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Iranian Chill Thread

Taqiya is linked with Nifaq meaning hypocrisy in general or in Arabic Munafiq or Munafiqeen..
You obviously don’t know Arabic. One is n f gh
Other t gh y

You literally disrespected Quoran


لا یتخذ المؤمنون الکافرین اولیاء من دون المؤمنین و من یفعل ذالک فلیس من الله فی شیئ الا ان تتقوا منهم تقاةً و یحذّرکم الله نفسه و الی الله المصیر (آل عمران /

من کفر بالله من بعد ایمانه الا من اکره و قلبه مطمئن بالایمان

و قال رجل مؤمن من آل فرعون یکتم ایمانه اتقتلون رجلا أن یقول ربی الله و قد جائکم بالبینات من ربکم​
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Did Nohed participate in anything in Syria after that disaster? They seem to have withdrew to a supporting role.

Should be a wakeup call. If I recall 4 Nohed members were martyred

NOHED and other SOF elements on an individual role maybe as volunteers or as part of Quds force were in the battle of Aleppo.

But from a official deployment or BTG standpoint they left the theater altogether with the news of Al Eis hitting Iranian public.

To me it was possibly military politics, IRGC was having a lot of recent success under the Solemani and Russia alliance and I Remember one day NOHED and Artesh just announce they are officially joining the war. I thought it was bizarre at the time when iran was trying to portray its role in Syria to advisor level. Now you have Artesh basically saying Iran for the first time in 30 years is entering foreign lands to fight.

Anyway after the debacle at Al Eis, they left and never heard from Artesh again (as a whole).

Again who knows the reason for their deployment. Iran went painstakingly lengths to say it was there as advisor role to prevent other countries from deploying their own forces. Or else If there was any branch of military that Iran wanted inside Syria it would have been IRIAF for years to help with air support.

So in the end was it military branch rivalry (IRGC vs Artesh) or was that supposed to be the start of Artesh rotation in the war to gain experience and prestige? Not sure but whatever it was, it ended quickly.

This is what NATO-affiliated sources may have claimed but I've not seen concrete evidence.

Were there any leaks of classified documents or conversations taking place in the Russian high command?

NOHED was tasked with slowing down and pushing back a force about ten times superior in numbers.

Not a disaster. Here's what happened:


A normal occurrence in a war. NOHED did a great job in that battle, will be used in the same manner in future conflicts hopefully.

You are trying to tell someone who followed the Syrian war for years with some very good OSINT Syrian or Syrian allied sources....by referencing the same post over and over that tries to justify the ineptitude. It’s hilarious.

Al Eis was a battle front town/village (before the war for Aleppo). It kept switching back and forth between rebels and SAA/HZ/Iraqi miltias. HZ would take it then SAA and NDF would lose it. Rinse/repeat

NOHED went into a flashpoint town (its first experience) without UAV support or CAS or artillery support. They quickly took the town, but anyone who follows that battle and others during the war knows that sometimes small towns were left empty in order to trap the enemy.

Morek near Idlib province was famous for this type of warfare. Might have changed hands 10+ times. Most of the villages were demolished as well so holding them is hard when there is not fortifications left from constant bombardment.

So then they walk into the open trap and start getting artillery shelled and ambushed. Well if you had armed Shahed above your head he would have detected the ambush. After all the so called rebels drive Toyota trucks they aren’t ghosts.

Anyway an armed drone could have neutralized a decent amount of artillery and forces or at least provided exact coordinates and allowed your counter artillery to strike back and hold the ambush back. Also could have provided Russian air support to hit the outskirts. Many many options here. We see videos of such tactics in Ukraine right now from both sides.

That’s how a SOF operations should operate given the more “capable” tools and experience it has compared to a regular grunt unit. If a normal artesh or volunteer unit fell into such a trap and did what Nohed then it would be understandable. It was not understandable for this unit to act this way. That’s why NOHED wasn’t heard of again in the war. Many people were confused by the whole operation they planned.
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You obviously don’t know Arabic. One is n f gh
Other t gh y

You literally disrespected Quoran


The believers do not take the unbelievers for guardians instead of the believers, and whoever does that, then there is nothing from God except that you fear them in piety, and God himself warns you, and to God is the destiny (Al Imran:

I am a disbeliever in God, then I am a believer, except I am reluctant and my heart is secure above us

And a believing man from the family of Pharaoh who concealed his faith said, “Will you kill a man for saying, My Lord is God, and he has brought you clear proofs from your Lord?”​

Hiding ones faith amongst muslims is haram if he tells them his muslim but clearly tells the shayteen and kufar when his with them mockingly that his not one of the muslims but that his one of them. A similar description is in the quran and I just qouted but this is not exactly word for word just out of my memory hence it is not exactly word for word and one shouldn't take it that way
Hiding ones faith amongst muslims is haram if he tells them his muslim but clearly tells the shayteen and kufar when his with them mockingly that his not one of the muslims but that his one of them. A similar description is in the quran and I just qouted but this is not exactly word for word just out of my memory hence it is not exactly word for word and one shouldn't take it that way

The google translate is wrong for the first and second verses.

