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Iranian Air Defense Systems

Iran purchased the Tor SAMs in the mid 2000's so comparing them to Tor systems from the 70's/80's isn't really fair is it ? I very much doubt if the hardware and software wasn't somewhat up to date to the standards of the time when Iran made the purchase.

Even outside of an IADS, any missile defense system has to be able to tell the difference between a passenger plane leaving an airport and an incoming cruise missile, otherwise that SAM system would be absolutely useless as a weapon.

I mean what are you saying that Iran purchased TORs that were exact copies of what was produced in the 80's ? That's pretty much impossible. I mean any weapons system constantly goes through upgrades. Look at the T-72's Iran purchased in the early 2000's. They're T-72's but you comparing them to T-72's from the mid 80's isn't fair is it ?

Furthermore even missile defense systems from the 70/80's,, whether integrated into a command center or not, seem to be able to differentiate between civilian airliners, friendly jets and enemy targets / incoming cruise missiles. I mean, if you think about it, they have to be able to otherwise we would have seen countless civilian passenger planes getting shot down one after another throughout the last few decades.

Wouldn't the Tor system receive constant upgrades as well ? Wouldn't any weapons system receive some sort of upgrades over time ? Otherwise an iphone 3 cpu would be 1000x more powerful than an 80's Tor CPU. Iran seems to have upgraded their Hawk SAMs if I'm not mistaken and Iran tends to be good at upgrading older gear.

I still don't understand how any SAM system can't differentiate between a civilian airliner, a friendly jet / drone and an enemy jet/ drone /cruise missile. I mean during peace time but especially during war time a SAM would be useless if it couldn't differentiate between friendly and enemy jets/cruise missiles. It just doesn't make sense.

If what you're saying is true then the Tor system stationed near the airport or any Iranian airfield would be shooting down civilian planes, Iranian jets, left and right, all the time. The factg that they don't shoot down planes by mistake all the time proves that there's some identification system or some protocol that prevents mistakes from constantly occurring.

In my opinion, it is extremely likely that the operators were on high alert, expecting an attack, perhaps they were overexcited ? over worked ? over anxious ? and/or they simply panicked ?

In any case I want a full investigation, even if its not made public and I want a shakeup of the higher ups and those responsible. Something has to be done. This should have been avoided but now it has to be prevented and those who were negligent and incompetent have to be demoted, dishonorably discharged or worse.
The Tor M1 that iran purchased only had fairly basic upgrades over the original baseline Tor M.In many respects this is still a 1980s level system,tho a pretty advanced one for the time,it wasnt until the M2 that the system received a deep modernisation.
If you`re interested this is probably one of the best sites on the subject.
This is what the Republic does...pathetic

How is this any different than the Shah’s secret police?
Pathetic are the US troll army in this forum.

This guy has to answer what he was doing in that part of the town, and why at a freezing night he was filming at a clear sky to supposedly accidentally capture the hit moment.

Was Iranian Missile Operator Tricked Into Shooting Down The Ukrainian Airlines Plane Over Tehran? | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary
Pathetic are the US troll army in this forum.

This guy has to answer what he was doing in that part of the town, and why at a freezing night he was filming at a clear sky to supposedly accidentally capture the hit moment.

Was Iranian Missile Operator Tricked Into Shooting Down The Ukrainian Airlines Plane Over Tehran? | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary

Bro have you even been to Tehran? So now a cameraman is to blame for gross incompetence of IRGC?

There are people in the streets going to work starting at 5 AM. And this incident supposedly took place near dawn.

Nothing strange that ONE person with a smart phone was walking in the streets near dawn.

Not everyone has access to cars and South Tehran is known as the poorer districts of Tehran.

If they didn't think there was a reason to arrest the cameraman, they wouldn't have announced it on media for the world to see.

Yeah they arrested because he leaked the embarrassing video that prevented the IRGC security apparatus from deflecting blame.
That video is what sealed the deal.

Pilots were killed instantly as the missile shot
Gun blasted the cockpit from outside with Shrapnel.

I swear government shills come up with anything to justify Incompetence. If Iran was honest from the start this wouldn’t have happened. It’s the 21st century you cannot cover up things with satellite imagery everywhere.
Bro have you even been to Tehran? So now a cameraman is to blame for gross incompetence of IRGC?

There are people in the streets going to work starting at 5 AM. And this incident supposedly took place near dawn.

Nothing strange that ONE person with a smart phone was walking in the streets near dawn.

Not everyone has access to cars and South Tehran is known as the poorer districts of Tehran.
So what if he lives in other side of Tehran?!
and yeah, poor people walk in the streets 5AM while filming random sides of sky!!
What do you mean this wouldnt have hapenned????

The anger and loss of credibility would be a lot less against IRI. But from the start everyone denied they had anything to do with it.

Then more and more countries began saying they have evidence and Iran STILL denied it and was going to do shady stuff like decode the black box themselves (which they ended up not being able to do).

So what if he lives in other side of Tehran?!
and yeah, poor people walk in the streets 5AM while filming random sides of sky!!

You sir are nothing, but a government propagandist. I mean the fact you have F-313 the biggest propaganda story as your avatar says it all.

