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Jun 28, 2010
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Envoy Reassures Gulf On N-Deal

KUWAIT CITY, Dec 1, (KUNA): His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al- Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah received on Sunday at Al-Seif Palace Acting Premier and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Khalid Al-Hamad Al- Sabah, accompanied by Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. Zarif conveyed a message to His Highness the Amir from President Hassan Rouhani touching on bilateral relations and means to bolster interaction and exchange between the two people and nations, in addition to the latest regional and international developments. The visiting Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said here on Sunday his country seeks to open a new chapter of relations with the region’s countries.

Speaking at a joint news conference with Kuwaiti Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Zarif said Iran attaches much attention to relations with its neighboring countries, saying Kuwait, thanks to its wise policies, enjoys wide ties with the region’s countries, especially Iran. He said Iran and Kuwait share the same future, hoping that both sides’ mass media would play a constructive role in the promotion of understanding among the region’s countries. On Tehran’s nuclear deal with the P5+1 group, he said the deal was promulgated in a joint statement and hoped it would lead to the fulfillment of its goals. But, he urged the “other party” to show goodwill and to seek to wipe out mistrust between Tehran and the West, primarily the US. He confirmed that the nuclear agreement was not against any other country in the country, reassuring that his country would never take any step against Gulf countries.

However, the Iranian foreign minister called on the West to take confidence- building steps with the Iranian people, rejecting possible dictations from anybody. Iran and the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council — the US, Britain, Russia, France, and China — plus Germany had sealed an interim hard-won deal in Geneva. The main points of the deal include that Iran is to limit its uranium enrichment to 5 percent within the next six months, and also abandon development of nuclear fuel production at Natanz, Fordow, and Arak facilities. The deal also states a gradual easing of sanctions and that no additional sanctions be imposed on the nation, and also indicates that some $400 million of Iranian funds abroad are to be freed. The embargo on purchase of gold and precious metals is also to be lifted as well as embargos on the auto industry, petrochemicals, and repair of civilian Iranian aircraft abroad. On his planned visit to Riyadh, he said no final date was set for the tour, but hailed Saudi Arabia as a significant and influential country in the Arabian Gulf region. On Syria, he said it is up to the Syrian people themselves to take the final decision on the future of their country, but he urged influential parties concerned to help in resolving the political crisis in this Arab nation. He reiterated that the political option should be the only way to put an end to the current political crisis in Syria. He also spoke highly of the outcomes of his recent visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), saying that his country would continue talks with the UAE on the issue of the three islands. The Iranian foreign minister, said his country had named its new ambassador to Kuwait, hoping that bilateral relations would be seriously developed. On the detention of a Kuwaiti citizen in Iran, he said the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs was playing some part to resolve this issue. On his part, Kuwaiti Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Khalid Al-Hamad Al-Sabah said the second session of the joint Kuwaiti- Iranian committee had discussed all aspects of cooperation and all issues of mutual interest. “We have discussed all issues in a way that reflects the depth of relations between Kuwait and Iran and that puts the relation in the appropriate context by means of finding agreed solutions to all issues,” he told the joint news conference with the Iranian foreign minister. Serious and important talks were held on the sidelines of the joint committee meeting in political, economic and cultural sectors, and regional and international issues were involved, he said. He said he and the Iranian foreign minister had met His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al- Sabah, who asked Zarif to convey his greetings to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. He recalled to memory the “historic positions” between both friendly countries on both governmental and popular levels, noting that diplomatic relations were forged between Kuwait and Iran 52 years ago. This period witnessed many significant and joint events and positions, the Kuwaiti minister pointed out. Re-welcoming the visiting Iranian foreign minister, Sheikh Sabah Khaled voiced hope that the second session of the joint committee would lead to the fulfillment of the expectations and hopes of both countries’ people. Asked if Kuwait acts as a facilitator between Saudi Arabia and Iran, he said all countries of the region are keen to have good relations based on the principles of international law and good neighborliness. “We closely monitored President Dr. Hassan Rouhani’s statements calling for cooperative relations with the region’s countries, especially Saudi Arabia, in addition to the positive response by the Saudi King,” he said.
Nothing will happens before Assad gets toppled. Once he falls, Iran will come by itself crawling.
You've thrown every single extremist terrorist of ME and Africa in Syria, and yet Assad is still there, killing more and more numbers of them. So you better choose another strategy. Even if Assad falls, things won't go the way you wish.
You've thrown every single extremist terrorist of ME and Africa in Syria, and yet Assad is still there, killing more and more numbers of them. So you better choose another strategy. Even if Assad falls, things won't go the way you wish.

