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Iranian Chill Thread

@waz: Sir, I had been ignoring this person's posts for five weeks (ever since his last ban): I neither quoted nor mentioned him during that entire period. Only when he tagged me in a post while abusively attributing some imaginary country of residence to me, in addition to insulting Stryker1982's mother, did I start responding to him.

Other than that, all I did was to report his endless violations to the mods.

I shall now once again refrain from mentioning or quoting him, as per your request.

That said, I do hope that the completely one-sided abuse I and others have been subjected to by this person for the past couple of days is not going to be left unsanctioned.

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This guy is lying, and he will not refuse to talk about me. He mentions me on weekly basis here. He attacks me for giving credit to Hamas, solely, rightfully so, for the Jerusalem uprising. This guy has a burning jealousy towards Hamas and discredits them for their own Jihad against Israel. And he quotes me all the time to downplay Hamas's Jihad and efforts, which is its own, and wants to create fake reality where it is Iran and Iran led militias instead who did the rocket fire from Gaza and Jerusalem uprising. This is delusional propaganda. If he will keep quoting and trying to discredit Holy Hamas, I will refute his propaganda. He must not let his burning jealousy take precedence over logic and rationality.
@waz: Sir, I had been ignoring this person's posts for six weeks (ever since his last ban): I neither quoted nor mentioned him during that entire period. Only when he cited me in a post while abusively attributing me some imaginary country of residence, in addition to insulting Stryker1982's mother, did I start responding to him.

Other than that, all I did was to report his endless violations to the mods.

I shall now once again refrain from mentioning or quoting him, as per your request.

That said, I do hope that the one-sided abuse I and others have been subjected to by this person for the past couple of days are not going to go unsanctioned.


Ignore each other. That's it. Let's start the clock.

This guy is lying, and he will not refuse to talk about me. He mentions me on weekly basis here. He attacks me for giving credit to Hamas, solely, rightfully so, for the Jerusalem uprising. This guy has a burning jealousy towards Hamas and discredits them for their own Jihad against Israel. And he quotes me all the time to downplay Hamas's Jihad and efforts, which is its own, and wants to create fake reality where it is Iran and Iran led militias instead who did the rocket fire from Gaza and Jerusalem uprising. This is delusional propaganda. If he will keep quoting and trying to discredit Holy Hamas, I will refute his propaganda. He must not let his burning jealousy take precedence over logic and rationality.

You can defend Hamas without quoting him. Just ignore him.
@waz : Am I allowed to respond to this? It contains several falsehoods.

Can we also leave this chill thread.
You can defend Hamas without quoting him. Just ignore him.

I do, but he keeps quoting me when I do, and tries to give credit of their efforts to the usual suspects. This is only reason I end up in debates with this guy. He won't stop trying to discredit Hamas, even though I don't initiate conversations with him. He derailed the whole Jerusalem conflict, which was about Palestine, Shiekh Jarrah, and Gaza, and spammed thread with posts about Khameni and Iran, and zero posts of what Hamas was doing. I respectfully requested he keep thread on topic, and focus on actual conflict, and they began hurling abuses and insults and trashed the thread. If he is gonna come to Jerusalem conflict thread and keep discrediting Hamas for their actions and efforts, which they and no one else are responsible for, I will refute his propaganda. He must not use Jerusalem conflict thread and blood of Palestinians to narattive build for Iranian regime. I will report his posts and tag you if it happens again as Gaza/Jerusalem are heating up once again.
I do, but he keeps quoting me when I do, and tries to give credit of their efforts to the usual suspects. This is only reason I end up in debates with this guy. He won't stop trying to discredit Hamas, even though I don't initiate conversations with him. He derailed the whole Jerusalem conflict, which was about Palestine, Shiekh Jarrah, and Gaza, and spammed thread with posts about Khameni and Iran, and zero posts of what Hamas was doing. I respectfully requested he keep thread on topic, and focus on actual conflict, and they began hurling abuses and insults and trashed the thread. If he is gonna come to Jerusalem conflict thread and keep discrediting Hamas for their actions and efforts, which they and no one else are responsible for, I will refute his propaganda. He must not use Jerusalem conflict thread and blood of Palestinians to narattive build for Iranian regime. I will report his posts and tag you if it happens again as Gaza/Jerusalem are heating up once again.

If he quotes you again he will be banned. But please do not quote him or tag him or respond.
So can i confirm something here related to that Falcon guy:

Did he destroy the initial and main Gazar war 2021 thread with his sectarian Iran-hating posts and views AND also destroy the "Gaza becomes a testbed for Iran"thread using same sectarian, Iran-HATING angles and comments?
I cant believe the mods did nothing abt the attacks against @SalarHaqq.

PDF used to have a clear policy against sectarian attacks and things of that nature, but when it comes time to apply it, things get inconsistent. smh!
So can i confirm something here related to that Falcon guy:

Did he destroy the initial and main Gazar war 2021 thread with his sectarian Iran-hating posts and views AND also destroy the "Gaza becomes a testbed for Iran"thread using same sectarian, Iran-HATING angles and comments?
I cant believe the mods did nothing abt the attacks against @SalarHaqq.

PDF used to have a clear policy against sectarian attacks and things of that nature, but when it comes time to apply it, things get inconsistent. smh!

I disagree with you.

Everyone who answered to this troll
Everyone who fed this troll

Is responsible for destroying this forum.

I dont hate trolls, its theyr nature what they do, Im indifferent to them

What I hate most, what keeps my blood boiling are idiots who feed them.
I disagree with you.

Everyone who answered to this troll
Everyone who fed this troll

Is responsible for destroying this forum.

I dont hate trolls, its theyr nature what they do, Im indifferent to them

What I hate most, what keeps my blood boiling are idiots who feed them.
I noticed the name and see that it is on my ignore list, no doubt from something stupid I saw it posted a long time ago and promptly activated the ignore feature and problem solved.
You can’t beat lifeless people in a forum because they have ample time and you have a real life.

There are people who are lifeless, jobless, girlless, sexless and ALL they have is time to type BS.
So theirs been a gas line rupture or a tanker on fire in the Caspian Sea belonging to Azerbaijan

Not sure what’s going on there yet, but Iran had a military exercise their just yesterday. A bit curious one should say
So theirs been a gas line rupture or a tanker on fire in the Caspian Sea belonging to Azerbaijan

Not sure what’s going on there yet, but Iran had a military exercise their just yesterday. A bit curious one should say

Azerbaijan officials:
It was volcano eruption. Then it may happen over and over again.
I disagree with you.

Everyone who answered to this troll
Everyone who fed this troll

Is responsible for destroying this forum.

I dont hate trolls, its theyr nature what they do, Im indifferent to them

What I hate most, what keeps my blood boiling are idiots who feed them.

These folks are active on this section of the forum.. I mean why even over post on a freaking ISIS thread calling for revolt against Hamas how is that even intellectually relevant. Is ISIS not the same group that is fighting AQ, Taliban, HTS and everyone under the sun.. Why wouldn't they also not wanna add Hamas on the buffet and than some Iranians start to act as if they are shocked and I am like dude where have you been and how is this even a relevant topic.. You keeping posting in intellectually garbage posts..

Even now claiming mud-volcanoes and what not. If you see people so excited to post on an intellectually bankrupt like that ISIS one they are garbage and unfortunately you are inhabitants of this thread swimming in the sewage thats what it is in truth going into that thread in masses... To drink the waters of the sewage... Don't feed the trolls as this brother here said
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