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Iranian Chill Thread

Idk brother, the IRGC has struck Israel several times but these operations don’t seem to be establishing any deterrence against future sabotage/assassinations in Iran.

The Erbil strike (whether successful or not) is a step in the right direction but without an increased tempo followed up by more comprehensive strikes that take undoubtedly takeout Israelis out. We will continue to see Iranian facilities and personnel be killed/damaged since there is an IMMENSE clandestine Israeli/American backed presence in the nation.

Your’re 100% correct. These quad copters are either being locally sourced or smuggled in for such clandestine operations.

Is it that Iran simply isn’t defending such sites AT ALL, or is it that some sabotage attempts eventually make it through due to their very nature (small form factors, generally hard to detect and all that jazz).

It is a quadcopter after all and even Israel with their thick AD apparatus can’t thwart all incoming drones.

Tell me how many quad copters have made it and hit Israeli positions from palestine? I mean surely Quds Force can sneak in quad copters.

The excuse of “oh well it’s very difficult to defend against” then why isn’t Iran doing the same? If it’s hard to defend against then Iran should do it as well. I mean much cheaper than firing F-110’s at a compound.

And Russian bases in Syria were harassed by quad copters by ISIS and took some damage quite a few times. Then they placed the appropriate systems and the threat was neutralized.

Quadcopters should not be breaching sensitive military sites. There are specialized radars and jammers that exist that force these things to crash. They are used around the world at airports to prevent incidents by stupid people or terrorists.

There has been an explosion (no pun intended) of radar and air defense development in Iran last 10 years. As well as drone development.

If there is any country that understands drone penetrating airspaces it would be Iran. So clearly Iran knows how to defend against it.

The question is WHY aren’t they doing it?

In Tehran’s high ranking government official neighborhoods you couldn’t get a quadcopter even close to them. There are systems in place to detect and neutralize these threats.

I don’t see how politicians/government officials are more important than our brightest minds or our valuable military/nuclear equipment.
Tell me how many quad copters have made it and hit Israeli positions from palestine? I mean surely Quds Force can sneak in quad copters.

The excuse of “oh well it’s very difficult to defend against” then why isn’t Iran doing the same? If it’s hard to defend against then Iran should do it as well. I mean much cheaper than firing F-110’s at a compound.

And Russian bases in Syria were harassed by quad copters by ISIS and took some damage quite a few times. Then they placed the appropriate systems and the threat was neutralized.

Quadcopters should not be breaching sensitive military sites. There are specialized radars and jammers that exist that force these things to crash. They are used around the world at airports to prevent incidents by stupid people or terrorists.

There has been an explosion (no pun intended) of radar and air defense development in Iran last 10 years. As well as drone development.

If there is any country that understands drone penetrating airspaces it would be Iran. So clearly Iran knows how to defend against it.

The question is WHY aren’t they doing it?

In Tehran’s high ranking government official neighborhoods you couldn’t get a quadcopter even close to them. There are systems in place to detect and neutralize these threats.

I don’t see how politicians/government officials are more important than our brightest minds or our valuable military/nuclear equipment.

It must be a mixture of misplaced priorities, problematic domestic defense initiatives, incompetence, maybe they simply don’t want to defend the sites or lack the physical equipment to do so in numbers lol.

Every time I hear these stories of a quad-copter or drones penetrating these sensitive militarily facilities. I get extremely concerned since it’s a completely avoidable problem but they just don’t seem to be doing anything about it or they are and it’s “not enough”.

I’m truly lost as it why Israel/America keep operating within Iranian borders like this. Whilst I still think Iran can take the hits, there will come a point where these sabotage/assassination operations can no longer be tolerated.

I have some more sobering reasons as to why these keep happening but I won’t go there for now. Even those suggestions might be too cynical, even for me.
Tell me how many quad copters have made it and hit Israeli positions from palestine? I mean surely Quds Force can sneak in quad copters.

The excuse of “oh well it’s very difficult to defend against” then why isn’t Iran doing the same? If it’s hard to defend against then Iran should do it as well. I mean much cheaper than firing F-110’s at a compound.

And Russian bases in Syria were harassed by quad copters by ISIS and took some damage quite a few times. Then they placed the appropriate systems and the threat was neutralized.

