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Iranian Air Defense Systems

wow Iran has started its campaign to sell arms



So they are operational but not unveiled?
2 secret long range and short range AD systems that has not been unveiled yet but the second one look like Oghab AD

View attachment 680236

Were these pictures taken with a potato?
Iran has TONS of types of Air Defence systems, and TONS of numbers of these systems. As Draco said before, Iran is making 3rd Khordad like cookies, and so with many systems.
Also, Iran has many types of SHORAD systems, including radar guided, EO guided AAA systems, extremely cheap and efficient.

No, No, and No.
It seems Iran is "allowing" these azeri drones to enter its airspace in order to see where they go, which are their "objectives". And after a while, Iran downs these drones. Iran knows they are spying and testing defenses for the big storm to come.

Iran's AD network is extremely powerful, it has no sense these drones getting well deep into Iran if Iran itself is not allowing this to happen, in order to know its enemy thoughts.
BUUUUUUUT....you have to remember that Pakistanis on the Az-AM war forum DO NOT BELIEVE Azerbaijan flying these drones into IRan is "harmful" to IRan, just like our strong suspicion of ISI allowing Saudis and US use Jundllah on Pakistani territory to hit Iran wasnt any "intent of harm"...THE DENIAL level is ridiculous!
In my opinion, any regional country that tries attacking Iran will quickly find itself on the losing end.
if the Azerbaijan-supporting Pakistani members of PDF know whats good for Azerbaijan, they will not do what you've said here. Iran will DECAPITATE Azerbaijan if Azerbaijan tests Iran...why not? just wait till they slip(LIKE US has done many times) and just take them over...
So the no,no is about what?

Iran doesn’t have tons of systems
Iran doesn’t have tons of numbers
Iran doesn’t make 3rd Khordad like cookies

AD systems are expensive even if completely built by Iran with not even a single screw imported they are expensive items even considering the cheap labor in Iran and cost of materials.

While the Iranian arms industrial complex is not purely profit driven like Western arms complexes, they still require profit in order to expand operations, pay personnel, and conduct r&d.

Furthermore, as we saw with how eager Iranian officials are to export arms, one reason is due to the massive nature of the Iranian military industrial complex. It has gotten so big that it needs more clients than just Iran.
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TheImmortal is in the potato field. Yes Iran has a lot of air defense systems, no doubt about it and it's impressive.
Iran has TONS of types of Air Defence systems, and TONS of numbers of these systems. As Draco said before, Iran is making 3rd Khordad like cookies, and so with many systems.
Also, Iran has many types of SHORAD systems, including radar guided, EO guided AAA systems, extremely cheap and efficient.

AAA is cheap and efficient however they have a very limited range and are deployed at key locations and yes if they get within range of AAA or SHORAD system located at key locations they will get intercepted.

But that doesn't mean Iran is going to use up its stock of ta'er or Sayad type SAMS (Let alone any thing more expensive) for a dinky little drone not unless there is a clear and present threat.

And the question isn't whether Iran can or not it's whether Iran is stupid enough to show which areas are protected which areas are not! The Republic of Azerbaijan does not have the power to pose a treat to Iran and Iran can at any time and within 24hr wipe out that entire government so the only real threat is the intelligence being gathered and giving off the position of your SAM is a rather stupid way to respond to that threat.
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