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As far as I know, your fella arabs in Al-Ahsa, Bahrain, Syria, Cairo, Yeman, Iraq, ... are the ones who are slaughtered in hundreds of thousands by terrorists and armies who are supported with your fat a$$ leaders, and mullahs.

Something we can thank the mullahs for. Look at the Arab world; completely ruined, and we had a share in it. And now Arabs are occupied with killing each other, while the world wants to be friends with Iran again, and we can boost our economy to a point where we have the largest GDP in the region.
Something we can thank the mullahs for. Look at the Arab world; completely ruined, and we had a share in it. And now Arabs are occupied with killing each other, the world wants to be friends with Irsn again, and we can boost our economy to a point where we have the largest GDP in the region.

Anyway, It is not our fault or even mullah's fault. They, arabs, are the ones who initiated this sectarian war in their own countries and they are paying the price.
Anyway, It is not our fault or even mullah's fault. They, arabs, are the ones who initiated this sectarian war in their own countries and they are paying the price.

True. In the end, they themselves are pulling the trigger. Arabs have been fighting each other since the ages of time. Hell, Nasser even used chemical weapons on Yemenites.
It is interesting to see how the Iranian ego functions, especially when their FM came to our doorsteps :lol:

Iran is the country your sandal-wearing kings are afraid of. The nation that blocked a Qatari gas-plan to Syria.

Yes, we fear you the same way you feared the Iraqi against MiG-21 shelling your airports while your the-cutting-edge fighters were sitting duck.

Yes, we fear you the same way you feared to lift a finger when the US sunk your ships, shot down, your helicopters, and most importantly shot your own CIVILIAN Airplanes.

Yes, we fear you the same way you feared us when we invaded Bahrain - which is considered to be a Persian land by many of you -

Yes, we fear you the same way you managed to keep your mouth shot when armed groups killed your boarder guards on you boarder with Pakistan.

You see how much are we scared? :lol:

Speaking of my " King's sandal "

I think his sandal worths a nation of these Iran terrorists :lol:

True. In the end, they themselves are pulling the trigger. Arabs have been fighting each other since the ages of time. Hell, Nasser even used chemical weapons on Yemenites.

yes, the list of those type of arab leaders is very long. Anyway, honestly I hope that they finally learn to live with peace and respect with themselves and their neighbors.
Although that member insulted Iranians by saying "slaughtered like ...", but I don't wanna say the same thing to them. even I wish them to be happy, and prosperous. But the prerequisite for it would be learning to be calm, and respectful with others.
True. In the end, they themselves are pulling the trigger. Arabs have been fighting each other since the ages of time. Hell, Nasser even used chemical weapons on Yemenites.

:lol: what was used in Yemen is 0.0.1 compared to this:

Not only the Arab nations, if you wish to be honest then you have to condemn the Iranian regime as well.

yes, the list of those type of arab leaders is very long. Anyway, honestly I hope that they finally learn to live with peace and respect with themselves and their neighbors.
Although that member insulted Iranians by saying "slaughtered like ...", but I don't wanna say the same thing to them. even I wish them to be happy, and prosperous. But the prerequisite for it would be learning to be calm, and respectful with others.

Point taken.
Look at him again. Always when we are mentioning current affairs, he comes in with his Iran-Iraq propaganda. Do you even know what happened even then? Saddam wanted to 'liberate' Khuzestan, and he failed. He did not achieve one thing. The fact that Iranians have been killed is not something Iranians are ashamed of. On the contrary, we cherish our martyrs and if we had the choice again, we would sacrifice more of our people to protect one inch of our country.

On the other hand, the Arab world right now is completely destroyed, largely thanks to us Iranians. Who could ever imagine that once a time Iranians would dominate the region again and setting up Arabs against each other in the name of religion, while the real reason is Persian interests. Not for 100 years the Arab world would return to its past quietness. The Arab world has failed, in every dimension, and I am glad about that.

Now, it was the Emirati FM who visited Iran first. Qatar even congratulated Iran, and according to newspapers, has contacted Nasrallah and Assad to strengthen the ties again.

Now, your sandal-wearing kings are writing on every Arab newspaper that the US has betrayed them and has left the region to Persians.

