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Featured Iran vows 'hit' on all involved in US killing of top general


Mar 11, 2017
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Associated Press

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FILE - In this Monday, Nov. 25, 2019 file photo, Chief of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Gen. Hossein Salami speaks at a pro-government rally, in Tehran, Iran. The chief of Iran’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard has threatened to go after everyone who had a role in a top general’s January killing during a U.S. drone strike in Iraq. The guard’s website on Saturday, Sept. 19, 2020 quoted Gen. Hossein Salami as saying, “Mr. Trump! Our revenge for martyrdom of our great general is obvious, serious and real.” U.S. President Donald Trump warned this week that Washington would harshly respond to any Iranian attempts to take revenge for the death of Gen. Qassem Soleimani. (AP Photo/Ebrahim Noroozi, File)

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — The chief of Iran’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard threatened Saturday to go after everyone who had a role in a top general's January killing during a U.S. drone strike in Iraq.
The guard's website quoted Gen. Hossein Salami as saying, “Mr. Trump! Our revenge for martyrdom of our great general is obvious, serious and real.”
U.S. President Donald Trump warned this week that Washington would harshly respond to any Iranian attempts to take revenge for the death of Gen. Qassem Soleimani, tweeting that “if they hit us in any way, any form, written instructions already done we’re going to hit them 1000 times harder.”
The president's warning came in response to a report that Iran was plotting to assassinate the U.S. ambassador to South Africa in retaliation for Soleimani's killing at Baghdad's airport at the beginning of the year.

“We took out the world’s number one terrorist and the mass murderer of American troops and many, many troops and many people all over the world,” Trump said. “Qasem Soleimani is dead. He’s dead. Bad guy. Bad guy. Very bad guy.”
Salami rejected the report of an Iranian plot to assassinate Ambassador Lana Marks, but made clear that Iran intends to avenge the general's death.
“Do you think we hit a female ambassador in return to our martyred brother?’ the general said. “We will hit those who had direct and indirect roles. You should know that everybody who had role in the event will be hit, and this is a serious message. We do prove everything in practice.”
In January, Iran launched a ballistic missile attack targeting U.S. soldiers in Iraq in response to the fatal drone strike.
Trump has stepped up economic pressure on Iran with sanctions since he pulled the United States out of Iran's nuclear deal with world powers in 2018.
Tehran has continued to expand its stockpile of enriched uranium and pressured other nations to offset the harm of U.S. sanctions, while insisting it does not want to develop a nuclear weapon.

You should know that everybody who had role in the event will be hit, and this is a serious message. We do prove everything in practice.”
You should know that everybody who had role in the event will be hit, and this is a serious message. We do prove everything in practice.”
He and his friends will soil their pants as soon as he stops being the POTUS. I doubt that many Americans would want to go to war with a country that they consider dangerous over some stupid move made by some oddball like Trump back when he was the president (Let's not forget that he is disliked by at least half of the Americans at home).
He and his friends will soil their pants as soon as he stops being the POTUS. I doubt that many Americans would want to go to war with a country that they consider dangerous over some stupid move made by some oddball like Trump back when he was the president (Let's not forget that he is disliked by at least half of the Americans at home).
Dustane sepah ma ham hamash zerre ziadi mizanan. Hich ghalati nemitunan bekonan. albate mitunan ha. kheyli khoob ham mitoonan. vali yahudparaste kasif ke oon bala neshaste ejaze hamchin kaari ro nemide.
I could never understand how the Iranians have such accurate Ballistic missiles. They have been under sanctions forever, the question this surfaces is if Iran is this accurate Pakistani or Chinese systems would be out of this world!

Imagine Indian soldiers on the receiving end of this,

kheyli khoob ham mitoonan. vali yahudparaste kasif ke oon bala neshaste ejaze hamchin kaari ro nemide.

هیچ غلطی نمی کنن یه مشت دلقک که فقط گنده گویی و حرف مفت زدن رو خوب بلدن

The man

- whom zionist leaders and their muppets officially pinpoint and brandmark as "the new Hitler" of our time,

- who is actually at the helm of the only contemporary geopolitical alliance that dares to actively resist and to fight zionism with military means,

- who has a pristine and extremely successful 32-year long record of staunch anti-zionist resistance,

- who is the living person most demonized and targetted by the powerful zionist propaganda apparatus, and that includes both the mainstream and controlled-opposition media on all five continents,

is now brazenly being insulted and labelled a "filthy Jew-worshipper" (sic) by random forum using kids with no full understanding of what fighting international zionism actually means nor what it entails (especially since their personal contribution to the struggle has hardly ever surpassed token brief rants on the internet; even then, for every one anti-zionist comment they're posting, they'll direct around five virulent attacks at the major anti-zionist leader our planet is blessed with), and yet who lay claim to some extraordinary anti-zionist or even judeo-sceptical credentials.