Quadcopters should not be breaching sensitive military sites. There are specialized radars and jammers that exist that force these things to crash. They are used around the world at airports to prevent incidents by stupid people or terrorists.

There has been an explosion (no pun intended) of radar and air defense development in Iran last 10 years. As well as drone development.

If there is any country that understands drone penetrating airspaces it would be Iran. So clearly Iran knows how to defend against it.

The question is WHY aren’t they doing it?

In Tehran’s high ranking government official neighborhoods you couldn’t get a quadcopter even close to them. There are systems in place to detect and neutralize these threats.

I don’t see how politicians/government officials are more important than our brightest minds or our valuable military/nuclear equipment.
This really should be a last straw.

I don't think I've seen an incident ever directed towards Parchin, probably the most important and largest facility in Iran.

It also has a very large solid fuel production facility there, it is no joke if such a Area-51 type facility with the right timing and some bad luck was hit. It could cause some catastrophic damage. Allowing a precedent to hit this facility is very dangerous. So I think their will be retaliation in some way, we shall see at what degree.

It is one thing to attack a single building that produces motors for centrifuge assembly with Quadcopter's and another to attack Area 51.

It would like an explanation as to why any Quadcopter would ever be able to fly into the airspace of that facility without losing connection with the operator. But I suppose GPS receivers with pre-progammed flight would counter that.

i would consider IntelSky to be a well informed source that also made cryptic messages moments before something big occurs.

I’m truly lost as it why Israel/America keep operating within Iranian borders like this. Whilst I still think Iran can take the hits, there will come a point where these sabotage/assassination operations can no longer be tolerated.
I don't think you should be surprised.

Probably for ever 5 Iranian 3 of them are upset/angry with the Islamic Republic, and while not everyone who is against the Islamic Republic would join a foreign intel agency, some for sure will be part of it and you only need a team of 12 or something backed with high-end communication devices, training and intelligence on what to do and where to be at what time and you can do some damage.
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This really should be a last straw.

I don't think I've seen an incident ever directed towards Parchin, probably the most important and largest facility in Iran.

It also has a very large solid fuel production facility there, it is no joke if such a Area-51 type facility with the right timing and some bad luck was hit. It could cause some catastrophic damage. Allowing a precedent to hit this facility is very dangerous. So I think their will be retaliation in some way, we shall see at what degree.

It is one thing to attack a single building that produces motors for centrifuge assembly with Quadcopter's and another to attack Area 51.

It would like an explanation as to why any Quadcopter would ever be able to fly into the airspace of that facility without losing connection with the operator. But I suppose GPS receivers with pre-progammed flight would counter that.

i would consider IntelSky to be a well informed source that also made cryptic messages moments before something big occurs.

I don't think you should be surprised.

Probably for ever 5 Iranian 3 of them are upset/angry with the Islamic Republic, and while not everyone who is against the Islamic Republic would join a foreign intel agency, some for sure will be part of it and you only need a team of 12 or something backed with high-end communication devices, training and intelligence on what to do and where to be at what time and you can do some damage.

This isn’t 1980’s Revolutionary Iran anymore.

The guys who planned Beruit Barracks...single largest Marine loss of life since Iwo Jima. They had “gheyrat”.

Now it’s all factions who are chasing their own self interest and Rahbar playing babysitter keeping them from devouring each other.

Since 2010:
  1. Tehrani Moghaddam assassinated (according to @Shawnee)
  2. Allahdadi assassinated
  3. Solemani assassinated
  4. Fakhrizadeh assassinated
  5. Hundreds of strikes in Syria leading to loss of materials/personnel
How many legitimate Israeli officials or soldiers were killed in response?

Don’t come out and say “time and place of our choosing”. Just say “we don’t have gheyrat anymore and choose not to answer violence with violence”.

