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Iranian Chill Thread

Azerbaijan is stronger than Israel ? LOL okay now you've lost all credibility. Does Azerbaijan have F-35's ? Direct support from the worlds only super power ? During the last conflict they sustained a 30%+ casualty rate (killed, missing, injured) and that was against Armenia with a population of 3 million. LOL Btw if they're so powerful then why didn't they just march in and take Stepanakert ?

Also comparing Jordan to Iran is a joke. You claim that Iran has been struck 10,000 times without retaliating ? Well aren't Palestinians Arabs ? What is Jordan doing to help their fellow Arab brethren ? Infact what are any Arabs doing ? The Arabs are neither doing nor saying anything. Only Erdogan has had the balls to bark at Israel but as far as material support, Iran is the only Muslim country sending weapons.

As far as red lines go, everyone knows that any direct attack on Iran would lead to a full scale response. Is Iran going to attack any entity that attacks its proxies ? No but neither does Turkey nor the US in Syria. Jordan ? LOL a neo-colonialist puppet state and you're comparing them to Iran ? Thanks for the free comedy kid.

Btw if you knew anything about geo-politics in the region you would realize why Iran would never join any alliance with neither Azerbaijan or Turkey. Azerbaijan is best buddies with Israel and Turkey despite their rhetoric also actively trade with Israel.

You are burdening yourself with a failed policy and pointless.. You are not a threat militarily to anyone in the region you should know this by now cause it is a forgone conclusion.. Also being competitive with Azerbaijan is pointless for your stargetic goals nor against Turkey or anyone in the region.. Nobody likes you shitty ugly azz outside of the region but if you lose your own base regional allies.. It just weakens you.

You need to see the painting is on the wall... You need to see the bigger picture here. Also don't include Russia into this but if anyone could disrupt Aliyev interests they would have already? he marched out like a lion took what is his without being apologetic to anyone.

Iran is not a threat to Azerbaijain they are heavily armed and much stronger then tiny Israel. Conventionally they are not a walkover for anyone but a meatgrinder.. They are solid.

But throwing tantrums here is not the key but the key thing is what is in for Iran? If Azerbaijan doesn't gain it's interests and is Iran insecure or feeling unsafe and afraid of some of the regional players? If yes the answer is why? and if you the answer no? Then there is no reason getting your pants wet over Azerbaijan btw these vile Armenians are not your friends and the same goes to the other othodox. Don't get things wrong or mixed.. You should be grateful that one enemy on your borders have been subdued who wants to see your demise and prays for your eternal demise everyday..

You need to re-evaluate your political standing and it is also from a pointless angle. Your enemy is entirely somewhere else not inside the region you must wake up to this and re-adjust
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Pakistan ISI trained funded Terrorism for distabliation in Iran Balochistan
They did it with their northern neighbor and financed with filthy saud money and now trying it again with the same funding and more support from others too.
Just remember that chickens come home to roost. Just as Pakistanin girls were getting shot when Pakistans taliban chickens came home to roost, so to will there be similar pain when the evil they put out comes right back up their rear ends...
Additionally, all pan movements need to be dealt with the utmost level of brutality and violence within the country; anyone even slightly leaning towards separatism from Iran needs to thrown into rock grinding machines or into industrial furnaces!
خبر مرگ روحانی ملعون پست فطرت کی میاد

I know we hear about things like this from time to time and we keep asking the question as to how the f%^& this can be allowed to happen from both governments!

خبر مرگ روحانی ملعون پست فطرت کی میاد

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بهترین چیز برای سرمایه گذاری بلیط سینما هستش.
راستی از این جدول اینجوری بر میاد که قبلا رسد جمعیت زیر صفر بوده و الان افزایش پیدا کرده وصفر شده
Shahid Hajj Qasem Soleimani's behind the scenes presence at the shooting of the feature film "23 Nafar" dealing with the Iran-Iraq war.

Truly a man from the people, who was living for and with the people. Those who experienced his presence in person unanimously testify to his kindness, humbleness, uprightness, while scenes like these make it obvious how down to earth he was in spite of his stature and rank.

