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Iranian Chill Thread

well i have another view sir . they hit wrong tank it was diesel tank and did not flame out . simply failed to choose and failed to exicute attack .
this was just send message to Israel PM Netanyahu visit to Saudi, and it could not be more clear,

Israel PM Netanyahu quote "Spend 5 hours at Red Sea" end quote

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu secretly flew to Saudi Arabia on Sunday to meet Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) and the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Israeli media said. Flight tracking data showed a private jet previously used by Netanyahu took off from Tel Aviv to Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea city of Neom, where Prince Mohammed and Pompeo had a scheduled meeting, on Sunday night. The aircraft remained in the city for a few hours before returning to Israel

Yemen Ansarullah Quds-2 Cruise missile strike on Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea

any target is reachable with accuracy and any dilution about missile defence ( MIM-104 Patriot ) will not save any one.

but i'm sure this does not fit your narrative

this was just send message to Israel PM Netanyahu visit to Saudi, and it could not be more clear,

Israel PM Netanyahu quote "Spend 5 hours at Red Sea" end quote

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu secretly flew to Saudi Arabia on Sunday to meet Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) and the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Israeli media said. Flight tracking data showed a private jet previously used by Netanyahu took off from Tel Aviv to Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea city of Neom, where Prince Mohammed and Pompeo had a scheduled meeting, on Sunday night. The aircraft remained in the city for a few hours before returning to Israel

Yemen Ansarullah Quds-2 Cruise missile strike on Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea

any target is reachable with accuracy and any dilution about missile defence ( MIM-104 Patriot ) will not save any one.

but i'm sure this does not fit your narrative

why not give massage to israel by hitting israel ?:D they way you guys send massage is wired .my narrative is simple peace and respect which did not fit in sectarian hate .
And one more item I read recently from another blogger but not sure if fully true..I know at some point in Iran's history Iran owned both shores of the Persian gulf (Bahrain being the last outpost) so now I read this:

Ansarullah is a part of iran we settled there long ago before islamic age to keep the peninsular safe from african pillagers who were basically land pirates and these people are from the north of iran originally which is why so many of their names are after cities in northern iran and these guys are fighters because its in their blood so try to beat them and look what you get out of it

This is about Sasanian Yemen. There was a large Iranian population mixed with the local Arabs, their descendants were known as الأبناء. After Khosrow II was overthrown they allied with Muhammad and later on lost their identity and assimilated.
more pictures and details regarding the Houthi attack on the oil tank in Jeddah, KSA.

If only the Houthis had sufficient numbers of missiles, drones, etc. They could end this war very rapidly. The Saudis would have no choice.

this was just send message to Israel PM Netanyahu visit to Saudi, and it could not be more clear,

Israel PM Netanyahu quote "Spend 5 hours at Red Sea" end quote

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu secretly flew to Saudi Arabia on Sunday to meet Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) and the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Israeli media said. Flight tracking data showed a private jet previously used by Netanyahu took off from Tel Aviv to Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea city of Neom, where Prince Mohammed and Pompeo had a scheduled meeting, on Sunday night. The aircraft remained in the city for a few hours before returning to Israel

Yemen Ansarullah Quds-2 Cruise missile strike on Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea

any target is reachable with accuracy and any dilution about missile defence ( MIM-104 Patriot ) will not save any one.

but i'm sure this does not fit your narrative

Houthis are vowing to upgrade their Quds 2 missile in order to reach the Israeil port of Eilat.

WOW Houthis really have balls of steel. This would explain the recent meeting between Netanyahu, MBS and Pompeo.

Honestly though, the Houthis are already locked in a bloody and seemingly endless struggle with the Saudis.

Is it really wise for them to make even more enemies at this point ? Is this a practical move ? Or perhaps they're trying to expose the fact that Israelis and Saudis are both on the same side ?

BTW the Saudis are very much down playing the significance of the Houthi missile strike on the oil tank in Jeddah. However this will most likely force the Saudis to purchase and deploy even more air defense units to various facilities.

