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Iranian Chill Thread

ببین داداش من اولا آبروی سنی ها رفته نه شیعه ها. این قضیایا هم به نوعی به نفع شیعه ها شد چون چهره ی وهابی ها و سنی ها رو به شدت خراب کرد و چهره ی شیعه ها رو خوب. یعنی در اصل این وهابی ها به نوعی برای شیعه تبلیغ کردن.

این سر بریدن و این قضایا هم من مطمعنم کار آمریکایی هاس تا چهره ی اسلام رو خراب کنن. البته آیه ای در قرآن هست که میفرماید آنها مکر میکنند خدا هم مکر میکند اما مکر خدا بالاتر از آنهاست. مطمئن باش روزی دستشون رو میشه و رسوا میشن.

اینم که این چپی ها و راستی ها به هم فش میدن چیز جدیدی نیست کاریشم نمیشه کرد. ایران هم آخر چوبشو میخوره یه چیزی بدتر از 88 کاریشم نمیشه کرد. اما آون موقعی که ایران چوبشو میخوره همه دنیا تو آشوب و هرج مرج است. عربستان تو جنگ داخلی هست، ترکیه و روسیه باهم میجنگن آمریکا درگیر شده و غیره...

یعنی اونموقع درسته ایران ضربه ی بزرگی میخوره ولی به خاطر اینکه کشورها درگیر خودشون هستن آسیب آنچنانی به ایران نمیرسه. فقط یه آسیب بزرگ هست که اونم از ناحیه شمال و ازربایگان رخ میده که البته اونم از سر ایران میگذره. در هر حالتی هر اتفاقی هم بیفته وضعیت ایران مثل سوریه نمیشه ذهن خودتو خراب نکن.

من قویا پیشنهاد میکنم سخنرانی رائفی پور رو گوش کنی این مرد نابغه ای هست که ایران تو 100 سال اخیر نداشتن. من بیخودی از کسی خوشم نمیاد و شیفته ی کسی نمیشم. ولی واقعا تو هر دقیقه سخنرانی رائفی پور آدم هزار تا چیز جدید یاد میگیره.


Baz ham hamon harfaye kelishie. Vaghti ma az Islam harf mizanim nemitonim baghio ro az khodemon joda konim. Hameh az hamin batneh Islam dar omadan digeh. Masalan shoma midoni anglican ba pentecostal cheh farghi dareh? Shoma har doshon ro masihi midoni.

Tazeh ageh emroz in va'z ro dar beyneh sunniha mibini, hargez in fekr ro nakon keh dar ayandeh, chenin chizi dar beyneh shieha emkan etefaqesh nist. Bazi az hamin jarianhai keh dar iran rah oftadan ageh jeloshon gerefteh nasheh akharashon hamin beh da'esh mireseh. Jarianhai mesleh hojatieh, mahdaviat, pop starhai shieh (maddaha), gerayeshai akhbari, va sad taye digeh.

Shomal o azerbaijan az koja avordi? Bozorgtarin khatari keh Iran ro tahdid mikoneh, az nahieh farhang va eghtesad hast. Dar marhaleh dovom, bozorgtarin khatar, zaeef shodan dolat va harjo marj eh. Va dar marhaleh sevom, jang ba yek ghodrat khareji. Azerbaijan az koja omad? yek keshvar bi-ghodrat, land-locked va dar balance ba Armenia.

88 ham yek darsi bood barai mellat, keh hich goneh taghireh nagahani nemitoneh natijeh mosbat dashteh basheh. Dar 88 ma inja to kharej dashtim inaro hali mikardim keh baba ina yeh seri hooligan hastan keh rikhtan to khiabon va khodeshon ham nemidonan chi mikhan. Varna keh dar gharb harf az in bood keh bayad beh Iran hamleh besheh va regime ro bayad avaz kard. Khatar az bikheh gosheh Iran rad shod, varna keh alan ahali sorieh va libi dashtan ma ro to TV negah mikardan va inja mesal mizadan.
@Irfan Baloch
Why don't you ban the al Nusra supporter @500 from me section or at least Syrian civil war thread?

