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Iranian Chill Thread

kafanpush ! :angel:




:taz: :rofl::rofl::rofl:
jalebe ke az tarigh site fars darand eghdam mikonand :D

siasate bipedar madar ke migand hamino migand .

mohamad jan dar mored aghay zanganeh begam ke ta hamin hala ishon karaye bozorgi vaseye in mamlekat anjam dade ham to zamine naft ham to zamine gaz faregh az vabastegi yek seri az dolat mardha be gorohhay siasi behtare ke raje be amalkardeshon sohbat beshe .

man yadame hamin aghay ahmadi nezhad zamani ke reis jomhor shod ghasd stefade az chand vazir dolat sabegh to kabinash ro dasht hala ye seria naz kardand va yek seri ham ba feshar dostan kenar keshidand .

dar kol in ke ye fardi be ye didgah siasi alaghemande na dalil bad bodan on fard mishe na dalil bar khob bodanesh
Another Reason why Iran should increase cooperation with China and Russia.

Without co-op in big projects our relationship with China and Russia will not move to the next level . there are a few cases like buying large number of Russian made airliners and ..... in past all of them shown we have trust issues between us . until we can solve the trust problem our relationships will remain at current levels .

The best potential partner for Iran is Russia but first we need to find out what they want to do in the region and they need to understand what Iran want to do .

جایی خونده ام که میگه و اثری از آنان باقی نماند. جالب تر شد
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دوستان مستند “ پروژه ی ۲۰۲۰ “رو حتما ببینید تا کد اتفاقات ۷۸ و ۸۸ و ۹۸ دستتون بیاد

طرح‌ ریزی ۳۰ ساله ی فراماسونها و صهیونیست ها برای نابودی نظام ایران:


از قسمت یک ‌ببینید
Without co-op in big projects our relationship with China and Russia will not move to the next level . there are a few cases like buying large number of Russian made airliners and ..... in past all of them shown we have trust issues between us . until we can solve the trust problem our relationships will remain at current levels .

The best potential partner for Iran is Russia but first we need to find out what they want to do in the region and they need to understand what Iran want to do .

Iran already has huge trade with China and Russia and the only mega project I can think of is the Iranian Canal which I dont think will ever happen. There is no trust issues, it is just that Iran is a problematic partner in the global sense and thats why there isnt any co mega projects and military deals because it will create problems with other countries they do trade and business with. Iran is open enemies with Israel and US and has bad relations with the Gulf monarchs, on the other hand. Russia and China are both good friends with Israel and has good business and trade ties to the Gulf monarchies. China also wants to continues its advantageous business deals with the west and wouldnt risk it with Iran. China and Russia are just trying to balance their relationship between different countries in the middle east. Both have positive relationships with Israel and the Gulf States for business and trade purposes.

As for who is the best potential partner, I dont think it is Russia. Dont get me wrong, I think Iran and Russia should be great allies but i think the number 1 partner should be with China, since China has 10 times the GDP and will in the future surpass the United States. China also needs Iran in its One Belt One Road Initiative.

The only thing I can think of that will bring our relationship to the next level with these 2 countries is bringing over Chinese and Russian soldiers over to Iran and build a Chinese/Russian Military Base or an Air force base for the Russians and a Naval base for the Chinese. But first Iran needs to Change its stupid law that prevents foreign bases.
Critical stretch of North-South transport corridor connecting northern Europe with southeast Asia was inaugurated yesterday at the Iran-Azerbaijan border, with the launch of the Astara Astara (two same-named border towns in Azerbaijan and Iran) rail link



Iran already has huge trade with China and Russia and the only mega project I can think of is the Iranian Canal which I dont think will ever happen. There is no trust issues, it is just that Iran is a problematic partner in the global sense and thats why there isnt any co mega projects and military deals because it will create problems with other countries they do trade and business with. Iran is open enemies with Israel and US and has bad relations with the Gulf monarchs, on the other hand. Russia and China are both good friends with Israel and has good business and trade ties to the Gulf monarchies. China also wants to continues its advantageous business deals with the west and wouldnt risk it with Iran. China and Russia are just trying to balance their relationship between different countries in the middle east. Both have positive relationships with Israel and the Gulf States for business and trade purposes.

As for who is the best potential partner, I dont think it is Russia. Dont get me wrong, I think Iran and Russia should be great allies but i think the number 1 partner should be with China, since China has 10 times the GDP and will in the future surpass the United States. China also needs Iran in its One Belt One Road Initiative.

The only thing I can think of that will bring our relationship to the next level with these 2 countries is bringing over Chinese and Russian soldiers over to Iran and build a Chinese/Russian Military Base or an Air force base for the Russians and a Naval base for the Chinese. But first Iran needs to Change its stupid law that prevents foreign bases.

The first priority of Iran is to do something until Russia or China treat Iran as equals .the best thing to do in this regard is growing up in all fields they have achieved so far .

With that point of view in mind lets see what we can do , and lets take a look at some important factors :

Population : It's almost impossible to reach population of china for a country like Iran but Russia's population is easier target .Khamenei once said :"don't bring population limiting plans for me until our population reached to 120 million" . so the ideal number for us according to our elites is 120 million and it's doable in next 2 or 3 decades .

Industry requirements: right now China is a leading country in world in many fields like stainless steel and aluminium and ... . thanks to their huge population they can keep their position as a number 1 . I think in this one Russia is little bit ahead of Iran . Iran is rank 14 and Russia rank 5 . maybe with current speed of grows in these fields we can reach to Russia in next 2 or 3 decades . without "big population" or "big markets" some of our goals are not achievable so huge investments on industry for fast growth connected to population problem .

Point of view towards current world order : All of us share somehow the similar point of view towards the West in general but thanks to economy of China and their potentials they are immune to a lot of pressures from outside and they have easier access to the West and their tech ,market and financial systems . so they don't feel what is like to be Iran which is under heavier pressure of the West or Russia which is under softer pressure of the West .
but more or less Iran and Russia in this one are in a same boat .

Scientific outputs : Again China is way ahead of both Iran and Russia in this one too . Russia is still ahead of Iran but we can reach in this field to Russia in next 10-15 years .

Location on map : To reach China through land we need to face the Western bases between us or change our old natural position towards India then we can connect through land with China . there is a similar pattern through sea connection . but in case of Russia it's much easier both through land and sea . keep that in mind China's economic zones are located in east of China that means we need longer time to access to them .

Military power and equipment : In this one I think both China and Russia equal and in some fields Russia is ahead of China but maybe in next decade China will surpass Russia .One of the main problems I see between Iran-Russia relations is this one since the gap between us is huge so we need to work on this one to close this gap but at the same time like any other country we have limited resources and a lot of none-military issues so huge investments on defensive equipments are not justifiable . so the gap will remain there and I have no idea how we can solve it .

There are many other factors and some of them are important but these are a few examples I can point out to them for now .

After all if Iran wants to be seen as equal she must show herself as an equal there is no easy way there .
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