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Iran urges Turkey intervention to secure release of abducted pilgrims

I am confident that Turkey will do whatever necessary to contact the abductors and urge them to free these civilians. We are in the end a civil country who knows our duty. I hope their families will not worry too much.
We shouldnt help anyone who flies in the air in happiness after our Unarmedf-4 reconaiisance aircraft was shot.

Unless they are Turks from iran.
funny, asking turkey not to interfere in syria and now begging them for help. the most comedian regime people have come to know.

Not funny,. Salihi called, if you have a pacifist policy, you should cut sending weapon and terrorist to syria or while your terrorists have raped our citizen you should save them.
Turks have no relations with FSA in damascus, and even if it has, these psadarans wont be easily given, there must be an exchange of prisonners
These soo called pelgrims are some of the 4000 troops what iran send to esed. If the Syrian free army dont kill thise soldiers of Iran they will kill them self. Or iran have to pay for his soldiers.

Stupid, ther is war and you sent pelgrims to iraq not with plains but with bus:yahoo:.

You sent your troops to help esed, know go save your own soldiers. Turkey must not help to free iranian soldiers.
Turks have no relations with FSA in damascus, and even if it has, these psadarans wont be easily given, there must be an exchange of prisonners
Let me make you sure of something,if they were really soldiers,they would have killed dozens of those terrorists,not being their hostage without fighting.It's not something new,FSA,abducts civilians and says they are soldiers.Like those 5 technicians who were taken hostage they made them confess they are fighting for Iran,but after Turkey meddled and they released them.
Why would Iranian soldiers chill around those dangerous area without guns?
One thing else,according to defense pact between 2 countries,Iran can send soldiers there.But we haven't yet.
But on the opposite side,there are merceneries from KSA,Qatar,Libya,Jordan,Afghanistan and so one,fighting in Syria.
Let me make you sure of something,if they were really soldiers,they would have killed dozens of those terrorists,not being their hostage without fighting.It's not something new,FSA,abducts civilians and says they are soldiers.Like those 5 technicians who were taken hostage they made them confess they are fighting for Iran,but after Turkey meddled and they released them.
Why would Iranian soldiers chill around those dangerous area without guns?
One thing else,according to defense pact between 2 countries,Iran can send soldiers there.But we haven't yet.
But on the opposite side,there are merceneries from KSA,Qatar,Libya,Jordan,Afghanistan and so one,fighting in Syria.
Man stop this BS, even elite soldier are taken hostage when they are in a foreign country. They were in a bus from the airport and as the regime said, the capital was secure and the road was apparently secure, so they came in bus, nothing surprising.
They are not superman, or batman, they were caught by surprise, to their demise.
Man stop this BS, even elite soldier are taken hostage when they are in a foreign country. They were in a bus from the airport and as the regime said, the capital was secure and the road was apparently secure, so they came in bus, nothing surprising.
They are not superman, or batman, they were caught by surprise, to their demise.
Ok,now anyproof they are soldiers?or just because FSA or AlArabiya says?
But on the opposite side,there are merceneries from KSA,Qatar,Libya,Jordan,Afghanistan and so one,fighting in Syria.

can you recycle your trash post with one proof ,,, article, video,, etc....................
Press TV?...pilgrims?... civilians? :) thefreesyrian is right there must be an exchange of prisonners!!
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