Yes, it has. It would not take long before we get the largest GDP in the region. As Western expert Stephen Walt said yesterday:

Moreover, given its relatively well-educated population of 80 million, as well as its abundant oil and gas reserves, Iran “has far more power potential than any of the other states in the region,” noted Stephen Walt, a top international relations expert at HarvardUniversity, on his foreign-policy.com blog.
Not to the extents were you can call it a total destruction. The aftermath of the overthrow of the secular monarchy in Iran, had sent you back to the old good Safavid days :lol:

The casualties the Syrian conflict is up to this moment a tip of the iceberg compared to what you have seen in the 80s. And who funded and bought the weapons to Iraq? Well I think you already know the answer. What is more interesting is that, no matter how Iranians regard themselves to be superior among all races in the ME, it is quite startling to see Iranians dying in Syria for the race they despise the most.

On the other hand, the Arab world right now is completely destroyed, largely thanks to us Iranians. Who could ever imagine that once a time Iranians would dominate the region again and setting up Arabs against each other in the name of religion

You didn't set up a damn thing. Your war is religiously motivated, the racial issue you have is only with us. Otherwise, there is no point for starving the Iranians, to raise fundings for Hezbollah by both public and private sectors in Iran.

I understand how much Iranians hate Arabs, but you gave to live with the fact that you have been defeated by every single major aspect of life 1400 years ago.

Now, it was the Emirati FM who visited Iran first. Qatar even congratulated Iran, and according to newspapers, has contacted Nasrallah and Assad to strengthen the ties again.

These are diplomatic protocols that every country has to fallow.

As for contacting Assad, the only thing that I can see is RUBBISH :lol:

Now, your sandal-wearing kings are writing on every Arab newspaper that the US has betrayed them and has left the region to Persians.

Actually, my " King " praised the agreement, which means, you are lying. On other note, KSA has reached to the point where Iran can't posse a SERIOUS threat to it.

Look at him again. Always when we are mentioning current affairs, he comes in with his Iran-Iraq propaganda. Do you even know what happened even then? Saddam wanted to 'liberate' Khuzestan, and he failed. He did not achieve one thing. The fact that Iranians have been killed is not something Iranians are ashamed of. On the contrary, we cherish our martyrs and if we had the choice again, we would sacrifice more of our people to protect one inch of our country.

On the other hand, the Arab world right now is completely destroyed, largely thanks to us Iranians. Who could ever imagine that once a time Iranians would dominate the region again and setting up Arabs against each other in the name of religion, while the real reason is Persian interests. Not for 100 years the Arab world would return to its past quietness. The Arab world has failed, in every dimension, and I am glad about that.

Now, it was the Emirati FM who visited Iran first. Qatar even congratulated Iran, and according to newspapers, has contacted Nasrallah and Assad to strengthen the ties again.

Now, your sandal-wearing kings are writing on every Arab newspaper that the US has betrayed them and has left the region to Persians.

Yes, it has. It would not take long before we get the largest GDP in the region. As Western expert Stephen Walt said yesterday:
Yeah, the Non-GCC Arab states are so fond of Iran. :lol:

From Egypt denying entry to Iranian tourists, to Libya arresting a couple of Iranian envoies, to Morocco suspending its relations with Iran, to Jordan slamming Iran on daily basis, to Yemen busting Iranian weapons curtails, and to Sudan stating that her relations with Iran won't be at the expense of others - in reference to the GCC -

Get a life man :D

I just said some facts .... if they hate us , that don't mean they like you ...

this isn't like this :

A = other Arabs hate khaliji Arabs
B= Iran doesn't like Khaliji Arabs
c = A like B ....

you just want to use "fallacy" tactics against others ....

and whom want to make relationship with Arabs ...
Your equation would work if you were talking about non-theocratic regime.

We read Arabic, and we see how much other Arabs like you. :lol:

I just wish you could read Arabic.

I just said some facts .... if they hate us , that don't mean they like you ...

this isn't like this :

A = other Arabs hate khaliji Arabs
B= Iran doesn't like Khaliji Arabs
c = A like B ....

you just want to use "fallacy" tactics against others ....

and whom want to make relationship with Arabs ...
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You've thrown every single extremist terrorist of ME and Africa in Syria, and yet Assad is still there, killing more and more numbers of them. So you better choose another strategy. Even if Assad falls, things won't go the way you wish.

You make me feel your sending flowers to Syria , in addition most civilians were killed by Assad forces and Iranian weapons .

Syria will not be ruled by anyone , its now the new Somalia of middle east thanks to filthy shia and sunni dogs.