Arabs defending their land what do you got in there? Stay where you are in your failed state and put your nose where it belongs, When Assad falls a Pro-Saudi government is going to be installed there then will take you one by one, First Maliki then Khamiane.

Bug off.
Due to present circumstance in the region Iran will found tuff way to extend its foreign policy..
when in the presence of incident,s with neighbor countries..
Arabs defending their land what do you got in there? Stay where you are in your failed state and put your nose where it belongs, When Assad falls a Pro-Saudi government is going to be installed there then will take you one by one, First Maliki then Khamiane.

Bug off.

Are you gonna pay us like Egypt then
Arabs defending their land what do you got in there? Stay where you are in your failed state and put your nose where it belongs, When Assad falls a Pro-Saudi government is going to be installed there then will take you one by one, First Maliki then Khamiane.

Bug off.
Syria is not yours, neither Iraq or Lebanon. Being an Arab country doesn't mean it should be in 'Saudi Team'.
And btw, acting like an internet warrior will not change the reality on the ground.
Syria is not yours, neither Iraq or Lebanon. Being an Arab country doesn't mean it should be in 'Saudi Team'.

Im afraid its not you who decide babe! No Persian foot in the Arab world sorry!

And btw, acting like an internet warrior will not change the reality on the ground.

What is the realty huh? that Assad is getting his *** kicked around the clock.:lol:
Im afraid its not you who decide babe! No Persian foot in the Arab world sorry!

What is the realty huh? that Assad is getting his *** kicked around the clock.:lol:
But let there be not only American and western boots, but also their hands in the Arab world. Their boots are everywhere in the Arab world, so why not Iran? We have always been in this region and it's not going to change, you can still continue to send all those clowns to Syria, trying to remove 'Iran's foot' in Arab world.

There is also another side of the reality: Assad killing hundreds of mercenaries in Syria weekly. death ratio of Assad regime forces to terrorists is something like 1:5, good luck with that.
Im afraid its not you who decide babe! No Persian foot in the Arab world sorry!

What is the realty huh? that Assad is getting his *** kicked around the clock.:lol:

Syria being Arab does not make it yours, nor does it mean Iran can not have relations with it. Who made up this rule btw? If you are not Arab country, you are less legitimate to have relations with another country? This is such a huge joke of an argument.
I only hear this flawed logic from that feudal tribal Al Saud and its allies in GCC.
We are Syrias ally, and we will enforce our pact to prevent it from falling to Saudi sponsored Salafist zombies. Good thing that Assad is winning.
But let there be not only American and western boots, but also their hands in the Arab world. Their boots are everywhere in the Arab world, so why not Iran?

If you got some beef with the americans go works it out with them somewhere else but certainly not in our home

We have always been in this region and it's not going to change, you can still continue to send all those clowns to Syria, trying to remove 'Iran's foot' in Arab world.

Nope you haven't, you used to be under our control but not anymore.:lol:

Observing will help you understand what is Iran in the Arab world. Have you wonder why Iran is the most hated country in the world? The whole arab world hold no respect for Iran and sees Iran not a friend rather a foe, also isn't in need of relations of any kind with Iran at all. We shouldn't also allow Iranians to enter Makkah and Madinah as well. Your part of the world is that on other side there, from the east not here. You are not welcome in the Arab world so save your tears and get over it.

Saudi Arabia will keep acting against the mullas wherever they appeared.

There is also another side of the reality: Assad killing hundreds of mercenaries in Syria weekly. death ratio of Assad regime forces to terrorists is something like 1:5, good luck with that.

It seems that you aren't in touch with whats going on Syria. The reality says otherwise without any no or but. The FSA is ripping Assad and his thugs apart. You are not following that sticky thread of Syria these days are you?
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