The Saudis constantly bomb various targets in Yemen, which they claim are Houthi targets. However the Saudis very rarely, almost never show any evidence of these strikes to prove their success.

At this point in the conflict I'm guessing that the Houthis must have adapted and probably know exactly how to spread out and hide their equipment and personnel.

Like I said, if the Houthis only had the numbers, they could devastate and overwhelm the Saudis. The way things are going, the Saudis have realistically, more or less lost this war.

However they have managed to occupy Aden and Taiz in southern Yemen with the help of the southern separatists and they also control most of eastern Yemen with the help of various Al Qaeda linked groups and mercenaries.

Just like Libya, Syria, the western backed elements / vassal states / nations have managed to balkanize and occupy various parts of Yemen.

According to rumors, in the new year, the Syrian army is planning a major offensive in the north to retake Idlib. Only time will tell how long all this will all last.

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more pictures and details regarding the Houthi attack on the oil tank in Jeddah, KSA.

If only the Houthis had sufficient numbers of missiles, drones, etc. They could end this war very rapidly. The Saudis would have no choice.

Houthis are vowing to upgrade their Quds 2 missile in order to reach the Israeil port of Eilat.

WOW Houthis really have balls of steel. This would explain the recent meeting between Netanyahu, MBS and Pompeo.

Honestly though, the Houthis are already locked in a bloody and seemingly endless struggle with the Saudis.

Is it really wise for them to make even more enemies at this point ? Is this a practical move ? Or perhaps they're trying to expose the fact that Israelis and Saudis are both on the same side ?

BTW the Saudis are very much down playing the significance of the Houthi missile strike on the oil tank in Jeddah. However this will most likely force the Saudis to purchase and deploy even more air defense units to various facilities.

The Saudis constantly bomb various targets in Yemen, which they claim are Houthi targets. However the Saudis very rarely, almost never show any evidence of these strikes to prove their success.

At this point in the conflict I'm guessing that the Houthis must have adapted and probably know exactly how to spread out and hide their equipment and personnel.

Like I said, if the Houthis only had the numbers, they could devastate and overwhelm the Saudis. The way things are going, the Saudis have realistically, more or less lost this war.

However they have managed to occupy Aden and Taiz in southern Yemen with the help of the southern separatists and they also control most of eastern Yemen with the help of various Al Qaeda linked groups and mercenaries.

Just like Libya, Syria, the western backed elements / vassal states / nations have managed to balkanize and occupy various parts of Yemen.

According to rumors, in the new year, the Syrian army is planning a major offensive in the north to retake Idlib. Only time will tell how long all this will all last.
Keep in mind that this attack was meant to be "Two messages" ..The purpose of the attack was not to destroy the site.

message 1: Our intelligence was able to identify the meeting, the participants and the location.
message 2: We can reach you with a single shot as far as you can be (you can run but you can not hide!).

Nathan_yaboo got the message ..was humiliated ..was mad and ordered the strike on Syria. We live in a global proxy arena now..Iran attacks Israel via Houthis in saudi..Israel retaliates in Syria..
Iran hands over Australian spy bitch working for Israel..Thailand release 3 Iranians ...everything is connected to everything..
Haftar's LNA seems to have rebuilt quickly. Pretty impressive arms for a Toyota truck army.

Realistically if the Turks were to attack Sirte, Egypt has thousands of Abrams tanks, Rafale jets, F-16s, SU-35s. Egypt could easily steamroll the Turkish backed GNA.

In July of this year, Egyptian/Emirati Rafale jets destroyed 3 Turkish MIM Hawk air defense systems in Watiya airbase. The Turks didn't even know what hit them.

After that Erdogan quickly forgot about his ambitions to conquer Sirte and Benghazi, realizing that El Sisi's warning about Sirte being a red line were for real.

Honestly it would be great to see a peace deal between the GNA and LNA, a united LIbya. Both sides need to stop fighting, get rid of all mercenaries and allow for UN backed elections. However the way things are going that doesn't seem very likely.

Yemen: Video by Houthis allegedly showing a raid on Saudi-led coalition positions on a position in Al Shuja near Najran

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