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Iranian Chill Thread

نظر استاد رائفی پور عزیز درباره ی هویت ایرانی و کوروش بزرگ : ذوالقرنین

اون حمار هایی که هویت ایرانی ندارن حتما این سه تا کلیپ رو ببینن

زنده باد ایرانی زنده باد هویت ایران

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اون حمار هایی که هویت ایرانی ندارن حتما این سه تا کلیپ رو ببینن
یعنی الان آیت الله مطهری خره؟
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Look brother, This country is really finished. I mean it really is technically finished, It's just the matter of playing the end game. You can see it, You can smell it, Anyone who can't see it or smell it doesn't understand. There's a medical term doctors use in hospitals when a person has no future left on this planet and he can't be helped anymore, They put on the chart "Circling The Drain". And that's what we're doing, We are slowly circling the drain, And now the circles get smaller and they get faster.
That's why all these politician a-holes are sending their property and children overseas, Cause they can see it, they can smell it. And you see, I personally solved this dilemma for myself, I try to enjoy it! I personally try to have fun in this freak show that I've been invited to. I accepted the fact that we can't and won't have an effect on the outcome, the owners of this country are openly driving the bus and we all are in the back seat.
Look brother, This country is really finished. I mean it really is technically finished, It's just the matter of playing the end game. You can see it, You can smell it, Anyone who can't see it or smell it doesn't understand. There's a medical term doctors use in hospitals when a person has no future left on this planet and he can't be helped anymore, They put on the chart "Circling The Drain". And that's what we're doing, We are slowly circling the drain, And now the circles get smaller and they get faster.
That's why all these politician a-holes are sending their property and children overseas, Cause they can see it, they can smell it. And you see, I personally solved this dilemma for myself, I try to enjoy it! I personally try to have fun in this freak show that I've been invited to. I accepted the fact that we can't and won't have an effect on the outcome, the owners of this country are openly driving the bus and we all are in the back seat.

The sad reality.
This is what happens when a government does not care about its own country or people. The country ends in ruin. Everyone is fleeing Iran.

All the thieves and corrupt are buying property in Canada, and building Skyscrapers in Toronto with Iranian peoples money. The largest skyscraper in Toronto is building built by a thief. They know theirs no future in Iran.
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Look brother, This country is really finished. I mean it really is technically finished, It's just the matter of playing the end game. You can see it, You can smell it, Anyone who can't see it or smell it doesn't understand. There's a medical term doctors use in hospitals when a person has no future left on this planet and he can't be helped anymore, They put on the chart "Circling The Drain". And that's what we're doing, We are slowly circling the drain, And now the circles get smaller and they get faster.
That's why all these politician a-holes are sending their property and children overseas, Cause they can see it, they can smell it. And you see, I personally solved this dilemma for myself, I try to enjoy it! I personally try to have fun in this freak show that I've been invited to. I accepted the fact that we can't and won't have an effect on the outcome, the owners of this country are openly driving the bus and we all are in the back seat.

Bro. Why are you saying this? Iran is still young and the future for Iran looks bright. ISIS is defeated in Iraq and Syria. I know most Iranians are against the government funding Iraq and Syria against ISIS but you have to understand that if we didn't fight ISIS in Syria and Iraq, we would have to fight them in Iran. Now, we just have to find a way to fix the water problems.
The sad reality.
This is what happens when a government does not care about its own country or people. The country ends in ruin. Everyone is fleeing Iran.

All the theives
Bro. Why are you saying this? Iran is still young and the future for Iran looks bright. ISIS is defeated in Iraq and Syria. I know most Iranians are against the government funding Iraq and Syria against ISIS but you have to understand that if we didn't fight ISIS in Syria and Iraq, we would have to fight them in Iran. Now, we just have to find a way to fix the water problems.

Who cares about ISIS, what about IRAN!. The huge poverty, the water crisis, Urmia only has 5% water left. Isfahan has lost all its water, and it now polluted with dust and dirt from the wind. Oil driven economy. How do you not see these problems. ISIS was a tiny and pathetic threat. What does destruction of ISIS have to do with Iran's future.
All the theives

Who cares about ISIS, what about IRAN!. The huge poverty, the water crisis, Urmia only has 5% water left. Isfahan has lost all its water, and it now polluted with dust and dirt from the wind. Oil driven economy. How do you not see these problems. ISIS was a tiny and pathetic threat. What does destruction of ISIS have to do with Iran's future.

