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Iranian Chill Thread

Guys please read this essay, which is posted on asriran, as you know people can't write harsh and critical essays on the current Iran situation, so the writer has tried his most to soften it as much as possible, don't you guys think this is the time to think a little deeper, don't you guy's think that instead of cheering for some rubbish and junk military equipment we guys as the leading youth of this bankrupted nation should start analyzing the situation deeper, when is the correct time to stop being a part of propaganda machine?
my speech is not directed towards u , so don't get upset :

midooni man vase chi khoshhalam ?

vase inke shab saat 3 age khoonevadam beram biroon khialam rahate salem bar migardan . vase inke ye saghf roo saram hast , ye mashin daram , ye shoghl daram va mitoonam zendegimo edare konam

man vase amniat keshvaram khoshhalam . man vase pishraftaye elmi khoshhalam . N ta hamsaye darim hamashoon dargir jango badbakhtio felakat O hezar kooft o zahr mar dige an .

ma darim inja ba aramesh kamel zendegi mikonim .

hala kodoomesh propogandast ? i am so sick an tired of people trying to lecture me here and there . WE KNOW WHATS GOING ON !!!

we are educated people !! we are just as intelligent as the ones who try to lecture us maybe even more . AND WE ARE THE MAJORITY !!!

yes ! we are the majority for lord's sake . va inja ham hastim va khahim bood .

shoma cheshmato basti ru hame chi , alan jangi ke bayad tooye khaak iran soorat migereft dare tooye keshvar haye arabi soorat migire . jang bordim labe marz doshmanamoon .

keshvar ham pishraftesh be khatere sanction ha kond shode ghabul !! ama ensaaf dashte bashin baba !!

mikhai bargardim be zaman shah ? mikhai dobare bioftim be paye amrica ?

agha man gheyratam nemizare !!! man sharafam ejaze nemide baradar !! man nemitoonam az ye amricaee dastoor begiram !!! man mikhaam yek gheroon pool naftam male khodam bashe !!! aslan doost daram oun yek gheroon ham ke ekhtelas mishe poolesh bere tooye jibe yek irani !!!

dard zanjani va aria bokhore tooye sare 300 million amricaee !!!

shoma ham @New jan aziz , vaghti miay yek hamchin poste nezhad parastane ie ru ke khodetam tooye irani midooni vaghiat nadare ru thank mizani daadash golam .

yekam deghat kon rooye mataleb lotfan baad amal kon

soal man ine : aya een post ru ghabul dari ya na ?
We know there are parasitic elements within the Islamic establishment who are ready to destroy or deform our culture, niggerize and mongolize our country by importing thousands of shia niggers and mongols from nigeria and other countries for example to act as protector force for Islamic republic. Lets not forget how the internationalists destroyed France. Millions of niggers live in ghettos dealing drugs and attacking police forces with heavy guns and raping their native women, hanging aroud central station of Paris sexually harassing peoples daughters and women.
How can you destroy a country racially and culturally? by not allowing them to be pride. How can you destroy a human being? by making him feel insecure about his character and his looks constantly.
This parasitic establishment within Islamic republic should be destroyed and the Iranian camp should survive in this struggle. We need an extreme nationalist, even maybe racist like government in this hostile environment and world. We should be careful about any internationalist and anti-nationalist movement or ideology in Iran.
Meanwhile we should be smart and use the benefits of Islamic republic, persianizing a big part of the country to create a more united and mono-ethnic society, not allowing western nigger and gambling immoral empty death mtv culture in our country, improving our borders etc.
Merci aziz az pasokhet, man posteto daghigh khundam va bana bar raayate adab say mikonam pasokhe posteto kootah bedam
midooni man vase chi khoshhalam ?
vase inke shab saat 3 age khoonevadam beram biroon khialam rahate salem bar migardan . vase inke ye saghf roo saram hast , ye mashin daram , ye shoghl daram va mitoonam zendegimo edare konam
Aya vaghean bayad negah yek tahsilkardeye mamlekat be keshvaresh in bashe?
Aya narahat nisti ke Iran be soorate vahshatnaki balatarin amare sabt shodeye roshd saratan dar jahan ro dare?
Aye az inke 9 barabare mahdoodeye pazirofte shodeye salamat koodhaye saratan za dar tolid mahsoolat ghazaee estefade mishe narahat nisti?
Aya az inke 20 miliion javan bikar ke nemitoonan shoghl peyda konan va tashkil khanevade bedan narahat nisti?
aya az inke be khatere modiriate gheyre takhasosi, va ba pompazhe vahshatnake abhaye zirzamini Iran dare taghir eghlim mide va be ye sahraye bi abo alaf tabdil mishe narahat nisti?
Aya az inke ejazeye enteshare gozareshhaye vezarat behdasht dar tasire amvaje noise bar salamate mardom dade nemishe narahat nisti?
Aya az inke tebghe sanade toseeye 20 sale ma bayad roshd eghtesadi 8 ta 12 darsad ro tajrobe konim amma be dalil faghat va faghat modiriyate gheyre takhasosi va eshtebah dar salhaye gozashte roshde eghtesadi iran manfi boode narahat nisti?
Aya az inke bejaye sarfe manabe mali baraye ijad eshteghal dar beyn javanan oonha sarfe sakhte beynol harameyn mishe narahat nisti?
Aya az inke beshnavi be jaye tolid salane 1.8 milion shoghl baraye hefze amare bikari vahshatnake feli dar sale gozashte tebghe amare vezarate kar 80,000 shoghl kam shode narahat nisti?
Aya az inke motevasete zaman paziresh masouliat modiriati dar keshvare amrika 6 sal va dar iran 24 sal hast narahat nisti?
Aya az inke iran balatarin amare brain drain ro dar jahan dari narahat nisti?
Aya az inke bedooni yek javane tehrani hich vaght nemitoone dar tehran sahebe khune beshe faghat be dalil modiriate nasahih narahat nisti?
Aya az hajm besyar besyar besyar gostardeye fesade edari va eghtesadi dar iran khoonet be joosh nayoomade?
Aya az inke beshnavi dar in 4 sal ke tooye soorye 150,000 nafar bar asare jang mordan tooye iran faghat be khatere dozdi va modiriate gheyre takhasosi 120,000 nafar faghat dar tasadofate jadeee mordan narahat nisti?
az inke ma rotbeye avval fesade eghtesadi ro dar jahan darim?
Aya az inke be dalil sargarm kardane nasle javan daran ab mibandan be madarek daneshgahi va yek omr talash afradi mesle to va man dare bihoode va pooch mishe narahat nisti?
aya amare komiteye tahghigh va tafahose majles dar ertebate 80 darsadi dokhtar va pesar haye minor dar ertebat ba nasle mokhalef negaran nisti?
Aya az in narahat nisti ke natijeye kabare khooneheye shah dar iran shod 450,000 shahid jang va natijeye 35 sal modiriat farhangi azizan shode balatarin amare darkhast sithaye mostahjan dar jahan va hatta dar zohre ashoora narahat nisti?


va milionha soale dige
kodoom khari goft shahe nekbat, pesaram tamam talash bashariat dar residan be madineye fazele boode va hast va oonaee ke tabdil mishan be mashin propagandaye hokoomat ha dar haghighat hich farghi ba oonhaee ke emam hoseino koshtan baraye dastgahe hokoomate yazid nadaran.
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@haman10 @kollang @SOHEIL @MTN1917
Guys please read this essay, which is posted on asriran, as you know people can't write harsh and critical essays on the current Iran situation, so the writer has tried his most to soften it as much as possible, don't you guys think this is the time to think a little deeper, don't you guy's think that instead of cheering for some rubbish and junk military equipment we guys as the leading youth of this bankrupted nation should start analyzing the situation deeper, when is the correct time to stop being a part of propaganda machine?

