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Iran warns US against extending war into Pakistan


Dec 14, 2010
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United States
TEHRAN-(Online) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has warned US President Barack Obama against extending the war in Afghanistan to neighbouring Pakistan.
‘I warn Obama to take a lesson from former President George W.Bush’s fate and to stop expanding the war’, he said. ‘The best option for him is to withdraw his forces from our region’, Ahmadinejad added. The Iranian President made the comments at a news conference in Istanbul on the sidelines of the Fourth UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries. ‘If he (Obama) makes a wrong decision, he will suffer an even worse fate than that of Bush’, Ahmadinejad said. He went on to say that the US invaded the region after the 9/11 attacks under the pretext of the campaign against terrorism, but there has never been an independent investigation into the events.
He also underlined the need to reform the UN structure, noting that the nations of the world have come to the conclusion that the UN must be reformed since the major powers currently control it.
The five-day UN summit with 48 leaders of the world’s Least Developed Countries (LDCs) began in Istanbul on Monday to discuss a new 10-year aid plan to help lift nations out of poverty.
At the UN conference, the Iranian President presented Iran’s six-point plan for reforming the ‘unjust’ world system.
The UN holds a Least Developed Countries conference every decade. France hosted the first two LDC conferences in 1981 and 1990. The third was held in Brussels in 2001.

Iran warns US against extending war into Pakistan | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
the first thing i liked about him, its so refreshing to see countries on pakistan's side
(01) Iran was the first country to recognize Pakistan.
(02) Iran provided weapons during the 1965 War against India while US and the West put an arms embargo on us.
(03) We should finanlize the Iran-Pakistan Gas pipeline project so it can hep our economy and we can employ the young graduates.

We need to boost our relations with all of our neighbhours including Iran
(01) Iran was the first country to recognize Pakistan.
(02) Iran provided weapons during the 1965 War against India while US and the West put an arms embargo on us.
(03) We should finanlize the Iran-Pakistan Gas pipeline project so it can hep our economy and we can employ the young graduates.

We need to boost our relations with all of our neighbhours including Iran

all neighbours excluding india :lol::lol:
Also exclude Afghanistan and Iraq :wave:

Afghanistan is our brother and fellow muslim country. We share food, language, religion, clothing, history, tradition with them. No matter how much money India spends in aid, in the end they will pray with us. We also love to eat Non-Veggies, Meat together.
the first thing i liked about him, its so refreshing to see countries on pakistan's side

As usual thing i liked about "Everyone". Its eye opening (wakeup call) for Pakistanis that countries supporting Pakistan and pass statements on high level and in Pakistan Military Airforce and Govt shut thr mouth and not interested to even come on media official and tel the real story and who is responsible of this mess to the people of Pakistan.
also the Irani ambassador to Pakistan said that we will not leave Pakistan alone in tough times.

this shows how our STRATEGIC INTERESTS ARE SAME...
Afghanistan is our brother and fellow muslim country. We share food, language, religion, clothing, history, tradition with them. No matter how much money India spends in aid, in the end they will pray with us. We also love to eat Non-Veggies, Meat together.

Seriously?Are you 10? :confused:
lol.. you guys are missing the irony of this all.. Iran sending this warning actually increases the chances of expansion of the war into Pakistan.
lol.. you guys are missing the irony of this all.. Iran sending this warning actually increases the chances of expansion of the war into Pakistan.

really ? :) how ??
He also underlined the need to reform the UN structure, noting that the nations of the world have come to the conclusion that the UN must be reformed since the major powers currently control it

This is not possible - UN cannot be reformed in the way Mr. Ahamdinejad imagines - Perhaps what is better is to create other structures which can deliver what the UN under the control of WWII victors.

And this ties into Mr. Ahmadinejad's advise to Obama -- Mr. Obama has the UN in his back pocket and the reason he does so is because Russia and China have been saying one thing and doing another. Something that will not go unnoticed for much longer.
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