Their comments sound increasingly similar to Falcon29's previous antics, and even to the propagandistic anti-IR fantasies spread by assorted takfiri terrorist enterprises (who tend to specialize in the hallucinatory belief that the Islamic Republic and its Leadership is engaging in some sort of a "secret alliance" with Isra"el").

The fact of the matter is that anyone spewing venom against the IR and in particular its Leadership and armed forces, be it simply out of stubborn reactive short-sightedness or out of sheer uninformedness, is objectively speaking and by virtue of overriding geopolitical contingency, a 'useful idiot' (to borrow the phrase famously coined by Vladimir Ilych Oulyanov) to the zionist entity and to its destructive agenda against Iran.

Now why is it that zionism's useful idiots of whatever persuasion - be they Daeshis, adepts of "Q-Anon" or on a different spectrum of politics, good old Iranian anti-IR oppositionists, almost systematically exhibit this bizarre and quasi-pathological tendency to invert obvious political realities, only to then try to sustain their weird contentions using even weirder, contrived "explanatory" schematics?
how long have you been working for mko.....do they pay good!
It has nothing to do with that. He has a healthy suspicion about the rhetoric of the IRGC.

Let's review some facts:
1. Trump's presidency will end in 5 years at maximum.
2. Trump is a business man that has investments worth billions of dollars around the US and some foreign countries.
3. After Trump's term ends, the next US president will be from the democratic party with a high level of certainty.
4. Democrats do not think highly of Trump. Half of the Americans literally hate the guy. The US has never been so divided over the actions of their president.
5. Trump has gone against all previous political traditions in the US by directly insulting and offending people who disagree with him.

Now imagine it's year 2029. 50 years after the Islamic revolution which led to the severing of ties between Iran and the United States. A democrat president is in the office in the US and a conservative president is handing over the office to the next president of Iran which is going to be a reformist by the repeating pattern we have observed since the beginning of presidency in Iran.

"Iran and the US end half a century of enmity". That sounds quite a headline to me, which is not entirely impossible to happen if you consider how things will evolve in the next 10 years.

The point is that it is likely for the Democrats to trade Trump for reaching a new deal with Iran. Iran can target Trump's properties and even close family (which is going to be welcomed by many people in the US establishment and business sphere) in return for signing a new deal with the United States. Trump already knows this. That's why he is so badly after a deal with Iran. He knows that as soon as he stops being the president, one way or another, Iran will target him, his assets or his family. And when that happens, at most the US will confiscate some already blocked/confiscated Iranian money for that. And nevertheless, Trump will be screwed.
It has nothing to do with that. He has a healthy suspicion about the rhetoric of the IRGC.

Let's review some facts:
1. Trump's presidency will end in 5 years at maximum.
2. Trump is a business man that has investments worth billions of dollars around the US and some foreign countries.
3. After Trump's term ends, the next US president will be from the democratic party with a high level of certainty.
4. Democrats do not think highly of Trump. Half of the Americans literally hate the guy. The US has never been so divided over the actions of their president.
5. Trump has gone against all previous political traditions in the US by directly insulting and offending people who disagree with him.

Now imagine it's year 2029. 50 years after the Islamic revolution which led to the severing of ties between Iran and the United States. A democrat president is in the office in the US and a conservative president is handing over the office to the next president of Iran which is going to be a reformist by the repeating pattern we have observed since the beginning of presidency in Iran.

"Iran and the US end half a century of enmity". That sounds quite a headline to me, which is not entirely impossible to happen if you consider how things will evolve in the next 10 years.

The point is that it is likely for the Democrats to trade Trump for reaching a new deal with Iran. Iran can target Trump's properties and even close family (which is going to be welcomed by many people in the US establishment and business sphere) in return for signing a new deal with the United States. Trump already knows this. That's why he is so badly after a deal with Iran. He knows that as soon as he stops being the president, one way or another, Iran will target him, his assets or his family. And when that happens, at most the US will confiscate some already blocked/confiscated Iranian money for that. And nevertheless, Trump will be screwed.
I agree with most of your points except that the IR will target Trump/Family or his interests when he is out of office. You may remember what happened to Saddam when he tried to assassinate George Bush ? Few days later there were Tomahawks smashing into targets in Baghdad. Such a action is extremely sensitive and no matter, democrat or a republican, the president will be forced to take action against Iran.

In my opinion the only countries that can pull off such a stunt are Russia and China simply because of their military deterrence especially their nuclear arsenal. Now what does IR have ? Conventional missiles and militias aren't going to detter the US if they are really determined to take action. I think the Soleimani saga has proven this. And IR is free to test their ''might'' again with the US. As we in Persian say ''emtehanesh majaniye''.