He's supporting takfiri terrorists 24/7.
well that will be against the freedom of expression. and secondly I have the chance for the nay sayers to see the close association of Israel , AL Nusra and Saudis . see my recent posts there for example.

the takifir apologists in pakistan start getting hameroid pain whenever I show the link between Israel and their jihadist lovers so the posts from 500 etc help to show what I am saying

on serious note, gagging everyone just for alternative view is not helpful. we will kill the debate. just respond in civil manner and gracefully . I am sure our audience will see the difference. the general public of the world has started to see the real civilians of this Syrian tragedy which is a win for good people
well that will be against the freedom of expression. and secondly I have the chance for the nay sayers to see the close association of Israel , AL Nusra and Saudis . see my recent posts there for example.

the takifir apologists in pakistan start getting hameroid pain whenever I show the link between Israel and their jihadist lovers so the posts from 500 etc help to show what I am saying

on serious note, gagging everyone just for alternative view is not helpful. we will kill the debate. just respond in civil manner and gracefully . I am sure our audience will see the difference. the general public of the world has started to see the real civilians of this Syrian tragedy which is a win for good people
I've already created a thread about him in GHQ and he's under magnifier. Will u unban me from me section, I'm banned from there for 6 months and I think it was u who banned me.
well that will be against the freedom of expression. and secondly I have the chance for the nay sayers to see the close association of Israel , AL Nusra and Saudis . see my recent posts there for example.

the takifir apologists in pakistan start getting hameroid pain whenever I show the link between Israel and their jihadist lovers so the posts from 500 etc help to show what I am saying

on serious note, gagging everyone just for alternative view is not helpful. we will kill the debate. just respond in civil manner and gracefully . I am sure our audience will see the difference. the general public of the world has started to see the real civilians of this Syrian tragedy which is a win for good people

I fully agree. Let people decide for themselves.

I've already created a thread about him in GHQ and he's under magnifier. Will u unban me from me section, I'm banned from there for 6 months and I think it was u who banned me.

@Irfan Baloch is right.
I've already created a thread about him in GHQ and he's under magnifier. Will u unban me from me section, I'm banned from there for 6 months and I think it was u who banned me.
I didnt ban you , might have been someone else. the only people i have banned so far are indians from pakistani sections where they have used extremely inflammatory language. please raise it with webby
only admin can uban
I didnt ban you , might have been someone else. the only people i have banned so far are indians from pakistani sections where they have used extremely inflammatory language. please raise it with webby
only admin can uban
It was you who banned me from there and also banned Saif al arab from Iranian section. Ok I'll tell it to webby.
It was you who banned me from there and also banned Saif al arab from Iranian section. Ok I'll tell it to webby.
i am sorry i dont remember banning you or anyone else outside the Pakistani sections, think it was horus but i might be wrong.

i dont like moderating middle east section I loathe that section. the worse of us comes out and it gives me a lot of pain to see the destruction and genocidal views of people

but fact remains that only admin can unban. and I have no issue of lifting that ban if he asks.
take care
Kamelan ghalat. Farghe shie va sunni ro emamaye ma va imam hossein tayin mikonan. 27 million har sal mian karbala piade ravi arbaeen in khodesh ye payame kheyli roshan be donyas. Alan tamame donya be negahe hegharat be sunni ha va wahhabi ha negah mikonan, dar surati ke dide kheyli mosbati be shie daran. Lotf kon commente farsi mano farsi javab bede chon man zabune aslim farsi hast.

Please don't be sectarian. Specially when it is Unity Week in Iran. There is 1.6 billion muslims, and they say between 75% to 90% of that is Sunni. That's over a BILLION.

When it comes to terrorism, as majority of the Sunni population do not engage or support terrorist groups, this makes it obvious that it is not a "sunni" issue. It's a political issue which is linked to a specific branch of Islam, usually coming from a specific country (has the initial S.A. and it is not South Africa).

By the way, I'm typing this in English because this is an English forum.

Not once has Imam Khomeini or Imam Khamenei have ever generalized Sunnis in a negative way. I implore upon you and other Iranians to not fall into sectarian traps.

Imam Khomeini,

"Today, world peace is such that all countries are under the political influence of the superpowers; they observe a control everywhere and have schemes for defeating every group. The most important of these is sowing discord among brothers.

Muslims should be awake, Muslims should be alert that if a dispute takes place among Sunni and Shia brothers, it is harmful to all of us, it is harmful to all Muslims. Those who want to sow discord are neither Sunni nor Shia, they are agents of the superpowers and work for them.

Those who attempt to cause discord among our Sunni and Shia brothers are people who conspire for the enemies of Islam and want the enemies of Islam to triumph over Muslims. They are the supporters of America and some are supporters of the Soviet Union.

I hope that through considering this Islamic precept - that all Muslims are brothers - all Islamic countries will triumph against the superpowers and succeed in actualizing all Islamic ordinances.

Muslims are brothers and will not be segregated by the pseudo-propaganda sponsored by corrupt elements. The source of this matter - that Shias should be on one side and Sunni on the other - is on the one hand ignorance and on the other hand propaganda of the foreigners.

If Islamic brotherhood comes to the fore among Islamic countries, such will become a great power which none of the global powers will be able to cope with.

Shi'ites and Sunnis brothers should avoid every kind of dispute. Today, discord among us will only benefit those who follow neither Shia nor Hanafi. They neither want this nor that to exist, and know the way to sow dispute between you and us. We must pay attention that we are all Muslims and we all believe in the Qur'an; we all belive in Tawheed and must work to serve the Qur'an and Tawheed."
Please don't be sectarian. Specially when it is Unity Week in Iran. There is 1.6 billion muslims, and they say between 75% to 90% of that is Sunni. That's over a BILLION.

