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Iran urges India, China & Russia to counter NATO missile system


Feb 28, 2013
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Iran has announced its readiness to cooperate with Russia, China and India on the issue of NATO’s missile shield and related threats from the military bloc, the head of its defense ministry said in Moscow.

“I'd like to support the idea of developing multifaceted defense cooperation between China, Iran, India and Russia to counter NATO eastwards expansion and installing a missile shield in Europe,” Hossein Dehghan said on Thursday, at an international security conference in Moscow.

Read moreTehran threat? Russia questions US, EU motives behind missile shield in Europe

Despite a deal on Tehran's nuclear program, the US is still going to site its missile defense installations in Europe. They are being deployed over a perceived threat from “nuclear Iran” – a pretext which Moscow called a “fairytale.”

“The threat to NATO countries posed by the proliferation of ballistic missiles continues to increase… the framework [of the Iran nuclear program] agreement does not change that fact,” NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu told Sputnik.

According to Russia, the controversial missile shield in Europe is staying because “the Missile Defense System was never about Iran.”

READ MORE: US commissions ‘crucial’ NATO missile shield facility in Romania

“This serves as yet more proof that references to the ‘Iranian [missile] threat’ served as a smokescreen, whereas the genuine objective is the creation of an anti-missile program with quite a different purpose,”the Russian Foreign Ministry wrote.

The US has for years insisted the missile defense system is needed for protection against potential missiles from rogue states, such as North Korea and Iran. Moscow strongly objected to new unilateral NATO military installations, citing national security threats. Russia proposed the creation of a joint system, but Washington rejected it.

Iran urges India, China & Russia to counter NATO missile system — RT News
I think all major countries in this region need to come to some sort of understanding that something needs to be done. India and China have a lot of trade with the West, but things don't always remain the same. The US is clearly agitating by placing missile shields all over the place. Of course, today Iran is being singled out, but we all know that the missile shields are meant for everyone.
Russia,China,India all of them have their own ABM shield . But a possibility of combined system is slim.Perhaps Russia can do that .But China and India have a lots of deals with West and NATO.We cant provoke them.
Russia,China,India all of them have their own ABM shield . But a possibility of combined system is slim.Perhaps Russia can do that .But China and India have a lots of deals with West and NATO.We cant provoke them.

The provocation comes from NATO, not from India, China, Russia or Iran.
LOL Modi is already in discussions with USA to base USA military in India to attack Iran, Russia and China.
Russia,China,India all of them have their own ABM shield . But a possibility of combined system is slim.Perhaps Russia can do that .But China and India have a lots of deals with West and NATO.We cant provoke them.
We need to co-operate if we wish to detect the missiles from far away and have a chance to shoot down the incoming missiles. Co-operation in launcher is not mandatory.
Except Gorbachev there hasn't been a single Russian leader that can be trusted with even a cup of coffee. Putin has so stupidly given away economic and strategic advantage by indulging in his pet novorussia dreams.

About a third of all inventions from the west are traceable to Russian mathematics of the past yet there hasn't been a single noteworthy invention from there in decades.

They are living of knowledge from 25 years ago. Their computer science is dismal at this point. Once the current crop of senior scientists and engineers retire, Russia is going to face the a knowledge shortage that will rival China's usability problem. Atleast China could put kids through English school really fast and limit the damage but I doubt if Russia can come up with any coping strategy.

But then in not so distant past they have minted geniuses in every street corner so may be it is in the Russian genes!
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