معاني صريح و تلويحي اين تحولات عظيم در سطح همسايه‌هاي ما و در مقياس جهاني چيست؟ همة كشورها به فكر توسعه و افزايش توان‌مندي هستند حتي قطر با جمعيت 250 هزار نفري معادل يك محلة تهران. اعراب جنوب خليج فارس به‌تدريج در حال خريد روزافزون سهام شركت‌هاي نفتي بزرگ جهان هستند و اگر ما در آينده بخواهيم به‌منظور دستيابي به فن‌آوري نفت و گاز، با شركت‌هاي بزرگ جهان همكاري كنيم چه‌ بسا با دستور كار سياسي همسايگان سهامدار خود نيز روبرو شويم. آيا مي‌توان عنصر فن‌آوري و تكنيك را از فرآيند توليد ثروت و قدرت ناديده گرفت؟ چيني‌ها به دو دليل وارد عرصة جهاني شده‌اند: اول فروش كالا و خدمات و دسترسي به پول و ثروت و دوم همكاري‌هاي مربوط به دستيابي فن‌آوري. از قديم روس‌ها و چيني‌ها علاقة وافري به منطقة سي‌لي‌كان‌ولي داشته‌اند به‌طوريكه آمريكا، اين منطقه را از مناطق كليدي امنيت ملي خود تلقي مي‌كند.

آيا مي‌توان به جز افزايش توان‌مندي‌هاي اقتصادي، توليدي، مالي و فن‌آوري هدف ديگري براي يك كشور در اين منظومة موجود جهاني تصور كرد؟ هر هدف سياسي و هر افق فرهنگي كه يك كشور براي خود درنظر بگيرد، تابع توليد امكانات و ثروت است. وقتي روزنامه‌ها و رسانه‌ها را مطالعه مي‌كنيم، هر فردي، هر نهادي و هر جمعيتي، اشكالات كشور را از زاويه ديد و منافع خود مي‌بيند:‌ يكي مي‌گويد مهمترين مشكل،آلودگي هواي تهران است. ديگري اظهار مي‌دارد بالا بودن تعداد سارقان و معتادان مسئله اصلي ماست.

باز ديگري تصور مي‌كند كه مسئله اصلي ما ايرانيان، تحولات عراق است. آن طرف‌تر، مطرح می شود هدف اصلي زندگي ما ايرانيان تغییر جهت و ماهیت نظام بین المللی است. همينطور مسايل ديگر: فساد، رانت‌خواري، فرسوده بودن ناوگان هوايي، بوروكراسي ناكارآمد، جاده‌هاي ناامن، بنزين ناسالم، لبنيات آلوده، بحران کمبود آب، تعداد پرونده‌هاي قضايي، نبود امكانات براي عامه مردم براي رسيدگي به بهداشت دندان، رسانه‌هاي ضعيف و عمدتاً تبليغاتي و غيره.

آيا با وجود صدها مؤسسه تحقيقاتي و هزاران محقق در كشور، تا بحال "درخت مسائل و مشكلات كشور" را ترسيم كرده‌ايم؟ آيا نبايد تقدم و تأخر مشكلات را طراحي كنيم؟ اگر افزايش توان‌مندي را به‌عنوان كليدي‌ترين هدف كشور بپذيريم، مشكلات و موانع تحقق چنين هدف كانوني كدام است؟ امروز چینی ها در بازارهای مالی آمریکا حضوری فعال دارند. امروز تحولات سياسي خاورميانه به سمتي مي‌رود كه سرنوشت جريان‌ها و كشورهاي شمال آفريقا و خاورميانه و حتي پاكستان و افغانستان با امكانات مالي كشورهاي عربي خليج فارس تعيين خواهدشد. قدرت و تأثيرگذاري وزارت خزانه‌داري آمريكا امروز با وزارت دفاع آن كشور هم‌طرازي مي‌كند. در تحولات اخير مربوط به اوكراين، ظرفيت‌هاي فكري و سياسي خانم مرکل صدراعظم آلمان نه تنها 6200 شرکت آلمانی بلکه مجموعه اتحادیه اروپا را در رابطه با تحريم‌هاي روسيه، اقناع كرد. در جهان امروز، اقناع سياسي و اقناع فرهنگي، به پشتوانه قدرت اقتصادي نياز دارد.

در كشور ما، تعداد همايش‌ها بسيار فراوان است. معمولاً، مسئولان در دو ـ سه ساعت اول حضور دارند. همايش‌ها بعضاً دو روز و حتي سه روز برگزار مي‌شوند. اگر بخاطر بياوريم در اواخر دهة 60 و اوايل 70، تنها يك فصلنامه تخصصي در متون سياسي و اقتصادي در كشور وجود داشت. اما امروز نزديك به سيصد فصلنامه در اين موضوعات در كشور توليد و منتشر مي‌شود. علي رغم رشد كمي در اين‌گونه ادبيات و متون، آيا ما هرم علت و معلولي مشكلات كشور را توانسته‌ايم طراحي كنيم؟

مشكل 1 و 2 و 3 كشور كدامند؟ طبعاً نمي‌توان گفت كشور 245 مشكل دارد زيرا كه مجموعه مشكلات در يك شبكة علت و معلولي معنا پيدا مي‌كنند. نمي‌توان در هر سخنراني، مشكل يك كشور را تغيير داد و يا به تناسب مخاطبان، اولويت‌هاي جامعه را تنظيم نمود. منطقي نخواهد بود كه بعضي معلول‌ها را مشكلات اصلي بدانيم و يا 20 اولويت مساوي داشته باشيم. كشورداري و حكمراني مطلوب به يك نظام فهم دقيق مسايل، علت‌ها و معلول‌ها، هرم مشكلات و طراحي درخت اولويت‌ها نياز دارد. اتاق فكر بررسي ماتريس مسايل كشور كجاست؟ بخشی ديدن مسايل كشور، غرق شدن در حل و فصل مسايل يك سازمان و ناديده‌گرفتن كل سيستم اجتماعي ـ سياسي ـ اقتصادي ـ فرهنگي ـ خارجي، ما را همچنان مشغول بحث‌هاي بديهي، كلي با حواشي فراوان كرده و خواهد كرد. اگر با نگاه سيستمي و منظومه‌وار به كل مسايل ايران ننگريم، نمي‌توانيم مشكلات را و 1 و 2 و 3 كشور را تشخيص دهيم.

