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Iran urges India to cherish friendship


Apr 4, 2012
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Obviously, Tehran views with disquiet the recent hurried visit by the United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to New Delhi. Tehran is acutely aware of the propensity of the policymakers in New Delhi to leverage India’s ties with Iran to extract concessions form Washington within the framework of the US-India strategic partnership.

Alarm bells must be ringing, because the US-India Strategic Dialogue is taking place in Washington shortly and a US special envoy has descended on the Indian capital with a focused mission to erode India’s energy ties with Iran.

Ahmedinejed’s phone call came on the eve of the announcement of the Indian decision to reduce oil imports from Iran, which has been widely perceived as a sign of the Indian leadership succumbing to the US pressure to fall in line with its containment strategy toward Iran.

According to the Iranian news agency IRNA, Ahmedinejad stressed to Manmohan Singh that Tehran sets no limits to the broadening of the Iran-India relationship. He called it a “brotherly” relationship, a warm description that Tehran reserves as a mark of special affinity. However, Manmohan Singh, curiously enough, insisted that the bilateral relationship would be “on the basis of national interests.”

The Indian establishment almost instinctively resorts to the epithet “national interests” when it is hard-pressed to explain the raison d’etre of any policy shift. The government’s decision to cut back on oil imports from Iran is, arguably, one such poignant moment. No government would like to acknowledge that it is buckling under pressure from a foreign power and in this case, the Indian public opinion comprehends the importance of the relationship with Iran.

Besides, the ruling Congress party is sensitive to the Muslim opinion, which can swing election results in over a hundred parliamentary constituencies, which, of course, can prove lethal, as elections are due in 2014 – rumors are swirling that there could be a mid-term poll – and Congress party has a fight on its hands to retain hold on power.

The Indian Muslim takes a dim view of the US’ global policies. The Indian pundit may look at Iran as a Shi’ite country, but for the Indian Muslim, Iran signifies strategic defiance of the US. No matter the lavish funding of the Muslim ulema in India by the Gulf Arab monarchies – and the nexus between the ulema and political parties – average Indian Muslim opinion equates Tehran as the voice of justice, honor and resistance.

This is the crux of the Congress-led government’s predicament. It is not very different from the predicament of the Gulf monarchies on the Arab street where Iran’s shadow remains potent, despite their sustained campaign to orchestrate a Sunni-Shi’ite schism in the Muslim Middle East.

Iran urges India to cherish friendship | Russia & India Report
Iran and India are going no where....we are both here or the long haul. 11% reduction is nothing big ; it may have been something to do with cutting spending that India needs ,wrapped in a gift package to America..

2 birds with one stone...but tht is speculation.
Iranian President speed dials Indian Prime minister


NEW DELHI: Amid talk of reducing crude imports from Iran, and barely a week after US secretary of state Hillary Clinton's visit to India, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, urging him to expand bilateral ties in "different fields".

With India having declared that it is reducing its dependence on any particular region for crude import - even if not under Washington's pressure - Ahmadinejad's call is being seen as a gentle reminder to New Delhi that Iran is looking at the moves being made by India at the highest level. Ahmadinejad spoke to Singh on Monday evening and while he did not get into specifics, he is said to have told the PM that the two countries enjoy "deep brotherly relations" and together, would witness a "bright future". :cheers:

In his conversation with Singh, Ahmadinejad insisted that bilateral cooperation between India and Iran would lead to considerable achievements for both nations. Singh responded that widening ties with Iran was on the basis of "national interests". Backing expansion of cooperation with Iran, he said New Delhi attached great importance to ties with that country.

In yet another sign that Iran is trying to reach out to India, despite the oil cut, government sources said Tehran was likely to send its foreign minister, Ali Akbar Salehi, soon to invite Singh for the 16th NAM summit to be held in Tehran in August and for bilateral talks with Ahmadinejad.

Iranian joint secretary in the foreign ministry Ahmed Sobhani, who handles India, is here for the next round of dialogue between the political committees formed by the two countries and is likely to touch upon the issue of a possible meeting between the two leaders later this year.

Ahmadinejad's call to Singh comes at a time when India is being seen as giving in to pressure from the US to cut its crude imports. While the imports have gone down considerably, the government has painstakingly denied being under pressure from the US and attributed it to purely financial and commercial considerations.

While Ahmadinejad's invitation to Singh to visit Iran is a long-standing one, which he reiterated during his meeting with Singh on the sidelines of UNGA last year, Indian officials remain tight-lipped about whether Singh will visit Tehran later this year.

Singh has attended both the NAM summits held during his eight-year tenure as PM - the 14th round in Havana, Cuba, in 2006 and 15th in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, in 2009.

So far, Iran has not reacted officially to India's move to reduce its oil imports, but Ahmadinejad's call to Singh does suggest that Tehran is concerned about any drastic cut. The government has also said in Parliament that it is consciously trying to diversify its crude import sources to "reduce its dependence on any particular region of the world".

Even though India denies any pressure from the US, authorities in Washington, including Clinton, recently lauded India for steps taken by New Delhi to reduce oil imports and have also offered to help India identify other sources of energy. India depends on Iran for 12% of its 80% crude imports. Iran remains one of the most important countries for India in handling the situation in war-torn Afghanistan after the ISAF forces pull out in 2014.

Amid oil cuts, Ahmadinejad speed dials PM Manmohan Singh - The Times of India
Damn, Iran is so desperate now. When they get any semblance of breathing space, they'll be snubbing India left and right for its predatory, backstabbing ways.
Damn, Iran is so desperate now. When they get any semblance of breathing space, they'll be snubbing India left and right for its predatory, backstabbing ways.

What ?? When did they stab us ??

Now we decreased the oil imports from Iran and increased oil imports from Saudi
Saudi was the country who actively supported Lashkars in Kashmir
Iran being a Muslim country still didn't support Pakistan in Kashmir issue .. It was kinda neutral

According to me it is India who backstabbed Iran by reducing oil imports
Agreed...But to be honest If USA really ask everything in black and white from India about its relation with Iran, then India will definitely ask Iran in the same way....Either Iran really feel like to be with India vis a vis Pakistan in a clear term or Iran want to stay neutral...If Iran will stay neutral then of course every one knows India will choose USA over IRAN....

So the choice is very much specific now......It is rather IRAN who has to show some response to its relation with India and firm commitment to work for Indian intrest( which will not impact Iran's intrest either)....If this is not the case...then India will be in tough spot wrt USA....
Sorry to say this but this is bulls#it article. Indian muslims want good for India and not for some other country defying the US.

I agree with MMS having told both Hilary and Ahmadinejad that India will work in its national interests.
He meant not to make any hasty decision that might result in the fall of his govt. Although India is in a tight position. India has high stakes in both countries.
"Brotherly relations", while using terror on brother's country and teaching ignorance and hatred to the Shia in India, such a great brother.
I don't understand this about Iran; it's against Israel due to the siege of the Palestinian people, yet it supports a major Israeli ally that will, in all cases, be against Iran during the time of war.

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