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Iranian Chill Thread

not just him many people said and that is true. the drones, munitions, infrastructures... they cost us. i pity those who will not get their money back. thousands of ATGM, pickups, billions of payment moneys... with Assad in power the money can't go back to the people of those countries which we know who they are;);).
What can be said? You have your own KSA to milk, I really laugh Arabic nationalism on PDF lol
Don't pity, keep following :D
What can be said? You have your own KSA to milk, I really laugh Arabic nationalism on PDF lol
Don't pity, keep following :D
KSA is a special case. Only Trump and KSA can pull off a "that's peanuts for you" deal :D
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I doubt if Syria will be paying Iran or Russia back any funds directly. However in my opinion the money spent in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, are great investments for Iran.

Just as an example, if Iran had not intervened in Iraq, Syria, groups like ISIS, Al Qaeda, would have established a base from which they could have orchestrated more daring and sophisticated attacks on Iran itself.

It was better for Iran to launch attacks on such groups pre-emptively and through allies and proxies, rather than to sit back and allow those countries to become more destabilized than they are today.

How did Iran get good value for its investments ? Well in Yemen, Saudi Arabia has the third largest military budget on earth. Despite this, today the Houthis control 90% of the population and now with Hadi at odds with the southern separatists, what territory do the Saudi's control ? some desert area in the east, shared with Al Qaeda ?

Whether they want to accept it or not, the Saudi's have lost. Iran hasn't really given the Houthi's anything except for some older weapons, hand me downs, from its stockpile. With those second rate weapons, the Houthis have managed to humiliate the Saudis and with the Aramco attacks, destroy billions of dollars worth of Saudi crude with a few cheaply made plastic drones.

In Syria, Assad has survived despite all odds. 80-90% of the population is under Syrian government control. Al Qaeda and Turkish proxies have been relegated to the border areas. Of course the Syrian government still has alot of territory to regain, but that will come in time as opportunities present themselves. At the same time the people in Syria are living free from terrorist groups like Al Qaeda.

In Iraq, without Iran's intervention, ISIS would have most likely taken Baghdad and killed thousands more. The US provided air support but without Iranian trained militias on the ground, well... we all saw how reliable US trained troops were. Even with the best weapons, with Abrams tanks, they ran away from a bunch of bandits with Toyota trucks.

At the end of the day Iran's enemies always want to blame Iran for all the instability in the middle east. However Iran only reacts to occurrences. Iran does not initiate them. In Libya, Iran never intervened but look at the country now. Once the most prosperous nation in Africa is now a war torn nation filled with foreign insurgents, terrorists, warlords and weapons flooding in from all sides.

The truth is that Iran didn't start the wars that took place in Syria in the exact same way that Iran didn't start the war in Libya. The Americans, CIA along with countries like France, UK (the usual suspects) and their regional vassals like Saudi, UAE, Turkey, Jordan began pumping arming and training insurgents and then opening their borders, allowing terrorist groups to attack Syria for example. The Syrian government asked Iran for help and Iran answered the call.

Iraq same thing, the Iraqi government asked Iran for help and Iran chose to help, not only for Iraq's security, but its own. In Yemen, when the Saudi's Yemeni proxies lost, they began bombing the country and purposely targeting civilians. The Yemeni government, recognized or not, the government which controls 90% of the population, whose citiex are being bombed, civilians targeted, asked Iran for help and Iran is helping however it can.


US SLV explodes before the lunch. When you get a train of shit out of luck in one week from Venezuela tankers to riots and now this.

Iran was not involved in the catastrophic SLV accident. I wish Trump best wishes and good luck figuring out what happened.


I wonder if Noor 1 satellite will provide us an aerial picture of the site of explosion?
Bro can u give me some reference on relation between saudi govt and israel in military, education, culture, regional affairs.
Just tile and links of infos..as much as u can.

If all the various nations who were doing business with Iran had several months to wrap up any outstanding business before the latest US sanctions set in, then why is South Korea holding onto $7 billion ? What should Iran do to solve this issue ? One option would be to take South Korea to international court.

Another option would be for Iran to take South Korea's offer of using the funds to purchase humanitarian goods from South Korea. Realistically though what kind of humanitarian goods could Iran acquire ? Rice ? Textiles ? Medicine ? Iran is relatively self sufficient in food production and most industries but a staple like rice, flour, etc could still be useful. Medicine is also a good option ? For whatever reason this option doesn't seem to be materializing.

A drastic option would be for Iran to seize a South Korean ship in the Strait of Hormuz. At the same time that could lead to alot of unwanted publicity and it could help push the US-Zionist narrative of Iran being a reactionary, aggressive nation that must be contained.

Such a move could also lead to more US and allied patrols in the Persian Gulf. Another thing to keep in mind is that South Korea is not the only country that owes Iran an outstanding debt and for Iran to capture multiple ships from multiple nations, could lead a massive build up of animosity and again more naval patrols in the region, which could in the worst case scenario escalate into a full scale war.

South Korea ‘stonewalling’ Iran attempt to use oil money
Wednesday, 27 May 2020 10:42 AM [ Last Update: Friday, 29 May 2020 7:12 AM ]

Some $7 billion of Iranian oil money is reportedly held in two Korean bank accounts.
South Korea is holding the largest sum of Iran’s oil money frozen under US pressure and yet it is reportedly stonewalling attempts to repatriate it at a time when the Islamic Republic badly needs the billions of dollars to put its economy in order and fight a new coronavirus outbreak.

South Korea was the biggest client of Iranian gas condensate with 300,000 barrels per day (bpd) on top of 100,000 bpd of crude oil, but the country stopped the imports even before US sanctions on Iran’s oil industry went into effect in November 2018.

