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Iranian Chill Thread

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ترکیه اردوغان:اظهارات ضد پارس (فارس)، ایرانی

پشت پرده اظهارات تحریک آمیز اردوغان علیه ایران/ منافع ترکیه در ترویج سیاست ایران هراسی

Turkey Erdogan: anti Pars (Fars),Iran,Shia,history statement "Iran is pursuing Persian expansionism in region ( Iraq ) but Azarbayjan Turks will change course""

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ترکیه اردوغان:اظهارات ضد پارس (فارس)، ایرانی

پشت پرده اظهارات تحریک آمیز اردوغان علیه ایران/ منافع ترکیه در ترویج سیاست ایران هراسی

Turkey Erdogan: anti Pars (Fars),Iran,Shia,history statement "Iran is pursuing Persian expansionism in region ( Iraq ) but Azarbayjan Turks will change course""

it seems he doesn't know, people in Iran lived with each other peacefully for thousand of years, and all of us are one body.
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it seems he doesn't know, people in Iran lived with each other peacefully for thousand of years, and all of us are one body.
It seems that we have to answer nationalism with nationalism... we have been muted and silenced too long by Rat-ayatollahs who tell us Iranian nationalism and defending our soil, culture and history is kufr.
You know how these islamist rats think.. they say let the enemy walk over Iran as long as they're muslims, the sunni turk and sunni arab brothers must not be stopped in any way else the great ummah project will be hurt.
You probably remember that little islamist rat, foreign born Ali Akbar Salehi who went to Turkey and fed Pan-Turkist propaganda by saying in Iran 40% of the people speaks turkish.
It seems that we have to answer nationalism with nationalism... we have been muted and silenced too long by Rat-ayatollahs who tell us Iranian nationalism and defending our soil, culture and history is kufr.
You know how these islamist rats think.. they say let the enemy walk over Iran as long as they're muslims, the sunni turk and sunni arab brothers must not be stopped in any way else the great ummah project will be hurt.
You probably remember that little islamist rat, foreign born Ali Akbar Salehi who went to Turkey and fed Pan-Turkist propaganda by saying in Iran 40% of the people speaks turkish.

Mate..Just trying to understand your signature. What is the meaning for your signature?
It seems that we have to answer nationalism with nationalism... we have been muted and silenced too long by Rat-ayatollahs who tell us Iranian nationalism and defending our soil, culture and history is kufr.
You know how these islamist rats think.. they say let the enemy walk over Iran as long as they're muslims, the sunni turk and sunni arab brothers must not be stopped in any way else the great ummah project will be hurt.
You probably remember that little islamist rat, foreign born Ali Akbar Salehi who went to Turkey and fed Pan-Turkist propaganda by saying in Iran 40% of the people speaks turkish.
chill man
It seems that we have to answer nationalism with nationalism... we have been muted and silenced too long by Rat-ayatollahs who tell us Iranian nationalism and defending our soil, culture and history is kufr.
You know how these islamist rats think.. they say let the enemy walk over Iran as long as they're muslims, the sunni turk and sunni arab brothers must not be stopped in any way else the great ummah project will be hurt.
You probably remember that little islamist rat, foreign born Ali Akbar Salehi who went to Turkey and fed Pan-Turkist propaganda by saying in Iran 40% of the people speaks turkish.
Well then, tell me your suggestion anti Muslim troll
You ask us to kill Muslims in Turkey or other Muslim countries. For your awareness, we have no problems with Muslim people in those countries. I have never written the mistakes of Erdogan on Muslim nation of Turkey.
Israel and USA are the only enemies not the innocent people of Muslim countries.
It seems that we have to answer nationalism with nationalism... we have been muted and silenced too long by Rat-ayatollahs who tell us Iranian nationalism and defending our soil, culture and history is kufr.
You know how these islamist rats think.. they say let the enemy walk over Iran as long as they're muslims, the sunni turk and sunni arab brothers must not be stopped in any way else the great ummah project will be hurt.
You probably remember that little islamist rat, foreign born Ali Akbar Salehi who went to Turkey and fed Pan-Turkist propaganda by saying in Iran 40% of the people speaks turkish.
The kind of anti Islam Persian nationalism that you are thinking of will just created more problems and divisions.
Well then, tell me your suggestion anti Muslim troll
You ask us to kill Muslims in Turkey or other Muslim countries. For your awareness, we have no problems with Muslim people in those countries. I have never written the mistakes of Erdogan on Muslim nation of Turkey.
Israel and USA are the only enemies not the innocent people of Muslim countries.
Well anti-Iranian Iranophobe troll, the suggestion is to slap the panturkist enemy on the mouth, to break their jaws and to answer Iranophobic threats by awareness of Kurds who will become 50% of Turkey in 2038. I know strategy, economy, Iranian interests are difficult topics for the moderate isis-rats who wear black turban
I don't care about the fuslim nation of furkey, anyone who threatens Iran and Iranian harmony and culture, their backbone should be broken. Go fight the jews internet-warrior, go to palestine I'll buy your fucking one-way ticket, take your parents, cousins, nephews and everyone with you, Iran will be one drop cleaner, we still have an ocean of pollution.

Mate..Just trying to understand your signature. What is the meaning for your signature?
It means no rats and lizards in our holy lands. It will be realized in the future, we've to be patient.

