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Irani nuclear program and the american concern.

France gave saddam chemical weapons which killed 60k kurds (Iranic people) and Iranian citizens.
Uk fought with Iran for hundreds of years and was the reason why Iran lost half its territory in the past few centuries. They then took over our country and stole our oil for decades and when we nationalized the oil industry they overthrew our PM, destroyed our democracy and brought back the monarchy.
I thought you Turks were proud people. How come you're sucking up to the white man like the Indians?
But you're right, we will get bold after we get a nuke. Maybe we will get back Azarbaijan and Bahrain.

No one gave Saddem chemical weapons,,, but he did purchase the materials to make chemical weapons,, belive it or not mainly from the dutch.. look it up.

A Dutch businessman named Frans van Anraat (b. 1942), has been prosecuted[3] for complicity in genocide for selling chemicals to Iraq in the 1980s while knowing that Saddam Hussein might use them as weapons against Iranians and others. He has acknowledged that he sold chemicals to Saddam's regime. He exported tons of European-made chemicals between 1984 and 1988 that were turned into mustard and nerve gas. He continued delivering materials even after the March 1988 gas attack on Halabja.

On December 23, 2005, he was sentenced to fifteen years in prison for complicity in war crimes, as the court argued the charges of genocide could not be substantiated. His case was also notable because it established that the chemical bombings in North Iraq constituted genocide according to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
Last time I checked France used Algerian land to test its nuclear test and it left local population with nuclear side effects

UK on other hand occupied and enslaved whole Asia , and also took Argentinian islands and hong kong from china , if it was not for WW2 that weakened UK they would still be rulers over India /Pakistan and other places
So both of them have so much blood on their hands what right they have to tell anyone they can or cannot have nuclear weapons ?

Dont be crazy....

We were not africans but wise people... even at tht time our areas (Pakistan) had autonomy.. ppl waited fo the oppurtunity nd if british wouldnt have been weakened then there would have been a BLOODY WAR for freedom...

@Nahraf.... in 71 bengali traitors deserted nd fough west Pakistan army... u didnt even know if the sepoy outside was even loyal..... there were incidents when bengali soldiers murdered there officers.
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@Nahraf.... in 71 bengali traitors deserted nd fough west Pakistan army... u didnt even know if the sepoy outside was even loyal..... there were incidents when bengali soldiers murdered there officiers.
I find your ignorance and callousness shocking. At least 300,000 bengalis died in 1971; some say it was more like three million. Independence was seen as the only way to keep the Pakistani Army from committing wholesale murder of civilians.
No one gave Saddem chemical weapons,,, but he did purchase the materials to make chemical weapons,, belive it or not mainly from the dutch.. look it up.
Too much work.

A Dutch businessman named Frans van Anraat (b. 1942), has been prosecuted[3] for complicity in genocide for selling chemicals to Iraq in the 1980s while knowing that Saddam Hussein might use them as weapons against Iranians and others. He has acknowledged that he sold chemicals to Saddam's regime. He exported tons of European-made chemicals between 1984 and 1988 that were turned into mustard and nerve gas. He continued delivering materials even after the March 1988 gas attack on Halabja.

On December 23, 2005, he was sentenced to fifteen years in prison for complicity in war crimes, as the court argued the charges of genocide could not be substantiated. His case was also notable because it established that the chemical bombings in North Iraq constituted genocide according to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
Not only that...Iraq's sources for finalized chemical weapons, not merely base elements, came from Egypt and Syria, as highly suspect...

Chemical weapon proliferation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Egypt has not signed the Chemical Weapons Convention and has long appeared on various lists as having an offensive chemical weapons capability, and is thought to possess production facilities for sarin, VX, mustard gas, and phosgene. Additionally, it is possible that Egypt may possess limited stockpiles of chemical bombs, rockets and shells.

The reasons for this belief are several:

* Egypt is known to have employed mustard gas in the Yemeni civil war from 1963 to 1967.
* In the early 1970s, Egypt is believed to have supplied Syria with mustard gas and nerve agents.
* In the 1980s, Egypt supplied Iraq with mustard gas and nerve agents, and related production and deployment technology.

