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Iranian Chill Thread

I just got back from Iran. It is actually a functioning country. Although it has a lot of problem (environment, water shortage, corruption, and sever economic recession), I was surprised to see how Tehran has changed. I was also surprised to see how advanced IT and digital economy is in Iran; people conduct most of their business, and daily lives, using apps on their phones. Iranians use digiKala (Irans' version of Amazon) to buy their wares. It was so nice to see even with "the most sever economic sanctions in history" Iran has advanced so much. What a pleasant and welcomed surprise. My apologies to Iranians who were offended by my earlier comments on this forum. I was wrong and am willing to eat my hat. Although I still dislike the mullahs and their privileged lives, I have a new found respect and admiration for Iranians and Iranian ingenuity.
I shocked too by reading your words.
Welcome back.
People who are exposed to the propeganda of the west against Iran are shocked when they see how advanced and well off Iran is. I took some European friends to Iran, and they were shocked how advanced and safe Iran is.
You need to see it to believe it.
Especially Americans, who have a lot of poor homeless people, and think Iran has the same problems.
People who are exposed to the propeganda of the west against Iran are shocked when they see how advanced and well off Iran is. I took some European friends to Iran, and they were shocked how advanced and safe Iran is.
You need to see it to believe it.
Especially Americans, who have a lot of poor homeless people, and think Iran has the same problems.
we have a lot of poor homeless people too.
we still have long way too.
However, I think we are in right path.

Sardar Soleimani in above video speak about hardest days of war. the letter from south to Nasrollah. then Nasrollah respond with another letter to soldiers in frontline which had great impact on battlefield.
The second music in below video is about that letter. (start at 3:35)
اگر ایران بگه از عربستان بودن موشک ها پس حتما جوابشو با زدن یک نفتکش عربستن میده ولی اگه بخواهد بیخیالش بشه اون دیگه یه حرف دیگس
No doubt the Zionists are behind of the attack.

اگر ایران بگه از عربستان بودن موشک ها پس حتما جوابشو با زدن یک نفتکش عربستن میده ولی اگه بخواهد بیخیالش بشه اون دیگه یه حرف دیگس
No doubt the Zionists are behind of the attack.
No doubt the Zionists are behind of the attack.

No doubt the Zionists are behind of the attack.

well we have to wait and see what Iran would say at first, it was attacked when it was 100 km of SA which means the enemy has 100 km range or more anti ship ( probably) cruise missile, well SA has 250 km storm shadow cruise missile.

we have a lot of poor homeless people too.
we still have long way too.
However, I think we are in right path

In Iran people dont undrestand what real homeless problem is, until they go and see it in America and Canada, and even Europe: they dont show you these pictures on MANOTO or BBC FARSI.





well we have to wait and see what Iran would say at first, it was attacked when it was 100 km of SA which means the enemy has 100 km range or more anti ship ( probably) cruise missile, well SA has 250 km storm shadow cruise missile.

why not using UCAVs?!
In case of using wing long uav,distance doesn't matter

well the free fall bombs have a certain range too usually far less than 100 km but there angles then would not be the same it will hit top of the ship but in our case it hit the hall like cruise missile ?
well the free fall bombs have a certain range too usually far less than 100 km but there angles then would not be the same it will hit top of the ship but in our case it hit the hall like cruise missile ?

Do we even have any footage of the impacts?
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