The kind of anti Islam Persian nationalism that you are thinking of will just created more problems and divisions.
The kind of bending over for horny enemies will become really risky for us, we don't need to be impregnated before we know it's late.
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The kind of bending over for horny enemies will become really risky for us, we don't need to be impregnated before we know it's late.
کلهم تو تاریخ دو تا عنصر وحدت تو هر کشوری بوده یکی ملی گرایی یکی هم دین اروپایی ها که شاشیدن به مسیحیت همچین ملی گرایی قوی ای هم نداشتن در اثر همین مهاجرا و پناهنده ها به فاک رفتن. حالا تو ایران مذهب شیعه یکی از اصلی ترین عامل های وحدت مثلا بین فارس ها و ترک هاست. حالا این ملی گراهای فارس با اسلام مخالفن چون اینا آریایی هستن و عرب نمی پرستن و اینو دین تحمیلی اعراب می دونن ولی مثلا ترکها هم همچین حسی رو به اسلام ندارن و اونو دینی که خودشون انتخاب کردن می دونن. ملی گرایی قوی ای هم که نداریم چون این خولا هم که از 2500 سال تاریخ ایران چسبیدن به دوره هخامنشی و دوره هایی رو که دیگر اقوام مثلا ترک ها تو تاریخ ایران نقش داشتن رو کمپلت ول کردن پس تو ملی گرایی مون هم به لطف وجود اینا ریده شده. حالا فرض کن این بیان رو کارفکر کردی ترک های آذری بین این ایرانی که این انترها نماینده اش هستن و جمهوری آذربایجان کدوم رو انتخاب می کنن؟؟؟؟ مذهب شیعه هر چی هست یک عامل قوی اتحاده تو ایرانه اگه هم دشمن تراشه دشمن خارجی می تراشه نه داخلی ولی این موج پان آریایی که این خولا راه انداختن اگه دشمن خارجی نتراشه داره دشمنی داخلی می تراشه. اگه قراره با آخوندا مخالفت بشه به این یکی اصلا نباید کار داشته باشن که بدتر گندش در میاد
کلهم تو تاریخ دو تا عنصر وحدت تو هر کشوری بوده یکی ملی گرایی یکی هم دین اروپایی ها که شاشیدن به مسیحیت همچین ملی گرایی قوی ای هم نداشتن در اثر همین مهاجرا و پناهنده ها به فاک رفتن. حالا تو ایران مذهب شیعه یکی از اصلی ترین عامل های وحدت مثلا بین فارس ها و ترک هاست. حالا این ملی گراهای فارس با اسلام مخالفن چون اینا آریایی هستن و عرب نمی پرستن و اینو دین تحمیلی اعراب می دونن ولی مثلا ترکها هم همچین حسی رو به اسلام ندارن و اونو دینی که خودشون انتخاب کردن می دونن. ملی گرایی قوی ای هم که نداریم چون این خولا هم که از 2500 سال تاریخ ایران چسبیدن به دوره هخامنشی و دوره هایی رو که دیگر اقوام مثلا ترک ها تو تاریخ ایران نقش داشتن رو کمپلت ول کردن پس تو ملی گرایی مون هم به لطف وجود اینا ریده شده. حالا فرض کن این بیان رو کارفکر کردی ترک های آذری بین این ایرانی که این انترها نماینده اش هستن و جمهوری آذربایجان کدوم رو انتخاب می کنن؟؟؟؟ مذهب شیعه هر چی هست یک عامل قوی اتحاده تو ایرانه اگه هم دشمن تراشه دشمن خارجی می تراشه نه داخلی ولی این موج پان آریایی که این خولا راه انداختن اگه دشمن خارجی نتراشه داره دشمنی داخلی می تراشه. اگه قراره با آخوندا مخالفت بشه به این یکی اصلا نباید کار داشته باشن که بدتر گندش در میاد
Tarikhe ghome aryayiha (Hendo-Irania) 4000 sale, na 2500. tarikh dar khode Iran 5500 ta 7000 sale.
Oorooparo nemishe moghayese kard ba Iran va mantagheye dore vare Iran, ooroopahiya doshman nadaran labe marzashoon va aghvamhaye ooroopa be ham nazdikan, hamchenin tarikheshoon.
Hoviyate Irani amele peyvande Iran hast va bayad bashad. Agar intor nabood va nabashe harvaght mazhab noofoozesh kamtar beshe yani Iran be ham mipashe.
Darzemn dar Iran chizi be name melligarayi fars nadarim..Ina tablighate pantorkista hast. Ma faghat melligarayi Irani darim.
Harmoghe tork va arab be Iran hookoomat kard keshvar va kardim be gah raftan. Az qajare vahshi begir ke kooh sakhtan az cheshmaye mardome kerman, khakemoono foorookhtan be Roosa, ta be moghol ke naslkoshi kard va mosalmane sarbor ke zabane farsio mamnu kardan va torkaro davat kardan be eragh baraye sarkoobe Irania, bad az oonam az zayifi Iran moghol oomad hamaro ghatleam kard. Maloome ke be in biganehaye nejes eftekhar nemikonim. Ma dar Iran Tork nadarim bejoz torkaman. Dar azarbayjan ta 500 sal pish farsi sohbat mikardan, kordhaye Torkiyeham Iranitabar hastan, ama hitchvaght hookomate Iran Iranitabararo amoozesh nadade va dast deraz nakarde be komakeshoon, vagarna torkiye mirid too shalvaresh, jorat nemikard harf bezane zedde Iran. Kasi dar Iran haghe entekhabe doshman nadere... Agar intoriye ke baziya az nefrat be Iran ba bahanehaye koochak poshtibani bigane konan pas behtare khodeshoono hamin alan neshoon bedan. Ye seri arab boodan ke ba Saddam hamkari kardan, tanha kare mosbati ke khalkhaliye nejes dar omresh kard in bood ke baad az azadiye mantaghe hamashoobo jam kard va yeja edameshoon kard.
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