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Iranian Chill Thread

hard to do much else when the army hardly gets any funding. and this is a serious mistake as the government is shutting out a large pool of talented Iranians.

only a certain group can and will join the IRGC. there is actually a very strict vetting process where they make sure you are religious and ideologically loyal to the government.

lets be honest and face it. the average early 20s Iranian male by and large does not fit into that category. so what this does is it reserves Iranian funding and resources for a select group of people. while enormous talent gets wasted in the artesh because they simply don't have the funding to be anything more then a force in being.

its simple numbers here: IRGC gets 3-4x times the official budget of the artesh while being only about a 3rd in size. in addition to this, the IRGC has its own vast revenues streams that probably augment their official budget at least by x2 times.

this is not a very efficient system. as much as its a sensitive topic and a lot of people like the status quo. the reality is its not efficient. we have a lot talent being wasted with motivated and loyal Iranian troops doing almost nothing in the artesh.
Some people here are so Sour. This was Army day parade and they showed pretty much the same things they show every year. Just because certain things were not shown here doesn't mean anything! It would be totally stupid for any country to show off all their capabilities in this fashion. You have to keep some surprises for your enemies!

The worst part about this Parade was watching Rouhani's treacherous smiling face presiding over the Parade!
If this means that the influential and unelected bodies that are holding back Iran's progress migrate all to an Independent Qom and leave IRI alone...then I am 110% on board!!

(Read the whole thread)
تازه گفته برای تامین مسائل مالی کشور قم چنتا پتروشیمی و پالایشگاه هم درونش احداث کنند، ببین گیر کیا افتادیم
راءفی پور میگفت بدون حمایت دولت ىک نمونه اولیه از مصاف ساختیم با کمتر از 10 میلیون تومان هزینه. بدون خط تولید البته

بیشتر از مشکل مالی مشکل مدیریتی امان ما رو بریده.
بله من دیدم وقتی میگفت ما از هر قسمت اسلحه هم دوبار زدیم چون همش اشتباه میزدن برامون میفرستادن تازه خود صنایع دفاع هم متخصص های بهتری داره هم دستگاه های بهتری داره ولی هنوز که هنوزه ژ3 براشون خدای اسلحه ها مونده همین اسلحه ذوالفقار هم مطمن باش اگه خود دولت روش کار میکرد و اگه جای بدی داشته رو اصلاح کنه اگه بهتر ژ3 نباشه بدتر و کمترش نمیشه
تازه یادمه رائفی پور گفت قراره تست شلیکشم بکنن ولی هیچکدوم از اسلحه ها تست نشدن خوب این معلومه دستی پشت پرده هست که نمیگذاره اینا تست کنند و این اسلحه هارو و رسانه ای کنن
.اسلحه رائفی پور که تفلبی از کار در اومد
بله من دیدم وقتی میگفت ما از هر قسمت اسلحه هم دوبار زدیم چون همش اشتباه میزدن برامون میفرستادن تازه خود صنایع دفاع هم متخصص های بهتری داره هم دستگاه های بهتری داره ولی هنوز که هنوزه ژ3 براشون خدای اسلحه ها مونده همین اسلحه ذوالفقار هم مطمن باش اگه خود دولت روش کار میکرد و اگه جای بدی داشته رو اصلاح کنه اگه بهتر ژ3 نباشه بدتر و کمترش نمیشه
تازه یادمه رائفی پور گفت قراره تست شلیکشم بکنن ولی هیچکدوم از اسلحه ها تست نشدن خوب این معلومه دستی پشت پرده هست که نمیگذاره اینا تست کنند و این اسلحه هارو و رسانه ای کنن
خوب حقیقتش من سربازیم توی نیروی انتظامی بود و به نظر من هم ژ3 های 40 سال پیش نیروی انتظامی خدای تمام اسلحه هایی بود که اونجا در دسترس ما بودن.
hard to do much else when the army hardly gets any funding. and this is a serious mistake as the government is shutting out a large pool of talented Iranians.

only a certain group can and will join the IRGC. there is actually a very strict vetting process where they make sure you are religious and ideologically loyal to the government.

lets be honest and face it. the average early 20s Iranian male by and large does not fit into that category. so what this does is it reserves Iranian funding and resources for a select group of people. while enormous talent gets wasted in the artesh because they simply don't have the funding to be anything more then a force in being.

its simple numbers here: IRGC gets 3-4x times the official budget of the artesh while being only about a 3rd in size. in addition to this, the IRGC has its own vast revenues streams that probably augment their official budget at least by x2 times.

this is not a very efficient system. as much as its a sensitive topic and a lot of people like the status quo. the reality is its not efficient. we have a lot talent being wasted with motivated and loyal Iranian troops doing almost nothing in the artesh.

It also looks like the artesh is getting poorer and weaker every year.
Real freedom & democracy in West in a picture:

3 freemasons:

That moment when police officers are better equipped than your infantry.

In a few years, all Iranian soldiers will have kevlar vests & helmets. Right now, all the elite units do, but it's only a matter of time, although there are lots of other upgrades that Iran's army requires. They need to make the MASAF (HK 416 knockoff) the standard rifle for the army & IRGC. They need to make sure that all rifles have scopes as well. They really need to come up with new APC's & IFV's as well and the airforce really needs those new SU-30's or optimized Saeghehs (F-5 knockoffs) with BVR capabilities. The Iranian military is generally very secretive & they tend to hide their best, most advanced weapons.
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