اگر مجموعة مشكلات كشور را يكجا ببينيم، بنظر مي‌رسد كانون ماهوي اين مسايل در ناكارآمدي است. از خراب‌شدن آسفالت يك هفته پس از تكميل گرفته تا تأخير پروازها، از نرخ دو رقمي تورم گرفته تا اول بودن ايران در فرار مغزها، از كشته شدن 22 هزار نفر در جاده‌ها گرفته تا وضعيت درياچه اروميه و سایر تالاب ها و رودخانه ها از رتبه بسيار پايين فضاي كسب و كار در ايران گرفته تا بيكاري 65 درصد از زنان تحصيل‌كرده، از سقوط مكرر هواپيماها گرفته تا تعداد محدودروز های هوای پاک در شهر ها. مجدداً تكرار مي‌كنم: اتاق فكر بررسي ماتريس مسايل كشور كجاست؟ آيا ما در مديريت كشور به تئوري سيستم‌ها قائل هستيم؟ هر چند تمامي خلقت تابع تئوري سيستم‌هاست.

بر اساس همين منطق، اگر ريشه مشكلات را در ناكارآمدي بدانيم كه صدها مصداق مي‌توانيم براي آن مطرح كنيم، پس بايد بپرسيم علت‌العلل ناكارآمدي ايران در كدام عنصر و عامل قابل جستجوست؟ علمي و منطقي است كه در اتاق فكر كانوني كشور، پاسخ‌هاي متعددي به اين سئوال داده شود. طي 26 سال گذشته، به يك پاسخ در رابطه با اين سئوال، پايبندي علمي و استدلالي داشته‌ام: علت‌العلل ناكارآمدي در ايران، فقدان ارتباطات بين‌المللي است.
اگر ما در حد تركيه با جهان ارتباط داشتيم، تخصص را گرامي مي‌داشتيم و به يك نفر، بیش از ده حكم اجرايي نمي‌داديم.
اگر ارتباطات جدي بين‌المللي داشتيم، سريع آلودگي هواي تهران، ايمني جاده‌ها، ترافيك شهري، نظام اداري و دهها مورد را مجبور مي‌شديم حل و فصل كنيم.
اگر ارتباطات وسيع بين‌المللي داشتيم، نمي‌توانستيم نرخ دو رقمي تورم را براي دهه‌ها حفظ كنيم.
اگر بين‌المللي بوديم، در دانشگاههاي ما، از اساتید کره ای و ژاپنی گرفته تا محققان مصری و برزیلی حضور پيدا مي‌كردند، تدريس مي‌كردند، آموزش مي‌دادند و مي‌آموختند و افراد دانشگاهی در داخل کشور، خود را محك مي‌زدند.
اگر بين‌المللي بوديم، قبول نمي‌كرديم درصد قابل توجهي از مردم ايران از اتومبيل پرايد استفاده كنند.
اگر بين‌المللي عمل مي‌كرديم، روبروي شاخص ارزي ايران در صرافي‌هاي خارجي، معادل های بسیار ضعیف را نمي‌ديديم.

منظور از بين‌المللي‌شدن چيست؟ سه اصل است:‌ رقابت، كيفيت و استاندارد. تصور نكنيد كه مقصود تعامل صرفاً با غرب است. يكي از بهترين مصاديق براي فهم بين‌المللي‌شدن، كشور كره جنوبي است. هم پيشرفت خارق‌العاده‌اي كرده‌اند و بدون منابع طبيعي نزديك به يك تريليون دلار توليد ناخالص داخلي دارند. هم زبان و فرهنگ و ادبيات خود را حفظ كرده‌اند و هم مي‌توانند با سيستمي رقابتي و جهاني كه بپا كرده‌اند، همساية شمالي خود را تهديد اقتصادي كنند. كرة شمالي نگران بازشدن است چون تضادهاي دروني آن برملا مي‌شود و نظمي كه ايجاد كرده‌اند را متزلزل مي‌كند.

آيا من و شما مي‌توانيم سه نفر از مقامات كره جنوبي را نام ببريم. احتمالاً خير. چون كره جنوبي سيستم است و نه فرد. اما همين كه در جهان گفته مي‌شد ونزوئلا يا ليبي، همه مي‌دانستند نام كدام افراد را بايد مطرح كنند. اول شرط توسعه‌يافتگي اين است كه همه بپذيرند، سيستم‌سازي مبناي تحول است و افراد صرفاً سيستم را مديريت مي‌كنند. مباني پيشرفت و فرآيندهاي تحول كيفي در حد عمومي و سهل‌الوصول شده‌اند و مصاديق آن در آسيا و آمريكاي لاتين پيدا مي‌شود كه مي‌شود آنها را در گوگل جستجو كرد و نيازي به اين همه جلسه، همايش، سخنراني، ميزگرد، صدها سايت و جدول‌هاي نافرجام نيست. بنظر مي‌رسد از اوايل سلطنت ناصرالدين شاه تاكنون در كشور ما بحث مي‌شود كه پيشرفت خوب است يا بد.

اعتقاد به كشور و آينده كشور و آينده مردم ايران باعث خواهد شد تا از مباحث نظري عبور كرده و به راهبردها و سياست‌هاي جهان‌شمول و محك‌خورده جهاني روي‌ آوريم و مانع از بروز بحران‌هاي جديد شويم. اگر اين‌گونه تصميم‌گيري‌ها و چرخش‌ها صورت نپذيرد، متأسفانه با قواعد علمي مي‌توان نتيجه گرفت ايران با يك فرآيند افول پايدار روبرو خواهدشد. مسئله ما ناكارآمدي است و راه‌حل آن بين‌المللي‌شدن است. سيستم، ترتب، تخصص، كيفيت، رقابت و استاندارد منحصراً در سايه روابط گسترده بين‌المللي قابل تحقق است. ملتي كه ثروت دارد، مي‌تواند فرهنگ و ارزش‌هاي خود را نيز حفظ كند. ملتي كه ثروت دارد مي‌تواند استقلال و حاكميت سياسي خود را حفظ كند و حكومتي كه توليد ثروت را براي عامه مردم خود تسهيل مي‌كند به مهم‌ترين منبع مشروعيت‌يابي سياسي نيز دسترسي پيدا مي‌كند.

