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Iranian Air Defense Systems

What's funny is that some news outlets take Babak seriously. And people wonder why journalism is heading down to sh!t.
Two days ago He published tweet ...something about "Eu will put sanctions on Iran" and than He said "Good news for Iran people and bad news for Ayatollahs"...I responded him "Poor little man..why don't you go and live in Iran and than say sanctions are good news?"..I mean it is nice to live somewhere else and talk that sanctions are good news for people(when sanctions afect peoples the most)..after this He just block me from his channel...I mean man is hypocrat..It is legitimate to fight for your views but not at this way...He is fully aware that sanctions never afects people from government...they will alwys eat good..ordinary people will suffer mostly ...so it would be nice for him to share Iran people destiny before He can say it is good news...any way He is not capable to express himself without his propagande agenda
Two days ago He published tweet ...something about "Eu will put sanctions on Iran" and than He said "Good news for Iran people and bad news for Ayatollahs"...I responded him "Poor little man..why don't you go and live in Iran and than say sanctions are good news?"..I mean it is nice to live somewhere else and talk that sanctions are good news for people(when sanctions afect peoples the most)..after this He just block me from his channel...I mean man is hypocrat..It is legitimate to fight for your views but not at this way...He is fully aware that sanctions never afects people from government...they will alwys eat good..ordinary people will suffer mostly ...so it would be nice for him to share Iran people destiny before He can say it is good news...any way He is not capable to express himself without his propagande agenda

He likes the Sanctions because he understands the real Purpose of the Sanctions is to hurt the Ordinary people Of Iran so much that they theoretically rise up and overthrow the Islam Republic in order to bring in a Vassel state that is friendly towards the Zionists. In this respect he feels that the worst the situation is made for Ordinary Iranians the better it is for Regime change. Plus as you said he does not live there to suffer or to shed his blood for his regime change so he has nothing to worry about!

Good perspective from the attack on Syria. Multi-direction attack from 3 sides.

In some ways, the launch of CM's from the Persian gulf and the B-1B flying over the Persian gulf towards Syria is good for our air defense teams to analyze their radar signatures and see real time U.S air & naval campaign operations. I feel like Iran can really learn from this and know what to expect in case something happens in future.
The combination of S-300 and Iranian Cruise Missiles / Rockets is sufficient
Same for Syria

However 50 / 50 split suppy of Mig 29 to both Nations should even the Odds

Does Iran makes quality Long range missiles Syria looks like a great customer to use some gadgets
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Iran unveils new missile system on Army Day
Kamin-II (Ambush-II); Latest missile unveiled by Iran Army today during National Army Day ceremony: It's reportedly a low-altitude missile aimed at targeting unmanned aerial vehicles and other flying targets at low altitudes

TEHRAN, Apr. 18 (MNA) – Iranian Army unveiled 'Kamin-2' missile system during a ceremony to commemorate the anniversary of National Army Day in Tehran today.

The 'Kamin-2' missile system which is the latest Iranian missile system was unveiled during nationwide parades in Iran to commemorate the Iranian Army Day on Wednesday morning.

The low altitude missile system is designed to confront with a variety of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and to target drones and planes flying at low altitudes.

The system is domestically upgraded by Iranian experts according to most advanced technology in the world.

It is worth mentioning that 'Kamin-2' is an upgraded version of Mersad missile system, which has already been tested and put into operation during previous air defense military drills.
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Some interesting observations from 1397 Army's day:

Tabas Air defense system seen for the first time in the service of IRIADF(previously it was only seen in IRGC ASF service)




3rd Khordad Air defense system seen for the first time in IRIADF service


Sayyad-2 and Sayyad-3 missiles

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