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Iranian Chill Thread

Wouldn't it be a good way to blend in, though? No one would expect them to ride in them so exposed.

No one is saying they are in MRAPs or bullet proof Mercedes. But you can build “normal” looking cars that are actually armoured very well on the inside.

Furthermore, If Iran had located a high level Mossad agent, why wouldn’t they use a regular drone like Ababil or Moahjer and hit it with a PGM? Hitting a moving target like a car on a busy road with a suicide drone is not easy, let alone having KH militia do it.

The drone (or at least one of them) based on the video I saw did not hit the vehicles but hit the median of the roads.
You see the West do the same thing using Saudi or PG Arab newspapers. Like the one that said Israeli F-35’s had flew in Iranian airspace. Even though at the time no Israeli F-35 could fly to Iran without a refueling plane and they didn’t even have the one needed to refuel the F-35 in their inventory!

So both sides engage in Psych Ops. This was a poor one, I feel like someone fed the Lebanon reporter bogus info and he didn’t realize the irony of the agents name (since it was in Hebrew).

Also Mossad Handlers aren’t driving around in Iraq which is one of the most volatile regions (ISIS, PMUs, Sunni miltias, Kurds, Iranian Quds Force, etc) in crappy knock off sedans.

Kataib HZ is one of the more capable units under Iranian guidance with experience in fighting in syria and against ISIS.

Nonetheless, losing Solemani and the head of PMU really caused a lack of centralized figure to keep all the different factions in check. You see an uptick of more rogue operations than you did before.

Iran has issues with Turkey and Iraq as well over water disputes. The region is becoming agigtated.

Global warming might make the Middle East even more desert like. Iran already lacks “green” land for much of its terrain.

Like I said, people are underestimating how important it will be to secure your own water sources in the coming half century.
I guess that long winded way to say Iran is wrong and Israel is right as always, eh? My understanding is quite contrary to this syahnamee. There was definitely an event which had nothing to do with flatulence which you’re hanging yourself on.
I am not sure if such a thing happened or not but why in Arbil? not in Tel Aviv?
Iran is hitting them left and right:

A military academy burnt in fire

A huge factory blown up


List of Iranian terrors in israel:

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President Raisi officially welcomes Venezuela’s Maduro

President Raisi officially welcomes Venezuela’s Maduro
Tehran, IRNA – Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro was accorded an official reception ceremony on Saturday in Tehran by President Ebrahim Raisi.
The reception ceremony was held in historical Saadabad Palace, north of the capital Tehran.
Maduro arrived in Tehran yesterday for a two-day trip at the official invitation of President Raisi.
This is Maduro’s second visit to Tehran since 2017. Maduro and Raisi will hold a bilateral meeting and then attend the meeting of high delegations of Venezuela and Iran.
The Venezuelan President said in an interview with Iran’s Spanish channel, Hispan TV, that he would discuss 20-year strategic relations with President Raisi in the framework of a roadmap of cooperation between the two nations.
Story of today :crazy:

The woman, identified in court papers as M.O., says a man, identified as M.B., infected her with human papillomavirus, or HPV, when they had unprotected sex in his 2014 Hyundai Genesis.

GEICO had told the woman its auto insurance coverage didn't apply because the "damages claimed did not arise out of the normal use of the vehicle."
Irankhodro and Saipa be like


President Raisi officially welcomes Venezuela’s Maduro

President Raisi officially welcomes Venezuela’s Maduro
Tehran, IRNA – Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro was accorded an official reception ceremony on Saturday in Tehran by President Ebrahim Raisi.
The reception ceremony was held in historical Saadabad Palace, north of the capital Tehran.
Maduro arrived in Tehran yesterday for a two-day trip at the official invitation of President Raisi.
This is Maduro’s second visit to Tehran since 2017. Maduro and Raisi will hold a bilateral meeting and then attend the meeting of high delegations of Venezuela and Iran.
The Venezuelan President said in an interview with Iran’s Spanish channel, Hispan TV, that he would discuss 20-year strategic relations with President Raisi in the framework of a roadmap of cooperation between the two nations.
Iran today delivered the second Aframax oil tanker built for Venezuela...and they signed contract for two more...such an important news for Iranian shipbuilding and I did not see a single photo of it...does anyone have a report photos...
Iran today delivered the second Aframax oil tanker built for Venezuela...and they signed contract for two more...such an important news for Iranian shipbuilding and I did not see a single photo of it...does anyone have a report photos...

Aframax 3(PRUDENT WARRIOR)should be ready soon :devil:



You wake up and you see 10% of your wealth is destroyed

America is going down and down
The weird part is US economy had a very good year till last month.I think they had the best recovery from covid compared to all other industrial countries.
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The weird part is US economy had a very good year till last month.I think they had the best recovery from covid compared to all other industrial countries.

Nothing “weird” about it. Stock market is forward looking. It’s looking at the FED rate hike cycle.

Look at stock market returns since 2019. Very good. But Market can’t just go up every year 15%+.

Now you have high inflation around the world and a FED that is raising rates and taking away the easy money policy that helped stocks rally. Both of these are headwinds against stock market. Hence why market is having a down year.

Thus risk appetite globally is down. Hence why crypto (one of the riskiest asset classes) is also down.
Nothing “weird” about it. Stock market is forward looking. It’s looking at the FED rate hike cycle.

Look at stock market returns since 2019. Very good. But Market can’t just go up every year 15%+.

Now you have high inflation around the world and a FED that is raising rates and taking away the easy money policy that helped stocks rally. Both of these are headwinds against stock market. Hence why market is having a down year.

Thus risk appetite globally is down. Hence why crypto (one of the riskiest asset classes) is also down.
The White House on Monday excluded Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua from the U.S.-hosted Summit of the Americas this week

Venezuelan leader, Iranian president sign 20-year agreement


It's weird dude.
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