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Irani Forces in Iraq.

well the claim here is that Iran support western USA plan to oppress poor Iraqi people
I was referring to both types of conspiracy theories and also their other favourite conspiracy theory: Shia this and Shia that.
No surprise. Iraq is simply another Arab playground for the Mullahs.

Finally the Sunnis have realised what Iran does in the region. This move against Syria and Iraq is to cut Iran out of the middle east.

Lebanon will fall, Hezzies will be slaughtered and then the wolves will come knocking on Tehran's door.

You reap what you sow.
No surprise. Iraq is simply another Arab playground for the Mullahs.

Finally the Sunnis have realised what Iran does in the region. This move against Syria and Iraq is to cut Iran out of the middle east.

Lebanon will fall, Hezzies will be slaughtered and then the wolves will come knocking on Tehran's door.

You reap what you sow.
it's 3 years you guys says such things about Syria , you knew here i Iran we will say it won't rain with the word of Black Cat
Iran, what happened? Before Syria you used to tell us all sorts of things. We thought you opposed the West. But, it seems like you're going to cooperate with US forces in Iraq to repress any Sunni army from liberating Iraq, Syria and the rest of the Arab world.
Em SUNNY Army LIBERATING Iraq and Syria?
so you think Sunni Militias taking over Iraq and Syria is something dangerous to West? When same West Provides Non Stop support to These Sunni armies like FSA and AlNusra.?
Cmon dude get out of Conspiracy theories. These SUNNI ARMIES took full support from France and UK in Libya to overthrow Qazafi. and same SUNNI ARMIES are taking every support possible from West in Syria. And the same mighty arab SUNNI ARMIES never threw a stone on Israel. (Now dont claim Hamas as part of you, they are Palestenian locals).
No surprise. Iraq is simply another Arab playground for the Mullahs.

Finally the Sunnis have realised what Iran does in the region. This move against Syria and Iraq is to cut Iran out of the middle east.

Lebanon will fall, Hezzies will be slaughtered and then the wolves will come knocking on Tehran's door.

You reap what you sow.

You are telling me that you consider ISIS as Sunnies? And don't think that your dreams would get the color of reality just wait for a few days ...

Iraqi Sunni cleric says fighting against ISIS is a duty
An Iraq famous Sunni cleric Sheikh Ahmad al-Kabisi said fighting against the Takfiri forces of the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) is a religious duty for all Muslims.
Releasing a Fatwa, religious order, the cleric asked all Iraqi politicians to forget differences at the time and oust ISIS forces from Iraq, al-Baghdadiya News reported.

The Islamist militants effectively took control of Mosul, the country's second-largest city, and much of its province of Nineveh June 9, AFP said.
nothing changed , the fact that 150000 Iraqi Family fled from these ISIS just in an afternoon tell us how they plan to liberate them.

by the way why these ISIS guys won't start Jihad against the agents of western countries in middle east and I guess there is no need to name those monarchs who support western agenda more than any group else.

and by the way the report is not proven and Iraq is a sovereign country which has enough power to destroy these ISIS scums , they just need to deal with traitors who ordered retreat of 50000 Iraqi police and soldiers in face of just 4-5 thousands terrorists .and if we want to help Iraq we help them to build NDF like group to defend Iraq .

I think it has to do with what is likely to happen in the future. Ever since the takeover of ISIS, there will be intervention in Iraq which will lead to war. That's why they are leaving in advance which i think is smart move, Allahu Alim.
Em SUNNY Army LIBERATING Iraq and Syria?
so you think Sunni Militias taking over Iraq and Syria is something dangerous to West? When same West Provides Non Stop support to These Sunni armies like FSA and AlNusra.?
Cmon dude get out of Conspiracy theories. These SUNNI ARMIES took full support from France and UK in Libya to overthrow Qazafi. and same SUNNI ARMIES are taking every support possible from West in Syria. And the same mighty arab SUNNI ARMIES never threw a stone on Israel. (Now dont claim Hamas as part of you, they are Palestenian locals).

You're speaking nonsense. As for Hamas you are irrelevant. You don't anybody from Hamas or anything about them. Hamas has nothing to do with this discussion anyways.
You're speaking nonsense. As for Hamas you are irrelevant. You don't anybody from Hamas or anything about them. Hamas has nothing to do with this discussion anyways.
Whats your business with ISIS terrorists ?
Ayatulas against ISIS? Not going to happen. They fight on same side in Syria.
Ayatulas against ISIS? Not going to happen. They fight on same side in Syria.
Yep and the Zionists are in the same game too, explains the reason why they never fired one bullet towards Israel.
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