در برابر هر آنچه گفته شد اما يك نقطه باقي ماند. در كشور ما بيش از صدها سايت و تنها در شهر تهران 37 روزنامه به اطلاع‌رساني، تحليل و تبليغ مشغولند. در اين آشفته بازار خبر و تحليل و تبليغ، فهم دقيق، علمي، سيستماتيك و منصفانه مسايل ايران كار سهلي نيست. در بسیاری از مواقع، مزاج، تعصب، احساس، حسادت، كينه‌توزي، تحريف، بزرگ‌نمايي، سياه‌نمايي در خبر و تحليل و تبليغ و ترويج همه در هم مطرح مي‌شوند. تميز صواب از ناصواب بسيار مشكل است. تمیز تواضع از تزویر که بعضا با هم آمیخته می شوند، کار هر کسی نیست. بدون ترديد هستند روزنامه‌ها و سايت‌هايي كه دغدغة كشور و مردم ايران را دارند و به جامعه معيار و آگاهي مي‌دهند. در عين حال، خلأ تحليل علمي، بي‌طرف، سيستم‌وار و آينده‌نگرانه مشاهده مي‌شود.

در متدلوژي علوم انساني، كارآمدترين و دقيق‌ترين روش فهم يك پديده، مقايسة آن با پديده‌هاي مشابه است. شايد براي دستيابي به يك تحليل علمي، سيستماتيك، واقع‌بينانه و منصفانه از مسايل كشور، مقايسه آن با شاخص‌هاي كشورهايي مانند تركيه، امارات، كره جنوبي، سنگاپور، مالزي و اندونزي مناسب‌ترين روش باشد.
Firstly, you do know that this is a military forum?! We joined this forum to discuss military matters and defense achievements of our countries here, and I am sure that you know that we have advanced very rapidly in this regard, I remember that 4 years ago Iran trying to build a copy of MIM-23 but right now things are very different.

As for the article, it is a pure oversimplification. Its solution to all problem is globalization, well IRI too tried(and still tries) to implement liberal economic policies like privatization and joining WTO, but the most major obstacle in Iran's way to integrate in the so called international community is not the lack of will by Iranian side, the obstacle is the western powers.

We are under harsh sanctions(mostly by US), in your reply to haman you mentioned that Iran is way back from its 1404 development plan, the major reason for this is the sanctions and foreign pressure, there are other serious problems like corruption and bureaucratic mess but by far the sanctions are the main problem, thankfully our country was not very integrated to international market even before these sanctions because for example if we were like Turkey, these sanctions would no doubt would completely ruin us and lead to our collapse.

And Globalization with out preparation will make our country only more dependent, take South Korea as an example, during the Vietnam war and in 70s and 80s Korea underwent an industrial revolution(they could make ships like Jamaran in 1979) so they had something to offer to the world, but what did we had in 80s and 90s? only oil.

Without proper planning our integration would spill the doom of many of our industries, for example look at our car manufacturing industries, if we implemented neoliberal policies and cut subsidy to it and opened our market to foreign cars what do you think will happen? They will collapse, because they can't compete with the west and asians.

We only have two things to offer, energy and cheap labor market for foreign companies, I know that we are not exporting much but in that event we won't even be manufacturing half of the thing that we are doing now(for our own consumption).

If it was up to me I would close Iranian markets to all foreign cars, smartphones and etc, so our own industries begin manufacturing them(even if they are primitive) and most people would be forced to buy them. I would continue this policy until these industries became mature enough, necessity is the mother of invention, if our military industry was not sanctioned this harshly we would not see these result although these things take many years and even our military industry has a long way to go.

Iran economic problem is mostly a result of politics and you can't solve it by only opening its economic gates to foreign markets as this guy claimed in the article, because the reason for our economic isolation by the world is the one polar world order.

Iran is sanctioned because it is pursuing its own foreign policy and we have not bowed down to west, you know the minute we surrender ourselves to them and begin obeying them, western companies will be banging the door and begging us to let them in so they can plunder us.

I can understand when some one does not believe in Islamic republic, he or she would be upset that we are now outside the so called International Community.

I as an Iranian citizen believe in IRI goals and policies in Middle East so I am ready to endure hardships, the world is moving toward the direction that there is going to be an alternative to the west, with the rising of China, Russia and etc, the world will become multipollar and maybe we can flourish without licking the boots of Americans and Israelis.

Remember what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, with the right planning we would come out of this more independent.

Anyway this is a military forum and the main reason for me being here is military matters so it is my right to publish military propaganda like most other people here in defence.pk:-)
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shoma ham @New jan aziz , vaghti miay yek hamchin poste nezhad parastane ie ru ke khodetam tooye irani midooni vaghiat nadare ru thank mizani daadash golam .

yekam deghat kon rooye mataleb lotfan baad amal kon

soal man ine : aya een post ru ghabul dari ya na ?
hahaha, agha ghabool nemikoni ke fargh hast beyne ensanha, ha ya na? hala boro too afrigha khofasho moosh mikhoran, az hamin tarigh mariziya mesle ebolaro pakhsh mikonan be ensanha. Meymoon ke SIV dare (HIV dar heyvanat) ghasabe afrighayi mikoshtesho mikhordesh (bushmeat). Hala hey bia teze gharbi bede baraye ma.

Aghayi ke mikhay defa koni az Iraniat zede amrika, pas chera zedde melligara va farhango tarikhe Irani hasti? Mizani too sare eftekhare Irani ke mardom gich beshan bioftan donbale gharbia? Khak bar sare gharbparastan va khak bar sare harkasi ke zedde harkate melliparastiye Irani hast.
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Merci aziz az pasokhet, man posteto daghigh khundam va bana bar raayate adab say mikonam pasokhe posteto kootah bedam

Aya vaghean bayad negah yek tahsilkardeye mamlekat be keshvaresh in bashe?
Aya narahat nisti ke Iran be soorate vahshatnaki balatarin amare sabt shodeye roshd saratan dar jahan ro dare?
Aye az inke 9 barabare mahdoodeye pazirofte shodeye salamat koodhaye saratan za dar tolid mahsoolat ghazaee estefade mishe narahat nisti?
Aya az inke 20 miliion javan bikar ke nemitoonan shoghl peyda konan va tashkil khanevade bedan narahat nisti?
aya az inke be khatere modiriate gheyre takhasosi, va ba pompazhe vahshatnake abhaye zirzamini Iran dare taghir eghlim mide va be ye sahraye bi abo alaf tabdil mishe narahat nisti?
Aya az inke ejazeye enteshare gozareshhaye vezarat behdasht dar tasire amvaje noise bar salamate mardom dade nemishe narahat nisti?
Aya az inke tebghe sanade toseeye 20 sale ma bayad roshd eghtesadi 8 ta 12 darsad ro tajrobe konim amma be dalil faghat va faghat modiriyate gheyre takhasosi va eshtebah dar salhaye gozashte roshde eghtesadi iran manfi boode narahat nisti?
Aya az inke bejaye sarfe manabe mali baraye ijad eshteghal dar beyn javanan oonha sarfe sakhte beynol harameyn mishe narahat nisti?
Aya az inke beshnavi be jaye tolid salane 1.8 milion shoghl baraye hefze amare bikari vahshatnake feli dar sale gozashte tebghe amare vezarate kar 80,000 shoghl kam shode narahat nisti?
Aya az inke motevasete zaman paziresh masouliat modiriati dar keshvare amrika 6 sal va dar iran 24 sal hast narahat nisti?
Aya az inke iran balatarin amare brain drain ro dar jahan dari narahat nisti?
Aya az inke bedooni yek javane tehrani hich vaght nemitoone dar tehran sahebe khune beshe faghat be dalil modiriate nasahih narahat nisti?
Aya az hajm besyar besyar besyar gostardeye fesade edari va eghtesadi dar iran khoonet be joosh nayoomade?
Aya az inke beshnavi dar in 4 sal ke tooye soorye 150,000 nafar bar asare jang mordan tooye iran faghat be khatere dozdi va modiriate gheyre takhasosi 120,000 nafar faghat dar tasadofate jadeee mordan narahat nisti?
az inke ma rotbeye avval fesade eghtesadi ro dar jahan darim?
Aya az inke be dalil sargarm kardane nasle javan daran ab mibandan be madarek daneshgahi va yek omr talash afradi mesle to va man dare bihoode va pooch mishe narahat nisti?
aya amare komiteye tahghigh va tafahose majles dar ertebate 80 darsadi dokhtar va pesar haye minor dar ertebat ba nasle mokhalef negaran nisti?
Aya az in narahat nisti ke natijeye kabare khooneheye shah dar iran shod 450,000 shahid jang va natijeye 35 sal modiriat farhangi azizan shode balatarin amare darkhast sithaye mostahjan dar jahan va hatta dar zohre ashoora narahat nisti?