I just said some facts .... if they hate us , that don't mean they like you ...

this isn't like this :

A = other Arabs hate khaliji Arabs
B= Iran doesn't like Khaliji Arabs
c = A like B ....

you just want to use "fallacy" tactics against others ....

and whom want to make relationship with Arabs ...

what kind of weed do you hit ?
You make me feel your sending flowers to Syria , in addition most civilians were killed by Assad forces and Iranian weapons .

Syria will not be ruled by anyone , its now the new Somalia of middle east thanks to filthy shia and sunni dogs.

what kind of weed do you hit ?

the weed that is made by your brains ...

Your equation would work if you were talking about non-theocratic regime.

We read Arabic, and we see how much other Arabs like you. :lol:

I just wish you could read Arabic.

again " Fallacy " tactics ....

I was talking about " none Khaliji Arabs don't like Khaliji Arabs " .... and I don't find anything about Persian or Iranian in my words ....
Look at him again. Always when we are mentioning current affairs, he comes in with his Iran-Iraq propaganda. Do you even know what happened even then? Saddam wanted to 'liberate' Khuzestan, and he failed. He did not achieve one thing. The fact that Iranians have been killed is not something Iranians are ashamed of. On the contrary, we cherish our martyrs and if we had the choice again, we would sacrifice more of our people to protect one inch of our country.

On the other hand, the Arab world right now is completely destroyed, largely thanks to us Iranians. Who could ever imagine that once a time Iranians would dominate the region again and setting up Arabs against each other in the name of religion, while the real reason is Persian interests. Not for 100 years the Arab world would return to its past quietness. The Arab world has failed, in every dimension, and I am glad about that.

Now, it was the Emirati FM who visited Iran first. Qatar even congratulated Iran, and according to newspapers, has contacted Nasrallah and Assad to strengthen the ties again.

Now, your sandal-wearing kings are writing on every Arab newspaper that the US has betrayed them and has left the region to Persians.

Yes, it has. It would not take long before we get the largest GDP in the region. As Western expert Stephen Walt said yesterday:

what total destruction are you talking about ? the traditional Arab world " Arabian peninsula " has been prospering the last 2 decades and the so called Arab spring did not affect us in any shame.

Historically Syria , Lebanon and Iraq were never part of the Arabian homeland , most of these people have been arabized but still they have a totally different culture .

Kurds , Turkmen and Christians make up at-least 30% of Syria , so these lands are not entirely Arab countries and their destruction only benefits Israel no one else.

Syria is the only Ally Iran has in middle east and so the destruction of Syria will leave Iran Isolated in this region like it was .

Now your Mullas are kissing USA arse to end Isolation of Iran , but this comes at an expense you will have to make by selling your worthless proxy in Lebanon .

The isolation of Iran was not about its nuclear program but to make it spread sectarianism in the region which ended up in Destroying Syria and Turning Lebanon into a shit-hole.

By the way Saudi Arabia benefited from sectarianism , Saudi Arabia is a close minded country and they are interested only in creating a club of exclusively Sunni states.

Saudi Arabia today has Bahrain , Egypt , Kuwait and Qatar will fall into its hand in the next few years and managed to destroy its major foe Syria .

I do not see any destruction expect of Syria your only ally in the region .
the weed that is made by your brains ...

again " Fallacy " tactics ....

I was talking about " none Khaliji Arabs don't like Khaliji Arabs " .... and I don't find anything about Persian or Iranian in my words ....

You said the thing that you share in common with the Non-GCC(ers) is the fact that both not liking us, and I told you who cares about Iran? :lol: All Arab nations are either partially anti-Mullahism or fully.
Only extremist Shia Arabs hate khaliji and they are minority in this region after all their love or hate does not make a difference.

He is a dumb arse , the offspring of mut3a marriage.

so , a mallay make claims and decide for other Arabs .... Its funny ...

first , even in The Great prophet era , mutta was allowed but some Arabs though they knew Islam better than The great prophet ... so if you claim that you knew Islam better that Great prophet then I won't bother to talk with like of you ....

then be glad for saying nonsense ....

You said the thing that you share in common with the Non-GCC(ers) is the fact that both not liking us, and I told you who cares about Iran? :lol: All Arab nations are either partially anti-Mullahism or fully.

again , Fallacy tactics ... Arabs don't like us doesn't mean they like Khaliji Arabs ....

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