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Iranian Air Defense Systems

Interesting how Bavar-373 was not on display during the parade

That AD system has to still be undergoing upgrades/modifications. Or they don't have enough too spare and it's currently deployed.

I really would like to know just how many they've built so far and are planning to build over the course of the next 5-10 years.

Very high-end capable system.
That AD system has to still be undergoing upgrades/modifications. Or they don't have enough too spare and it's currently deployed.

I really would like to know just how many they've built so far and are planning to build over the course of the next 5-10 years.

Very high-end capable system.
I was thinking if perhaps Bavar-373 is now being seen as a potent *display* of Iranian LD-AD prowess; as we know (and has been proven) Iranian R&D is exceptionally exponential such that by the time they've finished a project (Bavar-373 in this case) they already have significant improvement potential based on their new-found tech, experience, and innovations.

This leads to me to think, in light of the above and mentions of a successor to B-373, the as of yet obscure "Arman" system, that B-373 will not necessarily be mass produced but will be a *solid* foundation to the next level up being "Arman". Why mass produce a system that is more capable than the S-300 yet beneath the S-400 when you now have the technology and industrial undertaking to produce a system equivalent to the S-400 or perhaps even better than - in light of what Iranian scientists and researchers learnt during the development and eventual production of B-373
Why mass produce a system that is more capable than the S-300 yet beneath the S-400 when you now have the technology and industrial undertaking to produce a system equivalent to the S-400 or perhaps even better than - in light of what Iranian scientists and researchers learnt during the development and eventual production of B-373

Same reason US doesn’t have a ton of THAAD batteries.

Extremely potent air defense systems are expensive no matter who produces it. Cost is relative to the budget and military that is producing it.

You have to weight the extra cost vs the extra benefit and the zone it is being tasked to defend.
That AD system has to still be undergoing upgrades/modifications. Or they don't have enough too spare and it's currently deployed.

I really would like to know just how many they've built so far and are planning to build over the course of the next 5-10 years.

Very high-end capable system.
my guess is as they were talking about next generation bavar for next year and by what we see from Talash . perhaps they want to gave another role to bavar in its next generation and let Talash take the role that was supposed to be the role of Bavar
I was thinking if perhaps Bavar-373 is now being seen as a potent *display* of Iranian LD-AD prowess; as we know (and has been proven) Iranian R&D is exceptionally exponential such that by the time they've finished a project (Bavar-373 in this case) they already have significant improvement potential based on their new-found tech, experience, and innovations.

This leads to me to think, in light of the above and mentions of a successor to B-373, the as of yet obscure "Arman" system, that B-373 will not necessarily be mass produced but will be a *solid* foundation to the next level up being "Arman". Why mass produce a system that is more capable than the S-300 yet beneath the S-400 when you now have the technology and industrial undertaking to produce a system equivalent to the S-400 or perhaps even better than - in light of what Iranian scientists and researchers learnt during the development and eventual production of B-373

My thinking is along the same lines.

I've been operating under the assumption that the BAVAR-373 AD system is a "rolling upgrade" platform with many tweaks and additions being added to the system as testing continues. So logically there isn't a "final" form of the BAVAR-373 yet that can be mass-produced outright. I'm assuming they're still working on it to find a version of BAVAR that they want to make a decent amount of like they did with 3rd-Khordad. But given just how many air-defense systems Iran produces (which is a lot). There might be some budget/supply issues where it's entirely possible that the BAVAR system isn't being produced in high-quantities due to lack of time/funds/supplies since their focus is spread across many different projects.

Another theory is that Iran might be producing BAVAR-373's in batches, sort of like the BLOCs of the PATRIOT SAM system with each respective batch having their own level of technology that is an incremental upgrade from the last batch (don't know if this is the case with PATRIOT, just making an uninformed guess).

Truth be told (lol), I have no idea what Iran is doing with BAVAR. What we can say with utter surety is that BAVAR is world-class high-end Air defense complex, utilizing advanced technologies that are not cheap whatsoever. I think we get too used to the "Iran will just make the same thing but cheaper" slogan, and apply it to all of Iran's defense projects. But in the case of BAVAR, there just isn't anyway this can be true. It's a system that requires massive investments in order to build and field due its complexity. Could just be a budget/resource issue, in that it's an expensive system that Iran can only build so many during a given time-frame.

