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Iranian Chill Thread

I'm gonna add to this and say, although he was a dictator and a autocrat as Iran was a military dictatorship. This kind of leadership was necessary at the time to force significant changes and reform into the country with force as such would not be possible under any other kind of government. We know the damage the Qajars had done to Iran. So people can say he was a dictator but this was needed for Iran. He saved Iran from being eaten up by foreign powers. Iran was fragile and continuously losing land to foreign powers. We needed a strong man in charge and we got one. He managed to make Iran a centralized state!!

His son, and his grandson are weak, utter morons and foreign agents. It's a shame Reza Shah was betrayed, but he made the needed changes that make the foundations of what Iran is today.
The qajars will traitor scumbags who only cared about the power I heard that one of them said he doesn't care if the Iranians think that Belgium is a country or dome kind of vegetables

They let the war lords and feudal scums and imperial powers rule Iran

They lost many territories and Iran it self became like the ottoman state from regional empire to a client puppet satellite state for the british and the Russians
How did they find the body I think the grave was close to the shrine before it was destroyed
Maybe that was a fake grave , maybe at the beginning of the revolution when they destroyed his mausoleum unlike what people think they actually found the body and then silently buried him someplace else.
but there is no denying it the body looks very much like him
He was not a muslim, he was an athiest

So cremating his body and using it to build a public toilet should not be a problem
He maybe is not...but if you do that(or anyone else) than you're not either...don't get me wrong...but I'm sick of great bealivers...defender of Islam/Christianity or what ever...who consider themself religious but in same don't respect anyone who is different... Man is death and what ever he did in his life...he will respond for his actions....other person bad behavior is not justification for our own...I saw bunch of this from 1992-1995 when people tougtht war will never stop and no one will ever ask what happen on battlefield... In situation like this you can see who is who...Any way durring this war I finally sow that humanity is still on same level like it was 1500 years ago...I saw what people will do... if they just think there is no law...
It is sad...when you see that someone is capable to kill few days old baby....rape 70 year old woman.So because you(or in this case)government has power to do something ...it doesn't mean it is right thing to do... No matter what justification you have...
He maybe is not...but if you do that(or anyone else) than you're not either...don't get me wrong...but I'm sick of great bealivers...defender of Islam/Christianity or what ever...who consider themself religious but in same don't respect anyone who is different... Man is death and what ever he did in his life...he will respond for his actions....other person bad behavior is not justification for our own...I saw bunch of this from 1992-1995 when people tougtht war will never stop and no one will ever ask what happen on battlefield... In situation like this you can see who is who...Any way durring this war I finally sow that humanity is still on same level like it was 1500 years ago...I saw what people will do... if they just think there is no law...
It is sad...when you see that someone is capable to kill few days old baby....rape 70 year old woman.So because you(or in this case)government has power to do something ...it doesn't mean it is right thing to do... No matter what justification you have...
Please tell me how cremation would be disrespectful to him?, many people in the west and a growing number are preferring cremation over burial.
Please tell me how cremation would be disrespectful to him?, many people in the west and a growing number are preferring cremation over burial.
I don't say anything bad about cremation, it is up to him(or family if he didn't say while been a live)how it will be handled...I'm talking about disrespecting body... like building public toilet with his ash...
And just to add my opinion...no one shouldn't neglect historian proven facts or ignore some parts of history ...history is something no one can change or hide...we should learn from it. I know many countries do this...select part of history they like. ..that is why we repeat same things so many time and sometimes it seems we will never learn.
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I don't say anything bad about cremation, it is up to him(or family if he didn't say while been a live)how it will be handled...I'm talking about disrespecting body... like building public toilet with his ash...
He literally mummified himself, he wouldn't care if he was cremated. And the building a public toilet with his ash was a joke btw lol. Also Not everyone deserves respect FYI.
How about this, cremate his body and then use the ashes of his body to build a public toilet?
I think however that thats being just a liiiiittle bit disrespectful of a corpse:azn: and in addition those crazy persian nationalists/royalists:crazy: would then have a...dare I say it...a..."shrine":lol: of sorts to visit at,now as amusing as that might be to imagine I just dont think its worth the many problems that would undoubtedly result.I think the only real options would be either a secret burial or cremation at an unknown site,one other option could be returning the body to the pahlavi family outside of iran with the stipulation that it is buried outside of iran perhaps in egypt along side his son.This option would both demonstrate some humanity towards the deceased family and far more importantly get it off of iranian soil.
Please tell me how cremation would be disrespectful to him?, many people in the west and a growing number are preferring cremation over burial.
Its completely illegal and disrespectful in Islam .
I think however that thats being just a liiiiittle bit disrespectful of a corpse:azn: and in addition those crazy persian nationalists/royalists:crazy: would then have a...dare I say it...a..."shrine":lol: of sorts to visit at,now as amusing as that might be to imagine I just dont think its worth the many problems that would undoubtedly result.I think the only real options would be either a secret burial or cremation at an unknown site,one other option could be returning the body to the pahlavi family outside of iran with the stipulation that it is buried outside of iran perhaps in egypt along side his son.This option would both demonstrate some humanity towards the deceased family and far more importantly get it off of iranian soil.
You can build the toilet in Syria then lol. Returning the body is the last thing you want to do, as you said, the last thing Iran needs is it to be turned into a shrine where royalists can rally behind. The safest bet is just cremating it and then flushing the ash down the toilet, or at sea if you want to be respectful.
The qajars will traitor scumbags who only cared about the power I heard that one of them said he doesn't care if the Iranians think that Belgium is a country or dome kind of vegetables

They let the war lords and feudal scums and imperial powers rule Iran

They lost many territories and Iran it self became like the ottoman state from regional empire to a client puppet satellite state for the british and the Russians

An eunuch was founder of Qajar dynasty .... in most dynasties , the founder is one of their greatest men .... and Agha Muhammad Khan Qajar was an eunuch ...
An eunuch was founder of Qajar dynasty .... in most dynasties , the founder is one of their greatest men .... and Agha Muhammad Khan Qajar was an eunuch ...
But how can he have children

Also kaffur was one of the greatest rulers of Egypt and he was eunuch and black slave
but he is not muslim
who said that?
I told you dont mix politic in these matters.

You can build the toilet in Syria then lol. Returning the body is the last thing you want to do, as you said, the last thing Iran needs is it to be turned into a shrine where royalists can rally behind. The safest bet is just cremating it and then flushing the ash down the toilet, or at sea if you want to be respectful.
yes you don't want to make a shrine of it, but you don't want to do something far worse and that's making Uthman Clothes out of it.
and by the way royalist already have their living shrine in his grandson ,how worse it can be ?
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