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Iran unveils water jet engine

Ingenuity we see in Iran's Navy or in the IRGC Aerospace forces has nothing to do with comparing a water jet with a turbofan engine.
By the most part it's the ingenuity that matters. It doesn't matter what kind of engines your working on each field has it's own specialists and technicians and each engine a specific type of alloys, composites and tools that would be required in the construction of it's various parts and regardless of the type of engine none of it would be possible without years of R&D in various fields behind it with years of investment into infrastructure, tools & human recourses behind it but most of all the will to do it!

If you look at Iran's Military there are only 2 sections of Iran's Military that is hands down weaker than it was prior to the revolution one is the Air Force and the other the Army Aviation and between the two only the Air Force has failed to maintain it's regional standing in terms of number of platforms while Iran's Army Aviation may not have as many helo's as before but we still maintain the largest Helo force in the region and Panha has managed to come up with it's own designs

While the Air Force after 40 years of sanctions has still failed to show case even a single viable prototype design and to me that's directly due to a lack of ingenuity

The Air Force was not even considered a priority till the 00’s due to the revolutionary government being weak and their fear of a powerful Air Force leading a coup attempt. Any rebuilding was to counter Saddam.

So in reality Iran’s focus on Air Force didn’t start till late 90’s when it’s paranoia began to die down.

Furthermore, there are only a handful of countries in the world that can create their own jet engines without assistance/parts from any foreign power.

Right now the leading countries are US, Russia, and China possibly some European countries mixed in but their tech is dependent on US technology.

Iran is not pouring enough funds into R&d development.

Not to mention Iran airforce is very conservative they have rejected Chinese planes already and basically will only accept Russian fighter jets or in bizarre scenario US fighter jets.

So if they reject Chinese fighters you can be damn sure they aren’t going to buy Iranian fighters just because they are made in Iran. They have high standards. The Air Force is not a sentimental branch.
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