed with PGMs if they are not in use? This is perfect opportunity to use Cobras and live training for our pilots. And much more economical than a drone than can drop a 3-4 PGMs than have to return to base.

US used their attack helicopters to vaporize Taliban.

Iran has used them against Kurdish insurgency. There has to be a helicopter airbase somewhat close to the border. Or else that is just poor planning.
i say Salar have no right to call people of the parties who don't belong to his beloved party everything he like.

I call MKO cultists traitors because that's what they are. I call monarchist gangs on American and/or zionist payroll traitors for they fit the criterion. I call separatist terrorists traitors, not least because they too are being funded by hostile foreign powers. And I classify under the same category any other individual or grouplet engaging in paid or unpaid work against the Iranian government at the behest of foreign regimes.

Moreover, I take serious issue with anyone cooperating with the mentioned organizations and persons.

Which you, quite obviously, are having a problem with. It tells a lot about your standpoint.

the text of law is clear , our law is clear and nowhere in it there is a clause that allow him to call everybody he don't like or oppose his views as traitor . he suggest here a certain act is treason , i dare him to show us where in the law that certain act is illegal or considered treason.

For collaboration with enemies to be characterized as treason the law does not need to specifically mention funding by foreign entities. This is a political not a legal matter to start with.

Also, to anyone actually versed in law there's no doubt whatsoever that persons responsible of such acts are liable to prosecution under a multitude of legal provisions in Iran. However this is not the subject at all and I'm certainly not going to entertain such an unwarranted petty deflection.

till now his answer was i feel it most be so and he started this nonsense by cutting selective part of my post not all of it that was in response to his usual rants and paste it in every post he made today and i again ask him show us where in our law that act is considered treason

It is abundantly clear from the discussion thread what you were on about. I denounced oppositionists in exile and those advocating alliance with them, that's when you jumped in, visibly annoyed by this position of mine.

Accepting payment from hostile foreign regimes to work against one's own government is called treason. This isn't what I "feel" to be the case, it directly stems from the notion's definition.

Once again you illustrate that you do not consider collaboration with foreign enemies as treason, and that you're bent on excusing and trivializing such behaviour. What pretext you'll come up with is irrelevant. If this is not so, then you can make a clear statement to that effect. Instead, you systematically rehash an off-topic talking point which smacks of denial.

Meaning you outed yourself (unless and until you furnish an unmistakable proclamation that receipt of funding from foreign enemies for the purpose of political activity against the Iranian government is constitutive of treason).
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Why do we have 100+ cobras armed with PGMs if they are not in use? This is perfect opportunity to use Cobras and live training for our pilots. And much more economical than a drone than can drop a 3-4 PGMs than have to return to base.

US used their attack helicopters to vaporize Taliban.

Iran has used them against Kurdish insurgency. There has to be a helicopter airbase somewhat close to the border. Or else that is just poor planning.
We can even let the Afghan militia that IR created loose on the Taliban and make them suffer. No need for our own military. The issue here is political.

The system is rotten and out of touch
We can even let the Afghan militia that IR created loose on the Taliban and make them suffer. No need for our own military. The issue here is political.
Northern Alliance?

They got crushed after Taliban take over while Iran watched and did nothing.

Strategic mistake at the top of leadership that was too busy high fiving over the Americans withdrawing and forgot that Taliban is a fractionalized group of baboons. Taliban attacked Northern Alliance strongholds to force them to disarm.

And yes of course our own military should respond when its soil and territorial integrity is threatened. A border post is Iran’s sovereign territory.
Northern Alliance?

They got crushed after Taliban take over while Iran watched and did nothing.

Strategic mistake at the top of leadership that was too busy high fiving over the Americans withdrawing and forgot that Taliban is a fractionalized group of baboons. Taliban attacked Northern Alliance strongholds to force them to disarm.

And yes of course our own military should respond when its soil and territorial integrity is threatened. A border post is Iran’s sovereign territory.
I am saying we have plenty of options when it comes to the Taliban monkeys.

:lol: "Storming" the Iranian border post? Seriously? Someone needs to review their vocabulary.
Then what do you see on the video?

Asshaterry at this level? Unbelievable.
I am saying we have plenty of options when it comes to the Taliban monkeys.

Do we though?

Best case scenario: Iran gets its shit together, sends an active fighting force to the East, with all the bells and whistles. Strong communication between Tehran and Taliban is established with clear intent on Iran’s part that any more deadly raids/provocations will be met with overwhelming force. Iran does conduct some strikes or armed UCAV patrols.

And we hope that any Taliban reaction (insurgency really) doesn’t get out of hand. Because that’s definitely a possibility.
Do we though?

Best case scenario: Iran gets its shit together, sends an active fighting force to the East, with all the bells and whistles. Strong communication between Tehran and Taliban is established with clear intent on Iran’s part that any more deadly raids/provocations will be met with overwhelming force. Iran does conduct some strikes or armed UCAV patrols.

And we hope that any Taliban reaction (insurgency really) doesn’t get out of hand. Because that’s definitely a possibility.
According to local IR commander the Taliban forces started shooting randomly at Iranian border posts starting from 10 in the morning. Then we have videos seeing Taliban apes shooting at border posts and even breaching them. This is clearly an act of war.

IR is unable to respond because of its paranoia for the US. Issue is not military capabilities but political. It has always been the case.
Why do we have 100+ cobras armed with PGMs if they are not in use? This is perfect opportunity to use Cobras and live training for our pilots. And much more economical than a drone than can drop a 3-4 PGMs than have to return to base.

US used their attack helicopters to vaporize Taliban.

Iran has used them against Kurdish insurgency. There has to be a helicopter airbase somewhat close to the border. Or else that is just poor planning.
Helicopters risk losing pilots/lives, drones do not

Ababil-5 can carry 6 PGMs at a time

Still, we are lucky Taliban have limited experience as a conventional military force capable of invading and conquering territory, otherwise I would be very worried about them exposing our ground forces in a humiliating way
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