A javanmard and hero in the true sense, who neutralized one zio-American plan for regime change and/or perpetual terrorist destabilization after another, and who stood out as someone who sacrificed himself for Al-Qods and Palestine (Ismail Haniyeh, leader of the Palestinian Resistance movement Hamas, aptly labeled him 'shahid Al-Qods').

May God rest his soul and accept his martyrdom.
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Alright, so every Farsi-speaker, please pay attention to this extremely well made and highly recommended documentary recently broadcasted by Iran's IRIB Mostanad channel:

Pāyāne bāzi. Yek royā, yek emperāturi, yek forupāshi. Revāyate daghigh va mostanad az zendegi dar Āmrikā

The End of the Game. One Dream, one Empire, one Downfall. Exact and Documented Account of Life in America

This basically consists of an intelligently assembled series of translated sequences from TV reports, documentaries and discussions aired on English-language networks - mostly American ones, in addition to a poignant selection of images with voice-over commentary citing renowned western analysts and papers dealing with the various aspects of the decadence and announced downfall of the US empire:

- the progressive sapping of the foundations of the US financial system and of the US dollar's monopoly as an international currency;
- the devastating consequences of recent banking crises on ordinary Americans;
- the steady decomposition of the local manufacturing base for the benefit of the financial sector;
- the astronomical proportions of public and private debt, as well as their non-viability in the long term;
- the homeless working poor, as well as the jobless population;
- the outright arrogance and carelessness of corporate America and its 1% upper class and billionaires towards the people;
- the unbelievably irresponsible negligence of a crumbling public infrastructure in the richest nation on earth;
- the enhanced social-economic inequalities and discrimination of all types;
- the tendency of Americans to seek refuge in the virtual world of the internet as a deceptive palliative for proper social interactions;
- the scourge of widespread drug and especially opiates abuse;
- the steady increase of the suicide rate;
- the ever worsening phenomenon of mass shootings;
- the mortiferous policy of deliberately encouraging mass abortion through family planning services, and the grizzly commodification of aborted human embryos;
- the generalized moral and sexual decay;
- the banalization of births outside wedlock and of monoparental, dysfunctional families;
- the deepening domestic political fractures inside America;
- the constant brainwashing and projection of a fallaciously polished image by US mainstream media and Hollywood;
- a wounded beast's headlong rush into futile wars in West Asia

and more, intelligently bundled together in a well structured, conceptually rational manner.

About an hour and a half of methodical exposure of what life in America really looks like for the average citizen, beneath the distorted and embellished representations stemming from Hollywood and from the prevalence of American high tech industries. This contrast explains why many outside the US might still be attracted by the notion of an "American dream" which inside the US is fading by the day. In sum, the present production offers an objective depiction of a reality which could quite realistically be termed as hell on earth.

Of course most of you had already been aware of these points, but this particular documentary in my opinion excels by its comprehensive and synthetic nature. It can serve as a condensed reference point for future discussions or as an eye-opening document you might want to share with contacts (especially in Iran) who might be oblivious to these facts, as a result of continued exposure to foreign-based Farsi media.

And also keep in mind the geopolitical opportunities that America's heavy domestic challenges will indirectly generate for a rising Iran.


@OldTwilight I would like to invite you to watch this, brother. Every claim in the documentary is substantiated by solid and credible sources. Afterwards, you might be motivated to reevaluate some of the black/white views you held when it came to Iran vis-a-vis the rest of the world.
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All the good administrators are purged like Saeed Mohammed. Does anyone even care for this guardian council system anymore?

Guardian system is to prevent an Iranian Trump from reaching power and destroying the republic.

That is how dictators come to power. And Trump very much wanted to be a dictator, but the US system was too strong to break.

Guardian system is to prevent an Iranian Trump from reaching power and destroying the republic.

That is how dictators come to power. And Trump very much wanted to be a dictator, but the US system was too strong to break.

Elected candidates in this republic aren't dictators, they are elected freely and fairly, and their are constitutional term limits. Trump was never going to be a "dictator" and neither were any of these qualified, but disqualified candidates.

This only happens if state institutions are too weak or too loyal to the individual.

Having listen to him (Saeed Mohammed), he clearly is a good and knowledgeable administrator and frankly, i believe it was a big loss.

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