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Iranian Chill Thread

It does have a lot to do with costs. The Government is not the People after all. every single penny spent on universities could be spent somewhere else. even sth like Skillshare or Coursera would be way better than these universities. The only organizations I can stand behind is Fani & herfei type organizations.
Coursera is a terrible education platform for most math intensive majors. I suppose it's not suitable for majors that require laboratory equipment either.
The quality of education on Coursera is poor overall. I haven't heard of Skillshare but I doubt it's any better.
Can you get a degree in law in Iran from such a platform, for example?

Meanwhile, we also have Maktabkhooneh.org in Iran. I would say some courses on Maktabkhooneh is better than their respective courses on Coursera but overall, the quality of Maktabkhooneh is not good either.

If people want to pay money to get a degree from an IAU branch, or a PNU branch, or a private university in Iran, that's up to them. If there's a demand for these universities, why not?

After all, many of the US institutions are crap as well. A long time ago, I talked to someone with a learning disability from the US. I was 16 or so back then (it was before I started to study for the Concourse). He was studying physics in a small private university in the US. Let's just say that the 16 year old me in high school knew more calculus than him. I do admire him hard for his motivation to study a really difficult subject with a learning disability, but I'm just saying that there are such universities in the US as well. Not every US university trains high quality graduates. Some of them are just there for people who have money and want to learn something in a non-competitive environment, or just need a degree.
♨ابعاد جددیدی از عملیات سپاه در دریای عمان؛ خائنان نیز بازداشت شدند

🔻سید محمد مرندی:

🔹چندی پیش آمریکا یک نفتکش ایرانی را در مسیر ونزوئلا با سوخت ایران دزدید. کاپیتان/خدمه نفتکش به ایران خیانت کرد و به آمریکا کمک کرد.

🔸رژیم آمریکا سوخت ایران را دزدید و فروخت.

🔹اکنون همان نفتکش با همان کاپیتان و خدمه و تحت حفاظت ارتش آمریکا توسط نیروی دریایی سپاه توقیف شده است!​
کاراکتر کشیده (ــ) برای کشــــــــــــــــــــــیده نویسی حروف و کلمات در زبان فارسی و عربی کاربرد دارد. جالب اینجاست که در زبان لاتین و عربی نیز این کاراکتر را kashida می‌خوانند. البته نام دیگر این نویسه در زبان عربی «تطویل»‌ است و نام این کاراکتر نیز در استاندارد یونیکد arabic tatweel گذاشته شده است. زمانی که متون فارسی و عربی را در محیط‌های نرم‌افزاری مثل ورد و ایندیزاین Justify می‌کنیم، در صورتی که تنظیمات به درستی اعمال شده باشد، این کاراکتر به طور خودکار باعث کشیده شدن بعضی حروف خواهد شد. اما این کاراکتر را به صورت دستی نیز می‌توان برای کشیده نویسی کلمات و حروف فارسی استفاده کرد.
جای کشیده در کیبورد رایج ویندوز

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247 m
Makran 3

این لاغری سرطان ه یا جراحی کاهش وزن
تصور کن چقدر پوست چروک اون زیر هست

Something doesn’t make sense.

So original Iranian tanker goes to deliver oil to China and gets denied and comes back to dock in Iran.

Then somehow before making it back to Iran...the oil gets transferred to SOTHYS...then Iran says US tried to take control of SOTHYS so Iran commando raided SOTHYS.

First who authorized the oil ship to ship transfer? Iran? If Pirates forced the oil ship to ship transfer that would mean they would have to take control of TWO tankers (Iranian one and SOTHYS). So where is video of pirates?

This is what I don’t understand about this whole story. Plus it happened apparently On 10/24.
Javad Owji told a budget planning meeting on Sunday that because of lack of investments in the past, the country is now faced with a stark choice – invest $160 in its oil and gas sector or face declining output and eventually imports of fossil fuels.

Hopefully we will become an importer and discard digging black soot from ditches.
So I was banned again for a month for posting POSTS OF NO VALUE/OFF TOPIC on the Chill Thread. How can anybody post anything off topic on Chill Thread?
Does the one moderator who did this know wat CHILL Thread means. It’s the only place where ppl can talk freely about any topic. Anyone who has ever CHILLED even once in their lives understands this. How can I be off topic or no value wen this is the chill thread for Iranians? @SQ8 do u wanna respond or will u ban me again and act like a hegemon from Medieval Times?
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