Don’t use google translate here.
Hiding ones faith amongst muslims is haram if he tells them his muslim but clearly tells the shayteen and kufar when his with them mockingly that his not one of the muslims but that his one of them. A similar description is in the quran and I just qouted but this is not exactly word for word just out of my memory hence it is not exactly word for word and one shouldn't take it that way
So what do you really get from coming to an Iranian chill tread and arguing with members.
Are you that in need of attention?
You are trying to tell someone who followed the Syrian war for years with some very good OSINT Syrian or Syrian allied sources....by referencing the same post over and over that tries to justify the ineptitude. It’s hilarious.

Al Eis was a battle front town/village (before the war for Aleppo). It kept switching back and forth between rebels and SAA/HZ/Iraqi miltias. HZ would take it then SAA and NDF would lose it. Rinse/repeat

NOHED went into a flashpoint town (its first experience) without UAV support or CAS or artillery support. They quickly took the town, but anyone who follows that battle and others during the war knows that sometimes small towns were left empty in order to trap the enemy.

Morek near Idlib province was famous for this type of warfare. Might have changed hands 10+ times. Most of the villages were demolished as well so holding them is hard when there is not fortifications left from constant bombardment.

So then they walk into the open trap and start getting artillery shelled and ambushed. Well if you had armed Shahed above your head he would have detected the ambush. After all the so called rebels drive Toyota trucks they aren’t ghosts.

Anyway an armed drone could have neutralized a decent amount of artillery and forces or at least provided exact coordinates and allowed your counter artillery to strike back and hold the ambush back. Also could have provided Russian air support to hit the outskirts. Many many options here. We see videos of such tactics in Ukraine right now from both sides.

That’s how a SOF operations should operate given the more “capable” tools and experience it has compared to a regular grunt unit. If a normal artesh or volunteer unit fell into such a trap and did what Nohed then it would be understandable. It was not understandable for this unit to act this way. That’s why NOHED wasn’t heard of again in the war. Many people were confused by the whole operation they planned.

As said, to draw such conclusions, extensive evidence is required, based on detailed background information. When 30 SOF units stationed in a village are facing several thousand attacking terrorists, then a drone won't suffice to neutralize the attackers and prevent losses among the defenders anyway. But to be able to claim it was a trap, one needs to prove the Iranians weren't aware of the numerical strength of their opponents. What proof is there to substantiate it? Iran may have intentionally dispatched NOHED to that location in order to slow down the terrorist advance, while knowing full well that the insurgents are heavily outnumbering Iranian forces but that the 65th Brigade is a force multiplier, well capable of inflicting disproportionate casualties on terrorist insurgents. Which according to media reports is precisely what happened.

These reports were published in the Iranian press. Furthermore Russian general Sergey Rudskoy stated that 8000 Jabhat Al-Nusra terrorists as well as 1500 others were present in the area. In the ensuing battle, the 30 NOHED fighters and their companions are said to have eliminated hundreds of terrorists and weakened the attacking force. Four NOHED units were martyred. So to me it doesn't look like a disaster or a miscalculation.

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So what do you really get from coming to an Iranian chill tread and arguing with members.
Are you that in need of attention?

I didn't say anything bad or hinted this message at anyone. I just explain what it meant and tried to explain it generally. It was not targetted at anyone just explaining..

I have nothing against my Iranian brethens whom we are related by blood. I am of the Iranic people myself
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I didn't say anything bad or hinted this message at anyone. I just explain what it meant and tried to explain it generally. It was not targetted at anyone just explaining..

I have nothing against my Iranian brethens

Apologies, I misunderstood your intent.
Taqiya is linked with Nifaq meaning hypocrisy in general or in Arabic Munafiq or Munafiqeen..

Hopefully I'm Arabic.... You aren't going to give me lessons in my language, wtf!!!!

Taqiya isn't Nifaq, and your post is a real example of a Munafiq as :

"Nifaq can be translated as hypocrisy, that is, the disparity which exists between the appearance and the reality of a person or a people"

Taqiya is a religious concept, it's permitted to abjure your beliefs when you are facing an imminent mortal danger (related to your beliefs), but in your heart you are still a believer.

It's permitted in all madhabs, not only Shi'a.

So linking Taqiya to specially to Shi'a or any other Madhab, is Hypocrisy (Nifaq)
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