Now the high morons in Iran decided to keep Iran weak and without any meaningful nuclear capacities, even sometimes mentioning that nuclear weapons are against Islam!? Really? Is that why Pakistan, the second most muslim populous nation on earth developed and use it as a detterence against a much larger enemy (India) ?
Have they not heard about tactical nuclear weapons that can only be used against a enemy army ?

Bottom line : I am not really into conspiracy theories but the actions of all involved including those in Iran is to keep Iran weak, without any meaningful detterence and use it as a sort of boogeyman to milk the dumb Arab leaders. And ofcourse, the most important of all.. to keep Israel as the top dog in the region. It is a huge Zionist/American project and the dumb native leaders in the region are their puppets.
I agree with most of your points except that the IR will target Trump/Family or his interests when he is out of office. You may remember what happened to Saddam when he tried to assassinate George Bush ? Few days later there were Tomahawks smashing into targets in Baghdad. Such a action is extremely sensitive and no matter, democrat or a republican, the president will be forced to take action against Iran.

In my opinion the only countries that can pull off such a stunt are Russia and China simply because of their military deterrence especially their nuclear arsenal. Now what does IR have ? Conventional missiles and militias aren't going to detter the US if they are really determined to take action. I think the Soleimani saga has proven this. And IR is free to test their ''might'' again with the US. As we in Persian say ''emtehanesh majaniye''.

Now the high morons in Iran decided to keep Iran weak and without any meaningful nuclear capacities, even sometimes mentioning that nuclear weapons are against Islam!? Really? Is that why Pakistan, the second most muslim populous nation on earth developed and use it as a detterence against a much larger enemy (India) ?
Have they not heard about tactical nuclear weapons that can only be used against a enemy army ?

Bottom line : I am not really into conspiracy theories but the actions of all involved including those in Iran is to keep Iran weak, without any meaningful detterence and use it as a sort of boogeyman to milk the dumb Arab leaders. And ofcourse, the most important of all.. to keep Israel as the top dog in the region. It is a huge Zionist/American project and the dumb native leaders in the region are their puppets.
Don't be so sure about how 2029 will look like. One thing is certain and that it will not look like anything in the past. Example? Could you imagine such a big divide in UN security Council 8 months ago? Regardless of its practical effect on Iran, security council just became obsolete!

I believe more and more countries will decide they are entering a law of jungle phase and they need to form regional alliances and carry out their own justice, whatever that is. Trump winning another round in Whitehouse will only enforce that.

Iran of 2029 will be no exception while it will be much stronger than what it is today. So get ready for surprises.
I could never understand how the Iranians have such accurate Ballistic missiles. They have been under sanctions forever, the question this surfaces is if Iran is this accurate Pakistani or Chinese systems would be out of this world!

Imagine Indian soldiers on the receiving end of this,

Iran has been working on making their ballistic missiles accurate for years and done a marvel at it, sanctions has nothing to do with anything given Iran is not relying on importing. Iran's missiles are already as accurate as it can get.
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I could never understand how the Iranians have such accurate Ballistic missiles. They have been under sanctions forever, the question this surfaces is if Iran is this accurate Pakistani or Chinese systems would be out of this world!

Imagine Indian soldiers on the receiving end of this,

Previously, all the so called weapons experts said that Iranian ballistic missiles were extremely inaccurate, with CEPs in the hundreds of meters to kilometers range. Now they don't say anything. This is why mainstream open source military analysis is crap in general.
Iran has been working on making their ballistic missiles accurate for years and done a marvel at it, sanctions has nothing to do with anything given Iran is not relying on importing. I can understand Chinese systems being on par/more accurate but Pakistan? Your comment appears to insinuate Pakistan has far more accurate missiles relative to Iran which is a claim not based on anything rational and frankly silly. Even if we assume Pakistan imported the top Chinese missile technology today, its missile would not be much more accurate than Iran's. Iran's missiles are already as accurate as it can get.
pakistan has had access to scientists that had the opportunity to study and interact with their counterparts in Europe. Furthermore we have access to better machining and building capability. Hence my assumption is that due to further influx of knowledge a better system would have been developed. Example is nasar, Shaheen series and final Babar cruise missile

Boomer Soleimani should've given a word to militias in Iraq when they were opening fire on the protesters, he could have saved many young life's.

He didn't, therefore the nigga gets no respect.
With respect, We have been testing cruise missiles for the last 30 years , herbs, rad, Babar and so on, we also have been testing longer range missiles with good accuracy! You could check this on this forum. People have called out the accuracy.

we do have access to better machining , an example is Pakistan’s centrifuge machines version x are way better than the generation 1 given to Iran. Our fabrication capability is far superior as well since we use Chinese or European machines.

now for training look up some of the Pakistani scientists interview on YouTube and you will see we trained every body from a welder to senior scientist in France and other European countries. Hell the chief designer for Shaheen did his PHD in France........

Do a little more research on forum you will find what you are looking for.


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