I say again, if we didn't defeat ISIS in Iraq and Syria we would have to fight them in Iran, and not only ISIS but US and Israel too. You either fail to see the big picture or you simply don't care. Where do you think all our money went? Now that ISIS is defeated and we don't need to spend all our money in Syria and Iraq, the government can focus on the other problems you mentioned.
I say again, if we didn't defeat ISIS in Iraq and Syria we would have to fight them in Iran, and not only ISIS but US and Israel too. You either fail to see the big picture or you simply don't care. Where do you think all our money went? Now that ISIS is defeated and we don't need to spend all our money in Syria and Iraq, the government can focus on the other problems you mentioned.

"Where do you think all our money went? Now that ISIS is defeated and we don't need to spend all our money in Syria and Iraq, the government can focus on the other problems you mentioned"

Lol you actually believe that? When has this ever happened. Their is always a new war to fight. Read a history book. No my friend. Our money is going to European banks that fund their own infrastructure. Not to Iran. Fighting ISIS does not cost alot considering the Iraqis and Syrians were the ones on the front line with 10'000s killed. They fit most of the costs and Iran supported them. You can put the blame on ISIS all you want, but its no excuse for the last 10 years of failure. Are you so blind or arrogant to see that you prioritize ISIS over Irans water crisis or poverty issues. Iran should always be number one priority, and secondary would be supporting our allies. You are hardly Iranain if you think Iran should send money to allies over their own domestic poverty and water issues to help encourage prosperity and growth of OUR OWN PEOPLE, and now its to late. Iran is finished and all the rich are leaving because they know it too.

ISIS is an ant, and if you believe that Iran would have to fight ISIS in Iran then you have been fooled. ISIS would've never even been able to even take baghdad with millions of shia's in it. Iran could level Raqqa in one night.
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"Where do you think all our money went? Now that ISIS is defeated and we don't need to spend all our money in Syria and Iraq, the government can focus on the other problems you mentioned"

Lol you actually believe that? When has this ever happened. Their is always a new war to fight. Read a history book. No my friend. Our money is going to European banks that fund their own infrastructure. Not to Iran. Fighting ISIS does not cost alot considering the Iraqis and Syrians were the ones on the front line with 10'000s killed. They fit most of the costs and Iran supported them. You can put the blame on ISIS all you want, but its no excuse for the last 10 years of failure. Are you so blind or arrogant to see that you prioritize ISIS over Irans water crisis or poverty issues. Iran should always be number one priority, and secondary would be supporting our allies. You are hardly Iranain if you think Iran should send money to allies over their own domestic poverty and water issues to help encourage prosperity and growth of OUR OWN PEOPLE, and now its to late. Iran is finished and all the rich are leaving because they know it too.

ISIS is an ant, and if you believe that Iran would have to fight ISIS in Iran then you have been fooled. ISIS would've never even been able to even take baghdad with millions of shia's in it. Iran could level Raqqa in one night.

I strongly disagree with everything you said. Except for Iran is nr1 priority
Bro. Why are you saying this? Iran is still young and the future for Iran looks bright. ISIS is defeated in Iraq and Syria. I know most Iranians are against the government funding Iraq and Syria against ISIS but you have to understand that if we didn't fight ISIS in Syria and Iraq, we would have to fight them in Iran. Now, we just have to find a way to fix the water problems.
Look man, I wish what I've said was wrong but it's not.We are dealing with the problems that are really un-solvable, And if they were, we don't have the money nor the man to solve them, So things are going to end the only way they can end.
Look man, I wish what I've said was wrong but it's not.We are dealing with the problems that are really un-solvable, And if they were, we don't have the money nor the man to solve them, So things are going to end the only way they can end.

There are many ways to fix this problem and if we can get a break from US sanctions and funding of terrorists, we have the money and man to fix it too. We have had bigger problems before, just look at our history. No matter what happened, no matter how big the problem was, Iran always survived. I don't know if its true or government propaganda but look at this video

And this link about Lake Urmia

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