Tehran has tons of people in the streets at 5AM, it’s a city of 10M plus people! And the person started recording likely when he heard the sound of missiles/explosion. Given the geopolitical environment knowing Iran had attacked US, the person probably thought something was happening.

But again a typical propagandist like yourself was adamant Iran had nothing to do with it. Then when the news came out you disappeared along with your 200 dead US soldiers from the Al-Assad airbase incident.

So typical that a delusional individual like you would be focused on a citizen filming a strange event rather than why IRGC shot down a damn passenger plane 8KM from the airport. Or better yet why IRGC leadership had FAULTY INTELLIGENCE and told its air defense operators that cruise missiles were coming. But let’s focus on the cameraman because that clearly is a matter of national security....utter delusional human being.
So a super secret Black project made it all the way to Tehran, but then SUDDENDLY its RCS went from that of a mosquito to a damn blimp? LOL

The mental gymnastics some of you guys are performing to justify this accident is absurd.

This officer was grossly incompetent and sitting next to a massive international airport and mistook a passenger plane for a threat without communicating with the plane. It would have taken less than 30 seconds for operator to say

Operator: “Unknown threat you approaching IRGC military zone identify yourself immediately or risk being shot down”

Pilot: “IRGC this is a damn passenger plane please learn to read your radar better”

You see how easy that was?

There is a reason why one of the heads of IRGC already accepted to take whatever punishment the government bestows. This was a reckless and amateur action. No justification.

Looks like Iranian air defense crews have a history of being borderline retarded.

All these mishaps and no risk management protocol? IRGC should be severely punished
are you live in liberty
میگم اگه میتونی بیا گوه سپاه بخور باشه بی هویت بدبخت معلومه که این سازمانی های نجس همه جا ریختن دور نیست که همتون تو لیبرتی به درک واصل میکنیم چرا نمیگی اربابت که پرچمش زدی و هواپیمای مسافری میزنه انم تو فضای یک کشور دیگه و مدال هم میده نباید مجازات بشه خوب بالاخره جیره خور جیره خوره با ان پرچم نکبتی خیلی کیف میکنی یه پرچمی گذاشتی که کلا از پیدایشش با خون بوده تا حالا بابا صد رحمت به بی هویت

Oh let’s now blame the system. Let’s not blame the PERSONEL let’s blame the machine! Grow up!

In 2007 Tor-M1 fired on Civilian airliner
In 2008 a F-14 was targeted and fired upon
Another incident AA engaged Iranian airliner and drone

Go read pentagon report and don’t get “emotional”. There is a track record of incompetence here. It was only a matter of time before that incompetence led to a disaster.

If you look at IRGC that is how they operate, one only needs to google how many “accidents” IRGC has had in various fields since 1990.

I guess US should blame its “destroyer” and it’s “limitations” for shooting an Iranian airliner in 1988
lets blame someone like you without identity who only know how to bow and kiss ,,, where are you from are you iranian if you think you are . i dont think so maybe some of that people in qajar left alone of those english creature in our land
میگن بادمجون به تخمش میبره حسنی به باباش
how bad sepah burening u to show your face like this no problem go buy ,,ss painkiller maybe works are you in operator room you know how they are look like.who many traitor and enemy this holy land iran have but the iran always show in history win in final
You sir are nothing, but a government propagandist. I mean the fact you have F-313 the biggest propaganda story as your avatar says it all.

Tehran has tons of people in the streets at 5AM, it’s a city of 10M plus people! And the person started recording likely when he heard the sound of missiles/explosion. Given the geopolitical environment knowing Iran had attacked US, the person probably thought something was happening.

But again a typical propagandist like yourself was adamant Iran had nothing to do with it. Then when the news came out you disappeared along with your 200 dead US soldiers from the Al-Assad airbase incident.

So typical that a delusional individual like you would be focused on a citizen filming a strange event rather than why IRGC shot down a damn passenger plane 8KM from the airport. Or better yet why IRGC leadership had FAULTY INTELLIGENCE and told its air defense operators that cruise missiles were coming. But let’s focus on the cameraman because that clearly is a matter of national security....utter delusional human being.
Go back to your CIA nest and keep your BS to yourself.
So what if he lives in other side of Tehran?!
and yeah, poor people walk in the streets 5AM while filming random sides of sky!!
there were two missiles. and he filmed second one after 30 sec ( it was ordinary when you saw first missile and knew about conflict occurred between iran and us you filming the sky for other missiles ) . the question is why they arrested him because of filming ?????? ( when they know the truth !!! )
now they had to arrest this cctv ( why this cctv filmed our mistake ??? ) :D
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there were two missiles. and he filmed second one after 30 sec ( it was ordinary when you saw first missile and knew about conflict occurred between iran and us you filming the sky for other missiles ) . the question is why they arrested him because of filming ?????? ( when they know the truth !!! )
now they had to arrest this cctv ( why this cctv filmed our mistake ??? ) :D
No, it's the first missile.
by second missile, aircrafts fuel on the wing catches fire.

Sabotage is one theory and naturally they have to investigate it.
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