va milionha soale dige
kodoom khari goft shahe nekbat, pesaram tamam talash bashariat dar residan be madineye fazele boode va hast va oonaee ke tabdil mishan be mashin propagandaye hokoomat ha dar haghighat hich farghi ba oonhaee ke emam hoseino koshtan baraye dastgahe hokoomate yazid nadaran.
dadashe golam , negah kon aksar een chiza ee ke shoma migi doroste .

ama deed kheyli bayad vasi tar bashe be een mozooaat . shoma darid yek tarafe be ghaazi mirid , raah rafe een moshkelat reform kardan system siasi keshvar hast na hasha kardan va mahkoom kardan hame

shoma alan begoo rahe halet chiye ta man edame bedam sohbato . chand rah bishtar nist :

1- reform siasi-edari ta fesaad rishe kan she

2- charkhesh siasat ha be samt gharb va bi khial shodan hoghoogh melan

3- taviz regime


shoma ouna ru gofti ama nagofti iran ghodrat mantaghe ie hast , ama nagofti ba vojood doshmani ba tamami ghodrat haye jahan hanooz ham harf aval ru dar mohem tarin mantaghe jahan yani khavar miane iran mizane

dar mored hamin system behdasht ke harfesho zadi , iran tabdil be hub tourism behdasht jahani shode va ma az keshvar haye oroopaee bimar darim

dar sanaat hava faza , nano , biotech , fizic , pezeshki , .......

ina ru ham begid balam jan

different Iranic nations accept the Persian identity
dude , look .
believe me u r racist , hich kas doost nadare fars she khialet rahat , hich kas be tarikh va farhangesh (ba inke farhangemoon yeki hast ama khob tafavot ha ee ham dare )

hata man ham hichvaght hazer nistam een karo bokonam . aval khoda baad iran vali hichvaght be farhange khodam posht nemikonam

afradi mesle shoma baes shodin yeki mesle @Ostad biad va too keshvar khodesh ehsas ghorbat kone .

ridam be een tarz tafakor (ba ehteram !!! ), ridam be rikht harki tokhm nefaagh ru kasht too mamlekat

GOH rafte too keshvar be khatere hamin tarze tafakora . no offence intended

nagi haman be man tohin kard , man daram tarz tafakoreto migam
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@ Shapur dude, wtf are you talking about? New started a very nice discussion and you went so full retard that completely distracted everyone with your nonsense hyper racism. I literally have no idea wtf any of this has to do with Iran. persianization is a good thing you say eh? The country has turned into Saudi 2.0 since 79 and you're ranting on about persianization.

@New Man I feel for you. I can come here and argue with these lot and close my laptop and forget about everything. You have to meet idiots like these on a day to day basis. I read the first part of Haman's response and shook my head. What planet these guys are living on, only their god knows I guess.

@Full Moon That land you call arab land was Iranian land before arabs moved in. It's true, at one point arabs were the majority ethnic group in that region, but today, arabs are a minority, a big minority. Since the discovery of oil, the demographics changed massively as people around the country started moving in for work etc...
. .
@New Man I feel for you. I can come here and argue with these lot and close my laptop and forget about everything. You have to meet idiots like these on a day to day basis. I read the first part of Haman's response and shook my head. What planet these guys are living on, only their god knows I guess.
Recently I have appointed self imposed restrictions on my presence in this forum, Hence pardon me if I am late in answering.
Thanks dude.
Firstly, you do know that this is a military forum?! We joined this forum to discuss military matters and defense achievements of our countries here, and I am sure that you know that we have advanced very rapidly in this regard, I remember that 4 years ago Iran trying to build a copy of MIM-23 but right now things are very different.
As for the article, it is a pure oversimplification. Its solution to all problem is globalization, well IRI too tried(and still tries) to implement liberal economic policies like privatization and joining WTO, but the most major obstacle in Iran's way to integrate in the so called international community is not the lack of will by Iranian side, the obstacle is the western powers.
We are under harsh sanctions(mostly by US), in your reply to haman you mentioned that Iran is way back from its 1404 development plan, the major reason for this is the sanctions and foreign pressure, there are other serious problems like corruption and bureaucratic mess but by far the sanctions are the main problem, thankfully our country was not very integrated to international market even before these sanctions because for example if we were like Turkey, these sanctions would no doubt would completely ruin us and lead to our collapse.
And Globalization with out preparation will make our country only more dependent, take South Korea as an example, during the Vietnam war and in 70s and 80s Korea underwent an industrial revolution(they could make ships like Jamaran in 1979) so they had something to offer to the world, but what did we had in 80s and 90s? only oil.
Without proper planning our integration would spill the doom of many of our industries, for example look at our car manufacturing industries, if we implemented neoliberal policies and cut subsidy to it and opened our market to foreign cars what do you think will happen? They will collapse, because they can't compete with the west and asians.
We only have two things to offer, energy and cheap labor market for foreign companies, I know that we are not exporting much but in that event we won't even be manufacturing half of the thing that we are doing now(for our own consumption).
If it was up to me I would close Iranian markets to all foreign cars, smartphones and etc, so our own industries begin manufacturing them(even if they are primitive) and most people would be forced to buy them. I would continue this policy until these industries became mature enough, necessity is the mother of invention, if our military industry was not sanctioned this harshly we would not see these result although these things take many years and even our military industry has a long way to go.
Iran economic problem is mostly a result of politics and you can't solve it by only opening its economic gates to foreign markets as this guy claimed in the article, because the reason for our economic isolation by the world is the one polar world order.
Iran is sanctioned because it is pursuing its own foreign policy and we have not bowed down to west, you know the minute we surrender ourselves to them and begin obeying them, western companies will be banging the door and begging us to let them in so they can plunder us.
I can understand when some one does not believe in Islamic republic, he or she would be upset that we are now outside the so called International Community.
I as an Iranian citizen believe in IRI goals and policies in Middle East so I am ready to endure hardships, the world is moving toward the direction that there is going to be an alternative to the west, with the rising of China, Russia and etc, the world will become multipollar and maybe we can flourish without licking the boots of Americans and Israelis.
Remember what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, with the right planning we would come out of this more independent.
Anyway this is a military forum and the main reason for me being here is military matters so it is my right to publish military propaganda like most other people here in defence.pk
Thanks bro, for the time and answer, I read it thoroughly. :tup:

