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Iranian Chill Thread

Al Qaeda (HTS) and Turkey in Idlib recruiting and kidnapping children to fight and die on the frontlines

Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and Russian Aerospace forces completely annihilating Turkish troops and Al Qaeda allies (HTS)

Al Qaeda (HTS) and Turkey in Idlib recruiting and kidnapping children to fight and die on the frontlines

Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and Russian Aerospace forces completely annihilating Turkish troops and Al Qaeda allies (HTS)

MORE PROOF that Turkey & HTS (Al Qaeda) are recruiting children to fight and die in Syria. Also proof that HTS IS in fact Al Qaeda and shares its ideology. https://southfront.org/turkish-led-...ttempt-to-capture-nayrab-from-syrians-videos/
Yankee dogs made coronavirus.

First they planned to spread it in Russia but they changed their plan and spread it in China:














Yankee dogs made coronavirus.

First they planned to spread it in Russia but they changed their plan and spread it in China:

View attachment 610430


This actually reminds me of the intro to a mid 70s british tv show called Survivors,it showed people trying to survive and rebuild society in the aftermath of an accidentally released [chinese] bio weapon plague.It was created by Terry Nation,the man who created the Daleks for Dr Who.
I watched it properly for the first time back in the late 80s,it was pretty good,bit depressing tho.
Just wondering
didn't the book stated that the virus was made by china in a lab near Wuhan ? then why you curse yankees instead of chinese :undecided: .
Just wondering
didn't the book stated that the virus was made by china in a lab near Wuhan ? then why you curse yankees instead of chinese :undecided: .
Americans made Taliban but the blame is for Muslims.

Americans made al-Qaeda but the blame is for Muslims.

Americans made both 9/11s at “ 2 PM GMT ” in New York (2001) & Mecca (2015) but blame is for Muslims and freemason saudi regime which is in power fully by yanks.

Americans and their zionist puppets like Turkey made terrorists groups in many Islamic countries but the misery and blame is for Muslims.

Americans made coronavirus (planned to spread it since 1980’s) but the blame is for Chinese.
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Now here is a question I have been asking myself with no answer...Why Syrians do not have their own indigenous arms industry (may be they do and I am not aware of it!).

If Yemen which has manged to create its own military hardware (of course with good help from Iran) then why Syrians have not done so..they are smart and more educated and being in a war for eight years by now they should have done better than Yemen...and yet I do not see them fiedling their own hardware (except few rudimentary local shop made mortar and cylinder bombs!). I understand they have access to Russian arms at will but that has put them at the mercy of Putin's deal making sessions with turks and Israel...I am sure Iran will be happy to help them but that either has not happened or if it did we just have not seen anything out..
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Now here is a question I have been asking myself with no answer...Why Syrians do not have their own indigenous arms industry (may be they do and I am not aware of it!).

If Yemen which has manged to create its own military hardware (of course with good help from Iran) then why Syrians have not done so..they are smart and more educated and being in a war for eight years by now they should have done better than Yemen...and yet I do not see them fiedling their own hardware (except few rudimentary local shop made mortar and cylinder bombs!). I understand they have access to Russian arms at will but that has put them at the mercy of Putin's deal making sessions with turks and Israel...I am sure Iran will be happy to help them but that either has not happened or if it did we just have not seen anything out..

Iran is likely assisting them in their missile program to create an effective deterrence against Israel.
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New video. This time Mark Wiens, youtube food taster visits Iran. Guess who's back ? The evil scientist himself MR TASTER.

Also The Food Ranger visits Turkey with Mr Taster. At this point Mr Taster is the star attraction of these shows imo. He needs his own youtube channel or something. His food tour business seems to be doing pretty well.

Iran is likely assisting them in their missile program to create an effective deterrence against Israel.
Americans made Taliban but the blame is for Muslims.

Americans made al-Qaeda but the blame is for Muslims.

Americans made both 9/11s at “ 2 PM GMT ” in New York (2001) & Mecca (2015) but blame is for Muslims and freemason saudi regime which is in power fully by yanks.

Americans and their zionist puppets like Turkey made terrorists groups in many Islamic countries but the misery and blame is for Muslims.

Americans made coronavirus (planned to spread it since 1980’s) but the blame is for Chinese.
Have you heard of a guy called "Dear uncle Napoleon"?

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