There are no official figures on the amount of the money being held, but some sources have put it in the range of $7 billion, Iran’s Etemad daily newspaper reported on Wednesday.

Last December, Seoul-based Chosun Ilbo newspaper cited officials as saying that Iran’s Foreign Ministry had called in the South Korean ambassador to demand payment of 7 trillion won ($6 billion) for oil it sold to the Asian country.

According to the paper, Tehran expressed “strong regret” over Seoul’s failure to complete the payment, which has been deposited at two South Korean banks without being transferred to Iran’s central bank for years. It added that other Iranian authorities including the central bank also complained.

A South Korean Foreign Ministry official said at the time the Iranian side had expressed its position that it hoped for the humanitarian trade to be resumed. South Korea, the official said, was in talks with Iran and the US frequently so that the shipments of humanitarian goods like medical supplies could be resumed using the won-based transaction system.

South Korea sent a delegation to Tehran last November and explained that the country would cooperate with the US to successfully complete transfer of the payment, it added.

Last month, state news agency Yonhap said South Korea had won US approval for the resumption of humanitarian exports to Iran under a special license program, with shipments likely to begin the following month.

South Korea wins US approval for humanitarian trade with Iran: Report
Iran has censured South Korea’s adherence to the US sanctions when it comes to humanitarianism.

The report said Seoul had gained the General License No. 8 from the US government -- a mechanism to authorize certain humanitarian transactions with Iran even if they involve Iran's central bank subject to US sanctions.

Apart from the license program, South Korea was pushing for the Korean Humanitarian Trade Arrangement (KHTA), which uses an Iranian bank free from US sanctions -- such as the Middle East Bank -- to facilitate humanitarian transactions with the Islamic Republic, it said.

The country was also exploring ways to use the Swiss Humanitarian Trade Arrangement, a payment method designed to facilitate European companies' sales of food and medicine to Iran, to carry out its transactions with Iran.

But to export medicine, Yonhap cited the strings attached, stating that medical equipment and other humanitarian products, companies and related financial institutions should undertake "enhanced due diligence" to ensure the exports would go to Iranians in need rather than being diverted by the Tehran government.

Yonhap said last week the United States "positively" viewed South Korea's push to forge a payment mechanism to conduct humanitarian trade with Iran without fears of violating US sanctions on Tehran.

However, Etemad was downbeat. “Despite the promising news, Seoul is still stonewalling the way for Iran to collect the debt,” the paper said.

“According to several informed sources familiar with negotiations between Iran and South Korea, Iran has announced that in order to facilitate the work, it intends to use the financial resources available in South Korea to buy agricultural items as well as medicine – goods which the US Treasury has cleared for sale,” it said.

However, “South Korea has tied Iran’s hands in choosing how to collect the debt for at least three year, most recently claiming that Iran can use the funds only to buy Korean-made goods for fighting the coronavirus,” the paper added, citing an informed source.

The South Korean proposal, Etemad said, comes while Iran is now fully stocked up on these items and is even exporting medical goods used in fighting the coronavirus.

“According to an informed Iranian source, currently there is need for medicines to fight special diseases, but South Korea has not agreed to use the blockaded funds to supply them,” it added.

Last month, Iran’s Health Ministry said South Korea had rejected a SWIFT payment request by Tehran for purchase of coronavirus testing kits over the US sanctions.

South Korea blocks test kits for Iran on Saudi-funded TV's request

Iran says South Korea has rejected a SWIFT payment request by Tehran for purchase of coronavirus testing kits over the US sanctions.
Ministry spokesman Kianoush Jahanpour released a document that showed a Saudi-funded TV had asked a Korean bank to reject the request.

"As a result, the Korean bank rejected Iran's request and the kits were not delivered to Iran," he said.

According to the document, London-based Iran International television channel falsely claimed that the SWIFT request had been made by a software company which sought to export non-medical goods to Iran.

Jahanpour released a second document which shows South Korea's Mico BioMed, which develops and sells medical kits, had in fact presented the SWIFT request to the bank.

"The SWIFT request related [to Iran's purchase of test kits] has been rejected by the Korean bank under the pretext of sanctions," he said.

"This shows claims of medicine and medical equipment not being subject to sanctions are lies. The bank has officially stated that the purchase is not possible due to the sanctions," Jahanpour added.

Under the US pressure, billions of dollars of Iran’s oil money and other funds are held up in several countries.

The assets held in foreign banks have been subject to a witch hunt by the Americans who have used Washington’s animosity toward the Islamic Republic to easily win lawsuits against the country in US courts.

Iran has denounced the practice as “highway robbery” and hauled the United States before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) at The Hague.

According to S&P Global Platts, rather than compelling the Trump administration to relax its oil sanctions regime, the global coronavirus pandemic and oil price crash is motivating an even more aggressive US oil sanctions policy, particularly in stopping petroleum flows out of Venezuela and Iran.

South Korea was among Iran’s major trade partners before falling in line with US guidelines after Washington withdrew from an international nuclear deal with Tehran in 2015 and imposed unilateral sanctions on the Islamic Republic.

Iran was South Korea's third biggest export market in the Middle East and companies such as Samsung and LG Electronics were among popular brands for TV sets, air conditioners, telecommunications equipment and washing machines.

Last month, South Korea’s Industrial Bank of Korea (IBK) said it had submitted to the US demand to pay $86 million in fine for processing Iranian transactions.
Busy with life :enjoy:. I spent a short time overseas, but now im home and nothing is better than that. Currently im working for a company, engineering stuff. How about you, how is your health?

Glad to hear! May Allah blees you with more.

I'm good alhamdulillah and everything is great. Was missing your presence in Pakistani topics :D
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