dadashe golam , negah kon aksar een chiza ee ke shoma migi doroste .
ama deed kheyli bayad vasi tar bashe be een mozooaat . shoma darid yek tarafe be ghaazi mirid , raah rafe een moshkelat reform kardan system siasi keshvar hast na hasha kardan va mahkoom kardan hame
shoma alan begoo rahe halet chiye ta man edame bedam sohbato . chand rah bishtar nist :
1- reform siasi-edari ta fesaad rishe kan she
2- charkhesh siasat ha be samt gharb va bi khial shodan hoghoogh melan
3- taviz regime
shoma ouna ru gofti ama nagofti iran ghodrat mantaghe ie hast , ama nagofti ba vojood doshmani ba tamami ghodrat haye jahan hanooz ham harf aval ru dar mohem tarin mantaghe jahan yani khavar miane iran mizane
dar mored hamin system behdasht ke harfesho zadi , iran tabdil be hub tourism behdasht jahani shode va ma az keshvar haye oroopaee bimar darim
dar sanaat hava faza , nano , biotech , fizic , pezeshki , .......
ina ru ham begid balam jan
merci dadash,
motshakeram az pasokhet va mamnoonam az vaghti ke gozashti.
Bezar javab soaleto nadam dadash, choon ham shoma javab mano midooni va ham man midoonam ke shoma javab mano midooni, va ham shoma midooni ke man midoonam ke shoma javab mano midooni.
shiraz rally
دیروز مسابقات رالي خاورميانه (مرک ) براي نخستين بار به ميزباني ايران، در مرحله کانديداتوري اين رقابتها با حضور مسوولان ورزش و مقام هاي محلي استان فارس لحظاتي پيش از محل دروازه قرآن شيراز آغاز شد. ۱۵ناظر از کشورهای لبنان، قبرس، یونان، آلمان، سوریه و دیگر کشورهای حوزه خاورمیانه در این رقابتها حضور دارند.
رقابتهای رالی خاورمیانه همه ساله با حضور نمایندگانی از کشورهای قطر، بحرین، لبنان ، امارات ، عربستان، کویت ،عراق و سوریه در حالی برگزار می شود که ایران عضو آن نبود اما پس از رایزنی های صورت گرفته در جریان اجلاس کشورهای خاورمیانه مصوب شد که مسابقات بین المللی رالی خاورمیانه در ایران برگزار شود.در صورت تایید میزبانی، این رقابتها از سال آینده بصورت رسمی در تقویم فدراسیون جهانی ثبت و ایران نیز جز رالی خاورمیانه خواهد شد.لاله صدیق از ایران تنها شرکت کننده زن ایرانی در مسابقات است که البته دیروز هم همه توجه ها به او بود. او پس از مدتها دوباره به عرصه گاز و ترمز و کلاج برگشته و البته کارشناسان از او به عنوان یکی از بختهای قهرمانی یاد می کنند. رقیب اصلی صدیق تیم رانندگان کشور قطر هستند که البته یکی از راننده ها فرزند احمد ناصر العطیه نایب رئیس فدراسیون جهانی اتومبیلرانی است که البته نایب رئیس فدراسیون جهانی در شیراز حضور دارد. رالی از صبح امروز در شیراز آغاز شده و فردا به پایان می رسد.

به گزارش روابط عمومی شبکه ورزش سیما این رقابت امروز از ساعت 17 در برنامه چهار سوی ورزش زنده گزارش می شود.مسابقات رالی شیراز، نخستین مسابقه حرفه ای بین المللی رالی در ایران است که فدراسیون جهانی، شیراز را برای این مسابقات برگزید.

برای مسابقات بین المللی رالی شیراز 30 هزار دلار جایزه در نظر گرفته شده که به تیم های اول تا سوم تعلق می گیرد.












