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1987 ssg?? pak



here see image but wont allow me to upload.
Does anyone know what next submarine of Pakistan is?
Was Hamza class totally built in Pak or some parts were a joint work with France?
Look up manned torpedo's, E-boats, PT boats of ww2, you'll then understand my point of "Small Vessels" being very successful against larger ones, small vessels aren't just made to look cute, I think Iran were aware of this when they were making them.

Germany did make midget submarines, known as seehund, which had success of sinking over 17,000 tons, while losing only around 600 tons of their own, 17 ton per mini sub, very cost affective.

The point I am making is the German victories came from Uboats and not from Midget Submarines. :D
Does anyone know what next submarine of Pakistan is?
Was Hamza class totally built in Pak or some parts were a joint work with France?

6 Qing Class SSK and a Pakistan made nuclear sub.
BTW I wanted to address the color. "Daily Mail" didnt had anything bad to say about sub itself, so they started nitpicking on color.

"ship's designers mistakenly chose the color, believing it would help the craft blend in with the ocean's waters."

Wait a second, so Iranians just randomly chooses the colors and have no idea what color is their Gulf waters at the deep? I'm pretty sure they know it better than "Daily Mail". The same color is used by Germany/Israel for Dolphin class, they probably didnt get the memo from the "expert journalists" that their color is all wrong :azn:

Pretty much, diesel subs can stay underwater for a ~month, after that they can refill anywhere - underwater caves, converted fishing boats as you mentioned, you name it. There is a very long coastline (with n islands), and subs are very small - I dont think it would be an issue for Iran to keep them going during a war. Its not like Iran isnt aware of US tactics and not preparing.
Care to provide a credible source for that?
US most definitely working hard to address this issue over the last 30 years, and I would worry in US place, because as of recent examples, US still doesnt have proper detection of diesel subs.
You talk as if you know what you are talking about, which you do not.

The 'proper' detection method of any submarine is sonar. When a diesel sub is submerged, it runs on batteries, so at this point, it is essentially an electrically driven vessel. It would be neither fast nor long distance capable nor long duration underwater. However, it does not mean it cannot be detected via sonar.

Sonar detection, just like radar detection, is a two-way street. We have a transmitter, a body, and a receiver. When someone say it is difficult to detect an electrically driven submarine or a diesel boat, he really mean it is difficult to detect a diesel boat via PASSIVE detection of acoustic signals generated from the boat itself. If an active sonar transmission, or 'ping', is interrupted by said diesel boat and produces an echo, said diesel boat is detected. Just like how an aircraft interrupt a radar transmission travel and produced an 'echo' on the radar scope.

There are non-acoustic methods towards diesel boats in anti-submarine warfare (ASW):

- Magnetic Anomaly Detection (MAD)

In shallow waters, the diesel boat have very limited maneuvering room, as in depth wise, so its magnetic disturbance can be detected because of its operating depth, and depending on where in the Strait, the diesel boat can even be visually detected from the air...

Submarines | Hormuz
Iran & Submarines

The depth of Strait of Hormuz (depth of 82 feet to 131 feet) is deep enough for ships, but is shallow for the submarines. The shallow waters and strong currents of the Strait both hamper and aid submarines — the water provides noisy background conditions that help cover up the sound of a submarine, but the shallow waters make the submarine more likely to be visually identified from the air or surface of the water. The confined waters and strong currents of the Gulf make the Strait of Hormuz an extremely hazardous place for even experienced submariners.

Another method is through powerful data processing of satellite imagery.

You read correctly -- SATELLITES.

Asia Times Online :: China News, China Business News, Taiwan and Hong Kong News and Business.
Satellites might see subtle undersea disturbances caused by submarines, watch wave patterns on or beneath the sea surface, or detect subtle variations in ocean temperature.

A moving sub produces INTERNAL waves while a surface vessel produces external wake.

From the same source...

A US Navy oceanographer from Australia, Paul Scully-Power, who became the first oceanographer in space, flew on the space shuttle Challenger (STS - 41G) in 1984. The US Navy later admitted that the mission had successfully detected the undersea or internal waves generated by a submarine which had been tracked successfully at relatively shallow depths. This was deemed, "incredibly important to us" and was reported by the Washington Post in 1985 - quoting a senior US Navy admiral at the time.

ScienceDirect.com - Marine Geology - Progress of internal waves along submarine canyons
This indicates that internal waves (mostly tidal in period) are advancing up the submarine canyons or rarely downcanyon. Because the data come from canyons off California, the East Coast of the United States, and the Hawaiian Islands and include depths to as much as 3,500 m, it is suggested that these canyon internal waves may be worldwide.

Gravity Wave Modeling
Internal waves generated by a submarine

Submarines generate internal waves in two ways: by flow over the body of the submarine and by turbulent motions in the wake of the submarine. CPI is developing computationally fast models of internal-wave production for body and wake generated internal waves, which also follow internal-wave propagation through a realistic ocean, from the submarine to the sea surface.

These underwater waves sort of 'percolate' upward towards the surface in a predictable manner and the closer to the surface is that generator of those waves, the more prominent and detectable those patterns.

A diesel boat can also generate transient noise, even as faint and brief as a closing hatch or a dropped object INSIDE the boat, that can be picked up by an experience sonarman.

For example...

Submarine Frequently Asked Questions
What clothes do you wear?

When in port, crew members wear regular Navy uniforms. At sea, members wear one-piece blue coveralls called "poopy suits." They are very comfortable to wear and reduces the number of clothes the sailor has to bring to sea. Submarine crews usually wear sneakers or other soft bottomed shoes when at sea, as sound quieting and stealth are always foremost in a submariner's mind.

Even water flowing over the skin can be detected...

Acoustic signature - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hydrodynamic noise: noise generated by the movement of water displaced by the hull of a moving vessel.

Do some research...
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