When it comes to terrorism, as majority of the Sunni population do not engage or support terrorist groups, this makes it obvious that it is not a "sunni" issue. It's a political issue which is linked to a specific branch of Islam, usually coming from a specific country (has the initial S.A. and it is not South Africa).

By the way, I'm typing this in English because this is an English forum.

Not once has Imam Khomeini or Imam Khamenei have ever generalized Sunnis in a negative way. I implore upon you and other Iranians to not fall into sectarian traps.

Imam Khomeini,

"Today, world peace is such that all countries are under the political influence of the superpowers; they observe a control everywhere and have schemes for defeating every group. The most important of these is sowing discord among brothers.

Muslims should be awake, Muslims should be alert that if a dispute takes place among Sunni and Shia brothers, it is harmful to all of us, it is harmful to all Muslims. Those who want to sow discord are neither Sunni nor Shia, they are agents of the superpowers and work for them.

Those who attempt to cause discord among our Sunni and Shia brothers are people who conspire for the enemies of Islam and want the enemies of Islam to triumph over Muslims. They are the supporters of America and some are supporters of the Soviet Union.

I hope that through considering this Islamic precept - that all Muslims are brothers - all Islamic countries will triumph against the superpowers and succeed in actualizing all Islamic ordinances.

Muslims are brothers and will not be segregated by the pseudo-propaganda sponsored by corrupt elements. The source of this matter - that Shias should be on one side and Sunni on the other - is on the one hand ignorance and on the other hand propaganda of the foreigners.

If Islamic brotherhood comes to the fore among Islamic countries, such will become a great power which none of the global powers will be able to cope with.

Shi'ites and Sunnis brothers should avoid every kind of dispute. Today, discord among us will only benefit those who follow neither Shia nor Hanafi. They neither want this nor that to exist, and know the way to sow dispute between you and us. We must pay attention that we are all Muslims and we all believe in the Qur'an; we all belive in Tawheed and must work to serve the Qur'an and Tawheed."
Well I was saying that's true image of Islam is downgraded thanks to wahhabi terrorists but all of the Islamic terrorist groups in the world (since 9/11 and before that) are wahhabi or sunni so image of shia Islam is not downgraded as much as image of sunni Islam is downgraded. Anyway probably many people in the world don't know what is different between shia Islam and sunni Islam. In addition I have nothing against sunni Islam and respect it as much as I respect shia.
Well I was saying that's true image of Islam is downgraded thanks to wahhabi terrorists but all of the Islamic terrorist groups in the world (since 9/11 and before that) are wahhabi or sunni so image of shia Islam is not downgraded as much as image of sunni Islam is downgraded. Anyway probably many people in the world don't know what is different between shia Islam and sunni Islam. In addition I have nothing against sunni Islam and respect it as much as I respect shia.

I know, buddy, but if people like you mention the difference in image by separating the two sects, that's already playing in the hands of the enemies. The gap will widen and in the end, only the secterians win.

We should look at any harm to the Sunni image as a harm to Islam in general and we should put in the effort to separate the acts of terrorism from sunnism.

If, however, people look at it as a harmful act as a wahabi/Saudi school of thought, then I agree with you. We should make it that Sunni and shia are both united in terms of image to the world, and that dangerous wahabism is harmful to both Sunni and Shias.
I know, buddy, but if people like you mention the difference in image by separating the two sects, that's already playing in the hands of the enemies. The gap will widen and in the end, only the secterians win.

We should look at any harm to the Sunni image as a harm to Islam in general and we should put in the effort to separate the acts of terrorism from sunnism.

If, however, people look at it as a harmful act as a wahabi/Saudi school of thought, then I agree with you. We should make it that Sunni and shia are both united in terms of image to the world, and that dangerous wahabism is harmful to both Sunni and Shias.
My respected bro like always your comments are very informative.




One of my recent threads about Shia Sunni unity:

Ayatollah Alavi Gorgani: God protects Shia, Sunni brotherhood

Shias and Sunnis are brothers.

Because they believe in Allah, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), noble Quran, Ahlulbayt, hereafter and completely the same beliefes.....

However Shias follow Ahlulbayt and Sunnis follow Sahaba. Our religion is based on noble Quran and hadiths of Ahlulbayt and Sunni religion is based on noble Quran and saying of their Sahaba, imams and Ulema which they call Sunnat.

In other news, what the hell, obama??? The ink isn't even dry on the agreement and yet,

Obama Administration Preparing Fresh Iran Sanctions - WSJ
Yet very soon to opine we should wait and see what will happen in future.
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