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Iranian Chill Thread

Your ugly wife and sister can be the next girls that an Iranian tourist fucks next when he comes to your prostitution infested Turkey for entertainment. Turks have always been like a bunch of poor Thai girls to us. Iranians in Turkey live in houses that your average Turk can only dream of. We are buying your best houses while you guys live like shit.

Don't forget how your most famous singer Ebru was nothing but a f*cktoy to an Iranian business man in Turkey.



Even the man you give an example is actually TURK. You are such a poor poor that you comfort yourself with these
People please discuss with out calling each other names.

When people say "Indian" to yours, while yours stopping time in this forum, you are silent when the word "Mongols" is mentioned here every day, I guess the Turks should come and silence these ****** every time.
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When people say "Indian" to yours, while yours stopping time in this forum, you are silent when the word "Mongols" is mentioned here every day, I guess the Turks should come and silence these poor bitches every time.
You idiot came here only to pick a fight and insult others. Now you have no right to play the victim when you were given what you deserved, torke khar. Nobody was insulting Turks until you mutant Mongol appeared here and insulted Iran and Iranians.
A Turkish owner of Sierra Nevada, America's official space shuttle supplier.


He is Fatih Ozmen "OWNER" of the firm.
Not a poor fire worshiper employee waiting to be fire next year.

He is a man who owns a pharmaceutical company named SAMUED and he is Turkish.
The company is equal to Iran's annual GDP.


I would give examples of Coca Cola Ceo, but I did not fall that much like loser fire worshipers acems .

How many more Iranians need to die among 70 model-licensed production Renault from poverty to know that you are not at a level to insult Turks with shit skin and a poor middle-aged country?
They still have space shuttles?
Yes, we still produce better sensors for our systems such as Cats, Daff and Aselflir 400 than Trash Iran systems, but since our standards are far higher than poor Iran standards, they are not enough for us and we have to import them until we can develop them? OK ?
go check Iranian sensors in ME section. you recently managed to build 17 micron size bolometers. we been using ru60 for more than 10 years. ru60 is 17×17 micron bolometer. regarding the standard they all are US military standard products.
know your place.
When people say "Indian" to yours, while yours stopping time in this forum, you are silent when the word "Mongols" is mentioned here every day, I guess the Turks should come and silence these poor bitches every time.
My friend there is a button of report please press it. I don't care who any one is if they are violating forum they will get it so please use the option given to you instead of starting a war on your own. please don't engage just report it.
My friend there is a button of report please press it. I don't care who any one is if they are violating forum they will get it so please use the option given to you instead of starting a war on your own. please don't engage just report it.
Man, nobody was being racist before this wannabe European idiot called Iran a place of shit-skinned poor people and then insulted Iranian women, forgetting that Turkey is pretty much the same shit-skinned poor place and Iran can call them that equally as well. And Iranians have always been interested in Turkey for cheap alcohol (which is forbidden in Iran) and prostitution.

Have you ever seen Iranians go to the Turkish defense section and insult them out of nowhere? Why are these people allowed to come to our defense section and insult us?
Man, nobody was being racist before this idiot called Iran a place of shit-skinned poor people and then insulted Iranian women, forgetting that Turkey is pretty much the same and Iran can call them that equally as well. And Iranians have always been interested in Turkey for cheap alcohol (which is forbidden in Iran) and prostitution.

Have you ever seen Iranians go to the Turkish defense section and insult them out of nowhere? Why are these people allowed to come to our defense section and insult us?
no need to engage just report. If you violate rules I will have to act against you as well. Discuss any thing with out attacking the other person please.
no need to engage just report. If you violate rules I will have to act against you as well. Discuss any thing with out attacking the other person please.
Okay. I will delete my posts and I will just report his posts as well. Please delete all of the posts as this thread is supposed to be a place for chilling, not fighting.
Okay. I will delete my posts and I will just report his posts as well. Please delete all of the posts as this thread is supposed to be a place for chilling, not fighting.
Just be respectful to each other & do a clean argument I am not stopping any one from POV but no insults please to each other.

What is this forum's policy on use of racist language? I reported that member's vile racist posts, they were deleted but has any other action been taken against the member? Allowing these members to continue roaming free after resorting to such disgusting language should not be allowed. We have people of all ages coming into this forum with the hopes of seeing decent and constructive post, what image do we think these racist people give to this forum? You have those of us doing our best to keep this forum clean and constructive. My friend, being lenient with these racist members is not a strong enough message.
rest of you please also delete your post that are racist or insult each other.


What is this forum's policy on use of racist language? I reported that member's vile racist posts, they were deleted but has any other action been taken against the member? Allowing these members to continue roaming free after resorting to such disgusting language should not be allowed. We have people of all ages coming into this forum with the hopes of seeing decent and constructive post, what image do we think these racist people give to this forum? You have those of us doing our best to keep this forum clean and constructive. My friend, being lenient with these racist members is not a strong enough message.
My friend if I start taking action of giving warnings there will be hardly anyone left. I want you to discuss things but be respectful to each other. Try to beat each other with arguments rather than insults.

What is this forum's policy on use of racist language? I reported that member's vile racist posts, they were deleted but has any other action been taken against the member? Allowing these members to continue roaming free after resorting to such disgusting language should not be allowed. We have people of all ages coming into this forum with the hopes of seeing decent and constructive post, what image do we think these racist people give to this forum? You have those of us doing our best to keep this forum clean and constructive. My friend, being lenient with these racist members is not a strong enough message.
I have to second this.

I know we have some good moderators in PDF like @BHarwana, @waz, @AgNoStiC MuSliM and others that I don't know them well, but I can't help but think that the moderators on PDF are not doing enough when it comes to the Iranian section of the forum. Starting a racial fight like this in another country's section should be dealt with more strongly, not just by deleting reported posts. He needs to get infractions or get banned in my opinion.

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