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Iranian Authorities Close Down Kurdish Language School

There are no Kurdish teaching schools in Turkey. There are private schools that teach in Kurdish and there are Kurdish elective courses in some schools in Turkey.
Private schools are also schools or not? What do you want that everybody in Turkey must learn your language?

We are not second grade citizens on our own land. We will not accept merily being able to learn our mother tongue as an elective language.
You have the same rights like everybody in Turkey with citizenship, nothing is forbidden for you, you are free to talk, and do whatever you want, what do you want more?

It is a natural right and every single minority should be taught in their respective mother tongue. Especially in a country that has forcibly assimilated most of its minorities ( Pontic Greeks, Armenians, Laz, Circassians etc.).
Again you have all your rights to speak whatever you want.
And about ''forcibly assimilated'' care to share more details? How did we forced them?

How can you speak for most Kurds? If most Kurds did not want language in their own mother tongue then why did close to two million people show up at Newroz 2013 in Diyarbakir and celebrated their Newroz solely in Kurdish? If they did not want to learn their own mother tongue then why do they vote for a party that has a red line when it comes to mother tongue education in elementary school?

Not me numbers are speaking for kurds, independent candidates only got 6.5% of votes despite the fact that 20% of Turkish population are kurdish, but most kurds voted for AKP.

And what has nowruz to do with kurdish language? Dont act like nowruz is a kurdish ceremony, its also celebrated in Iran and many Turkic countrys.

Explain me one thing, many kurds cant even speak their own laguage why?
And dont come with it was forbidden in schools because normally you dont learn you native language in school, only grammatics and writing. But most kurd in Turkey cant even speak their language.
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There are close to none natural ressources in North Kurdistan ( Turkey) and East Kurdistan ( Iran). And Kurds in KRG have been living there for many years mate. During Mustafa Barzani and Barzanji's rebellion, people probsbly did not even know there was oil beneath the Kurdish areas but back then Kurds also formed a majority. You should learn the history instead of just drawing anti-Jewish analogies where they simply do not suit.

Everybody knew it, it has been exploited since a long time

Private schools are also schools or not? What do you want that everybody in Turkey must learn your language?

Yes they are schools. But I am thinking of public schools. Kurds did not demand private schools. They demand that there should be at the very least elementary Kurdish classes at least for the cities where Kurds form majority. I do not expect ethnic Turks to want to learn Kurdish ( even though I see no problem with it), but the state of Turkey has a responsibility to reverse the forced assimilation that has been going on for almost a century now.

You have the same rights like everybody in Turkey with citizenship, nothing is forbidden for you, you are free to talk, and do whatever you want, what do you want more?

Mate, let us be honest here. This is a matter between Kurds and Turks. Why is it you feel the need to lie just to save face amongst other foreigners on this board? I want to solve this question but you keep on going with the same rhetorics that is fueling this war. There are still thousands of Kurds in prisons for writing and speaking in Kurdish. Journalists, politicians, elected mayors. Let us not fool ourselves. And last I checked, the language of Turkey was Turkish according to the constitution. No exceptions. And that is why the authorities can still arrest someone who speaks in Kurdish or writes in Kurdish albeit it does not happen so much anymore. But the fact that it is still technically and legally possible for a state attorney to raise a case against someone who for instance speaks Kurdish at a rally is really messed up. And it happens from time to time. But this is just one example.

Again you have all your rights to speak whatever you want.
And about ''forcibly assimilated'' care to share more details? How did we forced them?

I am not talking about what we rightfully can speak in. I am talking about teaching.

How did you force them? Are you serious? I need to know if you are serious or if you, once again, are just trying to save face in order not to be in a bad light amongst other people on the board...

Not me numbers are speaking for kurds, independent candidates only got 6.5% of votes despite the fact that 20% of Turkish population are kurdish, but most kurds voted for AKP.

And what has nowruz to do with kurdish language? Dont act like nowruz is a kurdish ceremony, its also celebrated in Iran and many Turkic countrys.

Explain me one thing, many kurds cant even speak their own laguage why?
And dont come with it was forbidden in schools because normally you dont learn you native language in school, only grammatics and writing. But most kurd in Turkey cant even speak their language.

Listen mate, this is not a matter of numbers, and no AKP did not get most Kurdish votes. Even if they did have 99% of the Kurdish votes, this would still not mean they had no obligation to offer Kurdish mother language education in elementary school. Again, the right to education in one's mother language is a human right just like the right to live. It is not something you can bargain with or compare to some amount of votes.

''A child learns best in its mother tongue, especially at the early stage in education, and among linguistic minority groups. The right to receive education in one’s mother tongue or native language is recognized in several international instruments. Under the provisions of the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities (1992), States are required to take appropriate measures so that, wherever possible, persons belonging to minorities may have adequate opportunities to learn their mother tongue or to have instruction in their mother tongue''

Newroz was just an example. Almost everything at Newroz 2013 was in Kurdish. That should be a clear indication that people are serious about this. Again, it is not just something you should bargain with.

Explain me one thing, many kurds cant even speak their own laguage why?

Oppression. The very word Kurdish was not accepted until mid 1990's. From 1920-1990's everything connected to Kurds and Kurdish was forbidden. Plkease mate, do not act like you do not know these things. You have an avatar of ataturk - the very man that forbid many of these things.
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