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Iranian Chill Thread

No problem ;) You are welcome to ask your question here.

Also when I read ancient Indian history there are several instances of Persian influence.

The Indian elite, especially the Indian Muslim elite were fascinated by Persian language and culture

Yes, you are exactly right. Britain and royalists started to do propaganda against him and show him as a communist in order to make americans willing to participate in the coup. But, That was nothing but lying and propaganda.
Yes off course, We are definitely proud of our long elegant history. You may only find some of the ultra religious persons who just care for Islam, and belittle Iran's history. But they are an absolute minority. I agree that this is distinct from the rest of muslim countries, but the fact is our historical heritages are distinct from them as well ;)

Do Iranians have different ethncities in Iran? I know that there is a Kurdish population.

For example India is not a single monolith. Each province has a separate language and ethnicity.
Also when I read ancient Indian history there are several instances of Persian influence.

The Indian elite, especially the Indian Muslim elite were fascinated by Persian language and culture

Actually we have tons of common cultural , historical , ... factors with each other. Persian language was one the official languages in mughul empire and also Hindi and Persian have many common words. All of these are the reasons that we have a strong positive sense toward people of the subcontinent.
Our pre islamic system of thoughts and believes was also very similar to each other ;)
Actually we have tons of common cultural , historical , ... factors with each other. Persian language was one the official languages in mughul empire and also Hindi and Persian have many common words. All of these are the reasons that we have a strong positive sense toward people of the subcontinent.
Our pre islamic system of thoughts and believes was also very similar to each other ;)

Want to know a crazy thing? Lots of South Indians don't understand Hindi or have a broken understanding of it :P

My province of Kerala was host to Jewish refugees after the destruction of Temple of Solomon.

The first Christian missionary arrived in A.D. 50 (Thomas the Apostle)

The establishment of the first mosque in 623 A.D.

Strong feelings towards the sub continent?

LOL. didn't know that
Do Iranians have different ethncities in Iran? I know that there is a Kurdish population.

For example India is not a single monolith. Each province has a separate language and ethnicity.

Yes, we have many many different ethnicities, languages, religions, ...
The ethnic, language, religious fabric of Iranian society is amazingly diverse.
The biggest ethnicities are Persian, Azeri, Kurdish, Mazandarani, Gilak, Lurs, Arabs, Baluch, Turkmen, ...
and each of them have their own language:lol:
The most important religious sects are Shias, Sunnis, assyrian christians, armenian christians, jews, zoroasterians, and even a minority of hindus in balouchistan province.
Actually we have tons of common cultural , historical , ... factors with each other. Persian language was one the official languages in mughul empire and also Hindi and Persian have many common words. All of these are the reasons that we have a strong positive sense toward people of the subcontinent.
Our pre islamic system of thoughts and believes was also very similar to each other ;)

Actually Urdu replaced Persian in the Mughal courts...
Want to know a crazy thing? Lots of South Indians don't understand Hindi or have a broken understanding of it :P

My province of Kerala was host to Jewish refugees after the destruction of Temple of Solomon.

The first Christian missionary arrived in A.D. 50 (Thomas the Apostle)

The establishment of the first mosque in 623 A.D.

Strong feelings towards the sub continent?

LOL. didn't know that

yeah, I knew that. India is very diverse, and actually it is her main beauty.
Iranians specially have strong positive feelings about indian movies :lol:
Actually Urdu replaced Persian in the Mughal courts...

I am not an urdu speaker, but as far as I know, Actually Urdu was very very close to persian and even mutually intelligible with persian. A good example of it is the Pakistan's National Anthem, which is entirely understandable by Iranians. ;)

P.S I hate Urdu etc.. F it.

So Long Live Balouchi :cheers::partay::lol::lol::lol:
P.S I hate Urdu etc.. F it.

I don't understand Urdu.

But I understand your sentiment :D

yeah, I knew that. India is very diverse, and actually it is her main beauty.
Iranians specially have strong positive feelings about indian movies :lol:

I don't think the current crop of Indian movies are allowed in Iran. Aren't they too risque?

I mainly watch Indian movies for the good looking wimminz ;)
I am not an urdu speaker, but as far as I know, Actually Urdu was very very close to persian and even mutually intelligible with persian. A good example of it is the Pakistan's National Anthem, which is entirely understandable by Iranians. ;)

So Long Live Balouchi :cheers::partay::lol::lol::lol:

What does it say what evil designs do those Pakistanis have :laugh:
I don't understand Urdu.

But I understand your sentiment :D

I don't think the current crop of Indian movies are allowed in Iran. Aren't they too risque?

I mainly watch Indian movies for the good looking wimminz ;)

As a rule of thumb, Almost nothing is allowed legally in Iran, but Iranians have access to anything.:lol::lol::lol:
So, it does not matter if the government allow it or not:lol::lol::lol:
The language is &@!& our regional languages... Heck severa are on the verge of extinction..

Odd. This is the same rhetoric a lot of regional politicians ind India have.

But yes, regional language and regional heritage should be preserved.
Anyways what's going on ppl?

@rmi5 what's ur real name my frnd?

As a rule of thumb, Almost nothing is allowed legally in Iran, but Iranians have access to anything.:lol::lol::lol:
So, it does not matter if the government allow it or not:lol::lol::lol:

N thanks for the smuggled whiskey etc :tup:

Odd. This is the same rhetoric a lot of regional politicians ind India have.

But yes, regional language and regional heritage should be preserved.

Not odd but sadly true..

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