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Iran vows revenge for Soleimani killing if Trump not put on trial


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Iran vows revenge for Soleimani killing if Trump not put on trial

DUBAI, Jan 3 (Reuters) - Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, speaking on the second anniversary of the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani by the United States, said that former U.S. President Donald Trump must face trial for the killing or Tehran would take revenge.


More 'resistance' by pathetic 'resistance axis' which is nothing more than symbolic propaganda. Never kill or injure a single Israeli or American soldier. Making pathetic excuses to cover up their intention of not even seeking to avenge their general. They don't have will nor intention in first place to fight US or Israel. It's propaganda to fight Muslims over power of region.

In 2024 Irani PM will also say they will give more time for US to try Trump. Then in 2030 same thing. Until 20 years later where its forgotten all together.
again some obsessed member lied and faked news
Iran PM says Iran delaying Soleimani revenge to give US at least 20 years to consider trying Trump
where in the Reuter article exactly this is came
andfor 100ds of time , we already said we take revenge and the revenge would be severe .
and also we said non of american generals and politican are in league with General soleymani so killing them won't be the revenge , the ultimate revenge would be throwing USA out of middle east and we half delivered that promise , so wait for the rest of it
Iran is incapable of directly hitting the US and its meek response of firing a couple of ballistic missiles at empty hangars is indicative of that. Credit where it is due - Trump called Iran's bluff in assassinating Soleimani. The threat of direct American intervention and devastation of the Iranian mainland put off the Iranians from even really targeting America's indirect interests in the region (namely Israel). Iran also knows that any attack on Israel, in response to the US or for some other reason, will be met by direct hits on its nuclear and other strategic facilities.

Iran has excelled, particularly in the last ten years, in expanding its influence through indirect assets in the form of Hezbollah, the Hash al Shabbi and other Shia militias. They have probably executed one of the greatest force multipliers. But it still cannot afford a direct confrontation with either Israel or the United States.

These are empty words for domestic consumption.
The post assassination chants and vows as such for domestic consumption will continue.
Just yesterday Pompeo claimed that we, Trump and co, are being persecuted by Iranian paid agents in the US.

Let's put the Iran-o-phobia aspect of it aside, the right to take revenge for his blood is always preserved for Iranians wherever they are.
There is a long list of involved personalities amongst plotters of Soleimani assassination. American high ranking general in Qatar, Ain Al Assad airbase, Trump family, Pompeo, Nethanyahu etc. Some are done, some are pending.
Just yesterday Pompeo claimed that we, Trump and co, are being persecuted by Iranian paid agents in the US.

Let's put the Iran-o-phobia aspect of it aside, the right to take revenge for his blood is always preserved for Iranians wherever they are.

There is a long list of involved personalities amongst plotters of Soleimani assassination. American high ranking general in Qatar, Ain Al Assad airbase, Trump family, Pompeo, Nethanyahu etc. Some are done, some are pending.
Of the all ones you mentioned none are done.
Trump is busy with theatrica
Nethanyahu is enjoying a political holiday
Ain Al Assad airbase is secure and US generals in Qatar are either rotated out or enjoying the many fine places to dine in Doha.
Of the all ones you mentioned none are done.
Trump is busy with theatrica
Nethanyahu is enjoying a political holiday
Ain Al Assad airbase is secure and US generals in Qatar are either rotated out or enjoying the many fine places to dine in Doha.
Huh, yeah well.

Show this to your Pakistani friends too.

The lives of your military personnel are so valueless that you hide the main reason of their death, why is that so? Was that an slain pig?

Btw, what is it that scares Pompeo to death? You seem so relax unlike him.
Simultanously to that pig an other swine in Kuwait and Syria and Iraq:

What is my point? Simultaneous-ness
All these swines were neutralized for playing a role in that terror operation.

And you can;t even dare to say the reason of their death.
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The post assassination chants and vows as such for domestic consumption will continue.

Of the all ones you mentioned none are done.
Trump is busy with theatrica
Nethanyahu is enjoying a political holiday
Ain Al Assad airbase is secure and US generals in Qatar are either rotated out or enjoying the many fine places to dine in Doha.
The thing is the US even hid injuries of their soldiers in the BM attack. Their president (Trump) even gone against those soldiers who complained about their injuries and described them as ''just headaches''. Do you think this is normal for a commander in chief to talk like that about his troops? The point i am trying to make is that it was a highly politicized event with neither side wanting to escalate. US did not want to escalate and save face because its airbase got pounded in a direct declaration of war by Iran, as the worlds sole superpower this was embarrassing. And Iran did not want to escalate because it did not want risk massive bombing of its mainland (Something Iran meticulously wanted to avoid throughout these decades by having a smart, political semi-militaristic approach to the US occupation of the Middle East). Neither side can afford to escalate, especially Iran. A direct war is in no ones interest.

Meanwhile this topic has been discussed a million times and the OP (a famous anti Iran troll) just wants to create problems on this forum.
The thing is the US even hid injuries of their soldiers in the BM attack. Their president (Trump) even gone against those soldiers who complained about their injuries and described them as ''just headaches''. Do you think this is normal for a commander in chief to talk like that about his troops? The point i am trying to make is that it was a highly politicized event with neither side wanting to escalate. US did not want to escalate and save face because its airbase got pounded in a direct declaration of war by Iran, as the worlds sole superpower this was embarrassing. And Iran did not want to escalate because it did not want risk massive bombing of its mainland (Something Iran meticulously wanted to avoid throughout these decades by having a smart, political semi-militaristic approach to the US occupation of the Middle East). Neither side can afford to escalate, especially Iran. A direct war is in no ones interest.

Meanwhile this topic has been discussed a million times and the OP (a famous anti Iran troll) just wants to create problems on this forum.
Leave those trolls aside, stick to our advisors @SQ8 and look at his post.

As if removing someone like Trump highly protected by security forces is like eating cheese. It takes a few years to end such an operation. But let the advisors troll lol
Iran vows revenge for Soleimani killing if Trump not put on trial

DUBAI, Jan 3 (Reuters) - Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, speaking on the second anniversary of the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani by the United States, said that former U.S. President Donald Trump must face trial for the killing or Tehran would take revenge.


More 'resistance' by pathetic 'resistance axis' which is nothing more than symbolic propaganda. Never kill or injure a single Israeli or American soldier. Making pathetic excuses to cover up their intention of not even seeking to avenge their general. They don't have will nor intention in first place to fight US or Israel. It's propaganda to fight Muslims over power of region.

In 2024 Irani PM will also say they will give more time for US to try Trump. Then in 2030 same thing. Until 20 years later where its forgotten all together.
I think they are the only country actually fighting US or it's puppets in some way. Meanwhile all of sheikhs in gulf are kissing feet of israelis
The hasbara troll is talking about Iranian PM. Bwhahah

Looks like, Mossad's Internet agents are not trained well.

Seems the Palestinian member sees clearly the mullahs real intention..

He know well their only purpose is to exploit Palestinian suffering and flame the conflict so they can have a foot hold in the region.

They wish this conflict to last for ever and never see it resolved , in the same manner they do in Lebanon and other places.

operation mantis....do you want a new one?
The post assassination chants and vows as such for domestic consumption will continue.
They made an attempt at the base which really is the limit of their reach due to Iraq being in turf war. However the C-RAMs put that attempt to rest.
The basic problem is that no one in the middle east other than Iran wants an open conflict instead preferring to the intelligence hybrid war model that is the new frontier.
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