Also how come nobody has killed that clown General Salami? I cannot stand him. Probably because he hurts IRGC more than helps them at this point.
Folks, don’t forget Iran has NEVER been tit for tat. Iran’s central and driving strategy is removal of the US and surrounding Israel. Both are tremendous successes. The operations against the IRI have only psychological value (as we see here in the responses). The material value of these pinpricks are nil as they have not stopped Iran from furthering it’s comprehensive agenda. Yes, they rouse our ‘gheyrat’ but our dolatmardan are pushing ahead correctly and, yes, at the expense of our entirely childish and meaningless ‘gheyrat’. So keep steady and keep your eyes on the ball. Speaking of ‘ball’ these pinpricks are EXACTLY like when a losing and frustrated team starts fouling and playing dirty. Good winning teams absorb dirty play and assertively win.
The operations against the IRI have only psychological value (as we see here in the responses).
lol. Keep telling yourself that when research facilities, factories and scientists are routinely killed.

Folks, don’t forget Iran has NEVER been tit for tat. Iran’s central and driving strategy is removal of the US and surrounding Israel. Both are tremendous successes. The operations against the IRI have only psychological value (as we see here in the responses). The material value of these pinpricks are nil as they have not stopped Iran from furthering it’s comprehensive agenda. Yes, they rouse our ‘gheyrat’ but our dolatmardan are pushing ahead correctly and, yes, at the expense of our entirely childish and meaningless ‘gheyrat’. So keep steady and keep your eyes on the ball. Speaking of ‘ball’ these pinpricks are EXACTLY like when a losing and frustrated team starts fouling and playing dirty. Good winning teams absorb dirty play and assertively win.
As @TheImmortal said, Revolutionary Iran and todays Iran are not the same. Such things would not stand back then.
A couple of internet users on Pakistan Defence Forum are telling us (and four or five others are nodding in agreement): this is the beginning of the end! Perspectives are bleak. Iran is not retaliating in a tit for tat fashion! Every day, the enemy is advancing its pawns on the chess board! Do panic, do get depressed! Do nag! For this week's events mean Iran will lose its geostrategic position shortly from now! And very quickly, instability is going to reign in Iran! Guaranteed defeat and collapse on the horizon! In the face of the imminent challenge, Iran has given up the fight! :lol:

JNone of those producing such rhetoric ever seem to be experiencing the much warranted feeling of déjà vu, it would seem. Ostensibly observable mood swings triggered by the most trivial of pretexts (but even then toxic defeatism and obsessive targeting of the Islamic Republic remains the norm, as if fully impacted by enemy psy-ops routines), accompanied by recurrent self-contradiction, are truly a phenomenon to behold and scrutinize.

Of course in five, ten, twenty years time, when Islamic Iran will have experienced further uninterrupted progress and made additional strides towards her geopolitical objectives, critical introspection will remain a rare sight around here and some are unlikely to come to the realization how far off their implications have been.


Folks, don’t forget Iran has NEVER been tit for tat. Iran’s is central and driving strategy is removal of the US and surrounding Israel. Both are tremendous successes. The operations against the IRI have only psychological value (as we see here in the responses). The material value of these pinpricks are nil as they have not stopped Iran from furthering it’s comprehensive agenda. Yes, they rouse our ‘gheyrat’ but our dolatmardan are pushing ahead correctly and, yes, at the expense of our entirely childish and meaningless ‘gheyrat’. So keep steady and keep your eyes on the ball. Speaking of ‘ball’ these pinpricks are EXACTLY like when a losing and frustrated team starts fouling and playing dirty. Good winning teams absorb dirty play and assertively win.

May I add, some invoke the 1980's as if circumstances then were calling for the same type of policy. Losing sight of the principles of proportionality, escalation and counter-escalation, and failing to correctly assessment damage incurred and gains achieved.

Iran used to be in an actual shooting war in the 1980's. As if Iranian counter-escalation would not be just as spectacular and even much more so if Iran was defending against foreign invasion or fighting a large scale war on or within her borders today.

Iranian forces seize two Greek tankers in the Gulf: State media​

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards say they seized two Greek oil tankers in Arabian Gulf due to ‘violations’ that were committed.

A few days ago the Greeks seized an Iranian oil tanker and handed it over to the Americans. Their excuse ? It was a Russian flagged tanker, so they used the recent Russian sanctions as an excuse to pull this off.

Now Iran has returned the favor by taking two Greek tankers for the price of one. The Greeks can either compensate Iran or take the loss. This will actually discourage other nations from cooperating with the US against Iranian interests. The British learned their lesson, then the Koreans, now the Greeks.