Hopefully over the next 5 or so years we will see Iran make an appreciable amount but I don't think they'll be pumping them out like 3rd-Khordad or other Iranian SAM systems which are inherently cheaper to mass-produce.
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My thinking is along the same lines.

I've been operating under the assumption that the BAVAR-373 AD system is a "rolling upgrade" platform with many tweaks and additions being added to the system as testing continues. So logically there isn't a "final" form of the BAVAR-373 yet that can be mass-produced outright. I'm assuming they're still working on it to find a version of BAVAR that they want to make a decent amount of like they did with 3rd-Khordad. But given just how many air-defense systems Iran produces (which is a lot). There might be some budget/supply issues where it's entirely possible that the BAVAR system isn't being produced in high-quantities due to lack of time/funds/supplies since their focus is spread across many different projects.

Another theory is that Iran might be producing BAVAR-373's in batches, sort of like the BLOCs of the PATRIOT SAM system with each respective batch having their own level of technology that is an incremental upgrade from the last batch (don't know if this is the case with PATRIOT, just making an uninformed guess).

Truth be told (lol), I have no idea what Iran is doing with BAVAR. What we can say with utter surety is that BAVAR is world-class high-end Air defense complex, utilizing advanced technologies that are not cheap whatsoever. I think we get too used to the "Iran will just make the same thing but cheaper" slogan, and apply it to all of Iran's defense projects. But in the case of BAVAR, there just isn't anyway this can be true. It's a system that requires massive investments in order to build and field due its complexity. Could just be a budget/resource issue, in that it's an expensive system that Iran can only build so many during a given time-frame.

Hopefully over the next 5 or so years we will see Iran make an appreciable amount but I don't think they'll be pumping them out like 3rd-Khordad or other Iranian SAM systems which are inherently cheaper to mass-produce.
Bavar will certainly be a system of the future for Iran. Not like some other projects that disappear into the night.

No other system besides the S-300PMU2s are capable of high-altitude defense except for Bavar for Iran. Therefore, it's clear to me, they need this system completed and operational to remove reliance for the high-altitude sector off Russia. Before the S-300PMU2s that were delivered, their was really only the S-200 that could engage targets at the highest altitudes. Their would need to be a system that can be continously improve to compete with future threats in this altitude class, much like how Iran is constantly working to improve itself in the medium and short range class. Thankfully, this gap has/will be plugged.

Iran will also need self-sufficiency in dealing with ballistic missiles threat. Can you image during wartime, Russia refusing to deliver more S-300pmus missiles? I can... Can't afford such catastrophic scenario
Bavar will certainly be a system of the future for Iran. Not like some other projects that disappear into the night.

No other system besides the S-300PMU2s are capable of high-altitude defense except for Bavar for Iran. Therefore, it's clear to me, they need this system completed and operational to remove reliance for the high-altitude sector off Russia. Before the S-300PMU2s that were delivered, their was really only the S-200 that could engage targets at the highest altitudes. Their would need to be a system that can be continously improve to compete with future threats in this altitude class, much like how Iran is constantly working to improve itself in the medium and short range class. Thankfully, this gap has/will be plugged.

Iran will also need self-sufficiency in dealing with ballistic missiles threat. Can you image during wartime, Russia refusing to deliver more S-300pmus missiles? I can... Can't afford such catastrophic scenario

Fully agreed brother!

BAVAR-373 represents a game-changing AD system for Iran that needs top priority. But then again, it's a really high-end complex. It's not easy to produce, nor is it cheap and it's resource/time intensive.

Hopefully Iran is building them or at prioritizing their production over other systems.
Watch Zinists' AD batteries intercepting each other's missiles, there are reports that no rocket has been fired from Qaza!

Watch Zinists' AD batteries intercepting each other's missiles, there are reports that no rocket has been fired from Qaza!

It fired interceptors at machine gun fire....

What a waste of millions of dollars to intercept
Wondering whats the advantage over the 3rd Khordad here? Besides the sort of "American style" system
For starter look at the difference in Radar size. another thing that come to mind is the missiles , it can use Sayyad-3 , 3rd of khordad can use up to Sayyad-2 and guess those boxes help protect the missiles from environments, the system only need E/O on 3rd of khordad to surpass it in every aspect, well except size
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