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salam dadash. haman va chandta az bacheha ro ba soalet be chalesh keshidi hala man ham mikham indafe shoma ro be chalesh bekesham. :D albate jesarat nasheha yani yejorayi bara khodam ham soal va chaleshe va dost daram nazareto bedoonam azoon jayi ke ye baradar shahid ham dari.
hameye mavaredi ke darbare keshvar be haman ham gofti doroste ama mozoo ine ke aval bayad dar 2 jahat be masale negah kard. yeki inke dolat va system ro naghd konim va mardome khodemoon ro mostaghel az system bebinim va yek inke mardom ro naghd konim va tasireshoon bar system ro.niazi be zekresh nist ke belakhare dar yek charkhe mardom va system bar ham tasir mizaran. ama vagheyiat ine ke bayad did tasire kodom bar kodom ghavitar hast. az tarafi zamineye be vojood omadane in system ro mardom amade kardand. va nemitoonim ziad edea konim ke aksare mardom ke dar enghelab tasir gozashtand serfan iranihaye meligara ya agah be masaele jahani bodand che basa ke agar bodand entezar miraft dolate mosadegh soghoot nakone ba oon koodeta. nemishe ino nadide gereft ke shayad bish az 50 darsade afrade dakhil dar enghelab angizehaye dini dashtand o enghelab ro be rahbariye yek marjae dini donbal mikardand. va dar asl mishe goft ke shah ro nemikhastand ama barname moshakhasi ham baraye ayande nadashtand va hamechiz ro be rahbare enghelabeshon seporde bodand.dar masaleye jange iran aragh ham doroste ke kheylia bara defa az keshvaro namoso khakemoon raftand va jangidand ama kheyli az kesayi ke az jooneshoon gozashtand baz ham be nazare shakhsiye man angizeye diniye ghavitari dashtand ta serfan meligarayi.kesayi ke akhare jang az atash bas khashmgin ham shodand ( harchand ke agar jang 6 mahe digar edame peyda mikard iran hatman shekast mikhord kafiye liste tajhizate aragho iran dar zamane atashbas ro bebini ) injast ke be ebarati jedale eshgho aghl shoroo mishe :D hameye azizani ke raftando defa kardand azin keshvar hagh be gardane tak take ma darand ama soal injast ke raahe shohada ro edame dadan be che manast?? aghl migoft ma ham bayad shahraye aragh ro bombaran mikardim aghl migoft ma ham mitonestim shimiayi besazimo bendazim roo sare basiao bayad mindakhtim aghl migoft jange iran aragh chand sal zodtar ham ba hamin natije mitonest tamom beshe (faghat ba shohadayi kheyli kamtar az in ).... aghl mige keshvare ma dare bekhatere 4 ta armane tarikh masraf gozashte hame manafe'e melisho az dast mide .. vali nahayatan kheyliashon beyne meligarayi armanha .. armanha ro entekhab kardand.khate ghermezayi ke hazer nabodand bekhatere chizi azash begzaran.in mano yade javabe @haman10 ham andakht ke behet goft bayad masaele ba dide faratari bebini. pas hadaf vaghean chiye? haghighat ine ke alan bekhaym ya na keshvar ro mafiaye eghtesadi micharkhoone. mafiayi ke mohreye sookhtash zanjani bood. mafiayi ke moaven avale reyis jomhoore sabegh mohreye sookhtash bood. ama kesayi ke hanoz eshghe arman daran ya alan khoone neshinan ya shahid shodan ya dide nemishan chon ghodrato servati nadarand ama hanoz 22 bahman mian biroon. soale man ine.. aya hadaf vatanparastiye? akhe shayad az ma'dood keshvarayi hastim ke manafe'e melisho nadide migireo donbale armanashe. va agar hadafe ma armanha hast vaghti nemitoonim ba in armanha be jayi beresim (hata nemitonim oon armanha ro dakhele keshvar amali konim ) baz ham bayad edame bedim?.. aslan armanha chi hast vaghean ? :D hokomate eslami? oon madineye fazeleyi ke barash migim "mamad naboodi bebini " in hast ?? dar kol reformi ba sharayete alane keshvar mitoone rokh bede? va midoonim ta mardom avaz nashan chize ziadi taghir nemikone ama rah chiye? bayad be systemi takht ke mardom ro shostoshoye maghzi mikone ba propagandash ya bayad be mardom takht ke khodeshoon modirane keshvar hastand belakhare.
ina soalayi hast ke az khodam miporsam va vaghean ehterame khasi bara shohadaye jang ghaelam va az tarafiam nemitoonam darkeshoon konam.. belakhare ba deleshoon jangidand ... ma too in ashofte bazar ba delo aghlemoon bayad chikar konim hala ? :D khode shoma ghablan ID digeyi dashti.. belakhare roozi ke saakhtish shayad fekre digeyi dashti ama dige hazer nisti azoon ID estefade koni. hala be har dalile shakhsiyi ke dashti va be man ham marbot nisto mohtarame har dalili bashe.... kholase inke gijam alan nemidoonam hata soalam daghighan chiye vali merci ke ta injasho vaght gozashtio khoondi faghat age mishe begoo nazaret darbare in khat khatiayi ke neveshtam chiye? hamin soala ro dari az khodet ya tazade darooniyo az beyn bordi?

Salam merci az soali ke porsidi, vali pesar khodemonima kheyli sakhte khoondan in matnaye finglish,
be har hal merci az inke ba brain stormet ma ro ham be feyz resoondi aziz:lol:

bezar az akhar javab bedim

avval dar morede oon user name sabegh, vagheyatesh ine ke man tarafaye 3 4 sale pish ye barrasi shakhsi ro shoroo kardam va niaz dashtm ba hardline haye mokhtalef sohbat konam, be hamin dalil tooye chanda forum ozv shodam va amdan esmaye sangini ro entekhab kardam
masalan tooye ye forum englisi in esmo gozashtam "Everything else will fade" ya asami dige tooye forum haye dige va oonmoghe ham tooye in forum esmo gozashtam "Islam shall ..." ye chand vaghtam ham tooye inja ham tooye oon forum ha raft o amad dashtam amma bad az ye moddat dige vel kardam, ta parsalo ina didam inje irani ha ham hastan oomadam inja va bishtar edame dadam

amma vaghean bayad begam natayej va didhaye kheyli jazzabi tooye hardline haye hame noe dini didam che Chris, che Jews che Muslims, az sonni begir ta shie.

hala az oon begzarim

Pasokh tamam solhaee ke porsidi dar javabet be in soal kholase mishe;

"Aya be nazare shoma enqelab mardom iran ba shoare tashkil hokoumat dini dar sal 57 avvalin harkat az in dast dar beyn javamee bashari bood?"
bezar ye joore dige soalo beporsam
"Be nazar shoma ta hala dar toole tarikh bashariat chandta hokoomat bar mabnaye eddeaye dini boodan tashkil shode va saranjam oonha chi shode?"

va man az hameye doostani ke inja hastam khahesh mikonam ta 5 sal ayande say konan javab in 2 ta soalo baraye khodeshoon peyda konan.

man nemikham javabe khodamo inja matrah konam, amma age azizan beran donbale in javab oonmoghe mibinan be che soorate besyar khande dar va tanzi ettefaghat gozashte va ayande moo be moo dare tekrar mishe.

tooye motaleat javamee bashari ye mafhoomi hast moadele mafhoom inersi dar fizik, tebghe in mafhoom harcheghadr sathe agahi ha va ghodrate tahlil dar javame kamtar bashe harkat haye in javame ham ba sheddat va sorate bishtari ettefagh miofte va be hamoon nesbat ham ba sorat va sheddat bishtari khamoosh mishe , hamin mafhoom tooye raftar fardi afrad ham dide mishe, deghat kardi adamaye ba tajrobe va mottale kamtar az koore dar miran va kamtar dochar navasanate ehsasat mishan, nemood in ettefagh be andazeye moohaye saret tooye javamee bashari ettefagh oftade moteasefane bayad begam mardom iran ham ta hala be tedad besyari in ettefagh ro tajrobe kardan.

man baradaram tooye amaliate karbalaye 5 shahid shode, amaliate karbalaye 5 tahajom iran baray gereftan basreye aragh bood, amaliati ke tavasote ensanhaye bi takhasos va bi kherad va jav gerefte tarrahi shod faghat va faght bar mabnaye javvi ke oonha ro gerefte bood, kasaee ke khodeshoon hatta ta 500 kilometri khatar ham nemiraftan va sad ha hezar javani ke tanha gonaheshoun jehalateshoun bood ro ba modiriate gheyre takhasosi va jav gerefte be kam marg keshoundan.
hatman shoma midooni ke ma dar 2 sal avval jang tamame khak iran ro pas gereftim va 6 sal bad ro dashtim be aragh hamle mikardim, ke hala baraye inke khanevade shohada ro tojih konan migan ma dashtim siasate taghib va tanbih ro ejra mikardim. tanz gharn. 20 darsad shohada dar 2 sal avval jang va 80 darsad (shoma bego 300 400 hezar javoun rashid) ensanhaee ke naboud shodan sare modiriate ensanhaye bi takhasos jav zade va daraye shahvate ghodrat.