The funniest part is that the Greeks, now enraged, are accusing Iran of "piracy" So it's okay for Greece to seize Iranian tankers off their coast, but when Iran returns the favor, it's piracy ? The funny thing is that the "Russian sanctions" are not UN based or approved sanctions. They're essentially unilateral sanctions imposed by the west

When will these nations in the western sphere of influence finally figure it out ? They don't own or run the world anymore. This is not the colonial era or the post WW2 era. We are now living in a multipolar world. Despite this most of these nations simply can't let go of their colonial mindset. They still want to believe that they are exceptional and that they can impose their will anywhere, anytime and without repercussions. However as they're finding out the hard way, this is far from the case.
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Iranian forces seize two Greek tankers in the Gulf: State media​

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards say they seized two Greek oil tankers in Arabian Gulf due to ‘violations’ that were committed.

A few days ago the Greeks seized an Iranian oil tanker and handed it over to the Americans. Their excuse ? It was a Russian flagged tanker, so they used the recent Russian sanctions as an excuse to pull this off.

Now Iran has returned the favor by taking two Greek tankers for the price of one. The Greeks can either compensate Iran or take the loss. This will actually discourage other nations from cooperating with the US against Iranian interests. The British learned their lesson, then the Koreans, now the Greeks.

The funniest part is that the Greeks, now enraged, are accusing Iran of "piracy" So it's okay for Greece to seize Iranian tankers off their coast, but when Iran returns the favor, it's piracy ? The funny thing is that the "Russian sanctions" are not UN based or approved sanctions. They're essentially unilateral sanctions imposed by the west

When will these nations in the western sphere of influence finally figure it out ? They don't own or run the world anymore. This is not the colonial era or the post WW2 era. We are now living in a multipolar world. Despite this most of these nations simply can't let go of their colonial mindset. They still want to believe that they are exceptional and that they can impose their will anywhere, anytime and without repercussions. However as they're finding out the hard way, this is far from the case.
It will be nice if you remove the AL jazeera report ..they are using the fake name for the Persian Gulf.
Assassinations and attacks in Iran went from maybe 1-2 times a year. To now become monthly occurrences (maybe soon to be weekly?). We are told we should accept these.

And some members who for the life of them can never find a single fault with anything the IR of Iran ever does are again invoking a rendition of Baghdad Bob. They are smart members no doubt, but they have extreme blinded passion for government to the point of finding no fault in anything that happens.

“Accepting” Syrian strikes is one thing. But accepting ever increasingly assassinations and attacks on military bases inside our own country is completely another thing.

If Iran sent a drone to US soil, what do you think would happen?

If Iran blew up an Israeli military base in Jerusalem, what would happen?

Iran attacks Arab energy installations because they know the Arabs will never do anything! They will just cry to their masters.

Well apparently Israel views Iran the same way.

Iran attempted to establish a new redline with the Kurdistan missile attack by saying extrajudicial assassinations of IRGC members will no longer be tolerated. Well Israel just called the buff in the last 2 weeks.
Assassinations and attacks in Iran went from maybe 1-2 times a year. To now become monthly occurrences (maybe soon to be weekly?). We are told we should accept these.

And some members who for the life of them can never find a single fault with anything the IR of Iran ever does are again invoking a rendition of Baghdad Bob. They are smart members no doubt, but they have extreme blinded passion for government to the point of finding no fault in anything that happens.

“Accepting” Syrian strikes is one thing. But accepting ever increasingly assassinations and attacks on military bases inside our own country is completely another thing.

If Iran sent a drone to US soil, what do you think would happen?

If Iran blew up an Israeli military base in Jerusalem, what would happen?

Iran attacks Arab energy installations because they know the Arabs will never do anything! They will just cry to their masters.

Well apparently Israel views Iran the same way.

Iran attempted to establish a new redline with the Kurdistan missile attack by saying extrajudicial assassinations of IRGC members will no longer be tolerated. Well Israel just called the buff in the last 2 weeks.
Pull up your pants Sparky. The water’s fine.
>Israel attacks a drone facility

> Iran unveils underground drone base

First step in my idea of underground airforce base to house Future Iranian Interceptor and high value aircraft.
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