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Iranian Chill Thread

What a clinical finish! Next stop: shitsville under a vatani coach lol

Lovely one touch football.
The point is, first of all They should stay on Their feet and protect their country by their own soldiers, not being as a puppet of US and beg them to protect them (..).

Hi, care to explain this bit more in detail? Is the U.S army protecting the Turkish borders?
Although I don't usually read RT I will accept it this time.

1. Turkey calling on "NATO" to protect it's borders is a misleading headline. Me being a law student, see paragraph 5 as the most fundamental part of NATO. Collective protection of the members doesn't necessarily mean that one country is weak. no sane person would deny the fact that Turkish Republic can steamroll Syria even in it's healthiest time. Calling for NATO would ease the political pressure. If I'm not mistaken Iran has a pact with Syria also? Collective defence again. And to my main point; is American soldiers protecting Turkish soil and borders? - No. If paragraph 5 is invoked it won't be Americas war, it will be NATO's war.

2. I don't know what kind of education you got, no bad intentions here, but your teachers should have told you to not blindly accept what Wikipedia or similar sites tell you. And to my point; No, Incirlik AB isn't owned by U.S. It belongs to the Turkish Republic. The Americans are just allowed to stay there, and all rights belong to us. They can't even deploy armed drones without our consent.
Although I don't usually read RT I will accept it this time.

1. Turkey calling on "NATO" to protect it's borders is a misleading headline. Me being a law student, see paragraph 5 as the most fundamental part of NATO. Collective protection of the members doesn't necessarily mean that one country is weak. no sane person would deny the fact that Turkish Republic can steamroll Syria even in it's healthiest time. Calling for NATO would ease the political pressure. If I'm not mistaken Iran has a pact with Syria also? Collective defence again. And to my main point; is American soldiers protecting Turkish soil and borders? - No. If paragraph 5 is invoked it won't be Americas war, it will be NATO's war.

2. I don't know what kind of education you got, no bad intentions here, but your teachers should have told you to not blindly accept what Wikipedia or similar sites tell you. And to my point; No, Incirlik AB isn't owned by U.S. It belongs to the Turkish Republic. The Americans are just allowed to stay there, and all rights belong to us. They can't even deploy armed drones without our consent.

1-whenever i see a turkish military base in The US soil, i will call it a Collective defence, other wise...

2-no offence,but i am wonder that how you are not aware as a law student about Diplomatic behavior and talk among officials in the world, They use diplomatic words and show respect whenever they talk with other countries. don't you expect that they humiliate you in the public? you need the US permission for every step is going to be done in foreign policy that is related to global security and US interests in the world, syria is a good example. every move out of the US interests in the region Turkey does, there will be economic and diplomatic consequences.

and of course it is turkish soil and belongs to turkish republic, but Turkey needs Americans to stay there to protect her.
If you think Turkey doesnt need them,okay, fire them and stay of your feet like some other countries in the world.
1-whenever i see a turkish military base in The US soil, i will call it a Collective defence, other wise...

2-no offence,but i am wonder that how you are not aware as a law student about Diplomatic behavior and talk among officials in the world, They use diplomatic words and show respect whenever they talk with other countries. don't you expect that they humiliate you in the public? you need the US permission for every step is going to be done in foreign policy that is related to global security and US interests in the world, syria is a good example. every move out of the US interests in the region Turkey does, there will be economic and diplomatic consequences.

and of course it is turkish soil and belongs to turkish republic, but Turkey needs Americans to stay there to protect her.
If you think Turkey doesnt need them,okay, fire them and stay of your feet like some other countries in the world.

Hi, you seem like a decent person compared to most of the fanboys here. So let me give you a serious answer and see what happens:

1. It doesn't really matter what you call it. The US presence in Turkey is subjected to bunch of agreements, rules and regulations between the two country. So, they can't conduct any operation, be it against Iran or any other country without Turkey's okay. They can't remain in our country despite our will, as we saw right before Iraq's invasion. So, it does not make countries like Japan, Germany, Turkey, etc... US slaves nor does it make them incapable of defending themselves. America simply does not have more influence on Turkey than it has on Iran.

2. You must be really clueless to give Turkey's Syria Policy as an example to that. Since Turkey and US currently have fundementally different priorities in Syria. Erdogan is still insisting on removing Assad while ISIS has become the new US priority. Which is being interpreted as Turkey's support to ISIS in international media. In Syria, Turkey has been left alone. Because, for better or worse it followed its own path, just like in Egypt.

So, let's get over this "the world is revolving around the mullah wonderland, the one and only independent nation of earth" thingy, shall we?
From now on, there is a section ban feature, so I'd advise all those who intend on starting troll and flame wars, you may be banned from the section completely. This is not a threat, but an advice to keep it clean.

اقا من دارم تاپیک ها رو درست میکنم. میتونی یه کمکی به من بکنی؟

برای اینکه تاپیک ها رو ادغام کنم بایداول تیک بغل اسمشون رو بزنم و انتخابشون کنم و بعد ادغام. برای اینکار تاپیکای قدیمی رو باید بدونم صفحه چند بخش ایران هستن و پیدا کردنشون یکم طول میکشه. مثلا میتونی بگی اون تاپیک شاهد که توش من رو منشن کردی صفحه چنده؟

اینجوری خیلی کمک میکنی. برای تاپیک های دیگه هم همینطور. مثلا اونایی که مرتبط با نیروی هوایی هستن یا نیروی دریایی.

بقیه دوستان هم لطفا کمک کنن.

مثلا بگی تاپیک های مهم که مربوط به به نیروی موشکی ایران هستن توی صفحه های چند سکشن قرار دارن.

@Shahryar Hedayati @The SiLent crY @kollang and others

اقا من دارم تاپیک ها رو درست میکنم. میتونی یه کمکی به من بکنی؟

برای اینکه تاپیک ها رو ادغام کنم بایداول تیک بغل اسمشون رو بزنم و انتخابشون کنم و بعد ادغام. برای اینکار تاپیکای قدیمی رو باید بدونم صفحه چند بخش ایران هستن و پیدا کردنشون یکم طول میکشه. مثلا میتونی بگی اون تاپیک شاهد که توش من رو منشن کردی صفحه چنده؟

اینجوری خیلی کمک میکنی. برای تاپیک های دیگه هم همینطور. مثلا اونایی که مرتبط با نیروی هوایی هستن یا نیروی دریایی.

بقیه دوستان هم لطفا کمک کنن.

مثلا بگی تاپیک های مهم که مربوط به به نیروی موشکی ایران هستن توی صفحه های چند سکشن قرار دارن.

@Shahryar Hedayati @The SiLent crY @kollang and others

والا اون تاپیک که من تگت کردم که الان اومده صفحه اول ... به نظر من اگر صفحه به صفحه بری جلو بهتره ...اشکالش اینه که تاپیک ها بعد از ادقام از صفحه حذف نمیشن

چرا حذف میشن، بعد 24 ساعت. البته از این به بعد یه کاری میکنم همون لحظه حذف بشن
هفتاد و شش صفحه زیاده یکم، سخته مرور همش. حالا اگر در حین گشت و گذارت تاپیک های مهم مربوط به موشکی، دریایی، زمینی هوایی، پهپاد، دفاع هوایی پیدا کردی، توش من رو منشن کن تا تاپیک بیاد بالا، من ادغامشون میکنم. خودمم میگردم.

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