hala benazaret man bayad moghasere koshte shodan in javoonha ro ki bedoonam, faghat va faghat saddam?
مَن قَتَلَ نَفْسًا بِغَيْرِ نَفْسٍ أَوْ فَسَادٍ فِي الأَرْضِ فَكَأَنَّمَا قَتَلَ النَّاسَ جَمِيعًا

allan be dalil asab kharab dige nemitoonam edame bedam, beram ye cofee bezanam.:lol:
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Salam merci az soali ke porsidi, vali pesar khodemonima kheyli sakhte khoondan in matnaye finglish
hads zadam akhe khodam ham badesh natonestam bekhoonam :lol:

masalan tooye ye forum englisi in esmo gozashtam "Everything else will fade" ya asami dige tooye forum haye dige va oonmoghe ham tooye in forum esmo gozashtam "Islam shall ..." ye chand vaghtam ham tooye inja ham tooye oon forum ha raft o amad dashtam amma bad az ye moddat dige vel kardam, ta parsalo ina didam inje irani ha ham hastan oomadam inja va bishtar edame dadam
amma vaghean bayad begam natayej va didhaye kheyli jazzabi tooye hardline haye hame noe dini didam che Chris, che Jews che Muslims, az sonni begir ta shie.
dorost aziz manam goftam be man aslan marbot nist ama har dalili dasht be har hal taghiresh dadi. hala shayad be in khater ke bekhatere ghezavathayi ke az rooye esme ID anjam midadand inkaro kardi.( ya shayad behesh motaghed nabodi )

"Be nazar shoma ta hala dar toole tarikh bashariat chandta hokoomat bar mabnaye eddeaye dini boodan tashkil shode va saranjam oonha chi shode?"
khob mishe goft taghriban hich hokomati ke bar mabnaye ideology boode ta be hal natije movafaghi nadashte agar manzoor az movafaghiat sahme asliye mardom dar hokomat bashe. va in elatesh lozooman in nist ke tamame ideologyha eshtebah hastand elatesh ine ke hich zaroorat va tazmini nist ke dar chenin systemi tamame afrad khodeshono payband be oon idea bedoonan az badve tavalodeshoon. che basa agar tak take afrad ta sar hade marg az bachegi be lenino stalin motaghed boodand alan hameye jahan comonist bood.va albate dalili ham vojood nadare ke yek ideology bar yek melat tahmil beshe va hame movazaf be anjamesh bashand. elate shekaste in systemha az nazare man azadiye zatiye har ensane.

tooye motaleat javamee bashari ye mafhoomi hast moadele mafhoom inersi dar fizik, tebghe in mafhoom harcheghadr sathe agahi ha va ghodrate tahlil dar javame kamtar bashe harkat haye in javame ham ba sheddat va sorate bishtari ettefagh miofte va be hamoon nesbat ham ba sorat va sheddat bishtari khamoosh mishe , hamin mafhoom tooye raftar fardi afrad ham dide mishe, deghat kardi adamaye ba tajrobe va mottale kamtar az koore dar miran va kamtar dochar navasanate ehsasat mishan, nemood in ettefagh be andazeye moohaye saret tooye javamee bashari ettefagh oftade moteasefane bayad begam mardom iran ham ta hala be tedad besyari in ettefagh ro tajrobe kardan.

man baradaram tooye amaliate karbalaye 5 shahid shode, amaliate karbalaye 5 tahajom iran baray gereftan basreye aragh bood, amaliati ke tavasote ensanhaye bi takhasos va bi kherad va jav gerefte tarrahi shod faghat va faght bar mabnaye javvi ke oonha ro gerefte bood, kasaee ke khodeshoon hatta ta 500 kilometri khatar ham nemiraftan va sad ha hezar javani ke tanha gonaheshoun jehalateshoun bood ro ba modiriate gheyre takhasosi va jav gerefte be kam marg keshoundan.
hatman shoma midooni ke ma dar 2 sal avval jang tamame khak iran ro pas gereftim va 6 sal bad ro dashtim be aragh hamle mikardim, ke hala baraye inke khanevade shohada ro tojih konan migan ma dashtim siasate taghib va tanbih ro ejra mikardim. tanz gharn. 20 darsad shohada dar 2 sal avval jang va 80 darsad (shoma bego 300 400 hezar javoun rashid) ensanhaee ke naboud shodan sare modiriate ensanhaye bi takhasos jav zade va daraye shahvate ghodrat.
too poste ghabli ham hamino goftam. bazam migam agar jang tamom nemishod iran 100 % 6 mahe ba'd soghoot mikard. in liste tajhizate iran va araghe avale jang va dar lahzeye atashbas hast. hameye inha be alave chand sad jangandeo tanke dige ke saddam sefaresh dad. bi roodarvasi javabet moteghaed konandast.

Imbalance of Power (1980–1987)-------Iraq-----Iran
Tanks in 1980-------------------------------2700-----1740
Tanks in 1987------------------------------4500+-----1000
Fighter aircraft in 1980---------------------332-----445
Fighter aircraft in 1987---------------------500+-----65 (serviceable)
Helicopters in 1980--------------------------40-----500
Helicopters in 1987--------------------------150-----60
Artillery in 1980----------------------------1000-----1000+
Artillery in 1987---------------------------4000+-----1000+

be nazare shakhsiye man masalaye avale ma iraniha agahiye va be ghole khodet doori az jav. ye khosoosiate dige ham darim new jan ke kamtar kesi gofte va nazare mane. inke ehsase ta'alogh darim. dost nadarim azad bashim dost darim ozve chizi bashim bakhshi az chizi bashim va na mostaghelo daraye tafakore mostaghel. hala ya khodemoono motealegh be tarikhemoon midoonimo farvahar mipooshim persian nersian mikonim. ya be ye din o mazhab hese ta'alogh darim ya be orfe jame'e gahi tarkibi az sadha ta'aloghe dige. az hamoon hese ta'aloghi ke nesbat be shah vojood dashto jeloye mosadegho gereft begir ta hamin hala... besyar mamnoonam az javabet va ye ozr khahi babate khat khatizatione asabet :D
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lol , alright

stop spewing BS , if it was up to your shitty pathetic sources kermanshah and iranian kudistan were under PKK rule and iran had lost nearly 2000 Special Operation forces to ISIL .

farokhshad and wasi mounts are just a little far from the border :( and they are over a big city as opposed to whats shown in your fake shitty pic . where the fuq are iranian security forces in broad day light ? :(

spewing shyte again ?

remember : if it was not for iran , your Kurd brothers would have been massacred in iraq and we would have seen the worst humanitarian crisis after hitlers genocide on jews :lol:

so stop being a un-appreciative pig and realize that if iranian kurds wish , they can leave u for ISIS to rip u apart .

for now , i love how u live among ppl who hate the living crap out of u and look for an excuse to behead u :(

jordanish :(

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