In testimony before the Subcommittee on Seapower, Strategic and Critical Materials in 1991, US Navy Rear Admiral Thomas Brooks cited this evidence in identifying Egypt as a "probable" chemical weapons possessor.

More recent analyses are more careful by estimation the current status of chemical weapons program in Egypt. Only one facility has been identified as "likely involved" in the offensive activities. Although the offensive program may be still in existence, it does not seem that Egypt has a considerable stockpile of operational weapons[2].
It is easier to place the blame on the US than to 'look it up'. You are asking too much.
I find your ignorance and callousness shocking. At least 300,000 bengalis died in 1971; some say it was more like three million. Independence was seen as the only way to keep the Pakistani Army from committing wholesale murder of civilians.

Dont lie and distaurt facts. who created mukti bhani?who are ther authors who wroe books on how they created mukti bhani?
Stop with the propoganda.. 1 million died? which country kills its own citizens by millions or in hundreds of thousands>?

Your beloved indians had started creating mukti bhani a long time before 71 war... go read books by indian authors.
Dont lie and distaurt facts. who created mukti bhani?
I know that India sponsored a revolt - just deserts, I suppose they were thinking, for Pakistan's abortive attempt to do so in Kashmir in 1965. Yet does that excuse the P.A. or their leaders from their crimes? The truth is, had not Pakistan's leadership been so bad, the Bengalis would never have thought they were better off without their Western brethren.

which country kills its own citizens by millions or in hundreds of thousands?
Here's the list: link
I know that India sponsored a revolt - just deserts, I suppose they were thinking, for Pakistan's abortive attempt to do so in Kashmir in 1965. Yet does that excuse the P.A. or their leaders from their crimes? The truth is, had not Pakistan's leadership been so bad, the Bengalis would never have thought they were better off without their Western brethren.

Here's the list: link

Well in a war that last 7-8 days , when the army was busy protecting the borders and fighting indians I sincerly doubt any claims by authors , its a well known fact that malitias (Mukti Bani) were inciting local revolt so they orchestrated these act , lol 300,000 what a nonesense article

We all know 10,000-15,000 casualtie were due to Indian army's bombings and artilery
Its called war ... enemy drops bombs on civilians from air

Pakistani Leadership never was bad and never will be bad - :pakistan:

We know exactly who did what and that is all that matters

Dont be crazy....

We were not africans but wise people... even at tht time our areas (Pakistan) had autonomy.. ppl waited fo the oppurtunity nd if british wouldnt have been weakened then there would have been a BLOODY WAR for freedom...

@Nahraf.... in 71 bengali traitors deserted nd fough west Pakistan army... u didnt even know if the sepoy outside was even loyal..... there were incidents when bengali soldiers murdered there officers.

Would Pakistan be better off or worse off if the British were still in charge.
Would Pakistan be better off or worse off if the British were still in charge.

Well same can be asked would US/Europe would be better if Nazi's were in charge ... the answer I believe would be quite similar 'NO'

We worked really very very hard to get rid of british out of South Asia.

Just that they sorta wanted to be owners and us the slave , and some how our past generations did not agree to that idea so we decided to be get our freedom

But we have to admit that they did build the rail roads that we still use but then again they did steal all the gold and jewlery for the british raj , I am positive that neclace that the british queen wears so prominently was probbly stolen from some indian ruler
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Doesn't Iran operate and fund terror proxies. Imagine what they would do if they received nuclear weapons. Does the UK and France do that ?

Yes, they do! Israel's MOSAD is that example. And uncle sam is an old player in the game of supporting terror groups(jandullah in Iran).
AMericans have always concern if a MUSlIm state try to be in a good position..........!!!
but IRAn Is strong.......if they attack iran......Russia n China would support them n I HOPe PAKistan as well!!!!
AMericans have always concern if a MUSlIm state try to be in a good position..........!!!
but IRAn Is strong.......if they attack iran......Russia n China would support them n I HOPe PAKistan as well!!!!

russia and china won't support Iran. Russia is America's ***** and China simply doesn't give two shits.
Just like the imposed war we will fight alone and that will only make us stronger and more defiant in the end.
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