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Iran unveils major defense achievements


Apr 14, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
The Islamic Republic of Iran has unveiled six new major defense achievements on the occasion of the national Defense Industry Day.

The achievements, which were unveiled during a ceremony in the presence of Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, included an enhanced version of fourth generation Fateh (Victory) 1D-110 missile, Armita flying laboratory, Bonyan (Foundation) 4 marine engine, Aras tactical vehicle, Vafa (Loyalty) mortar launcher as well as Shahed tapping and positioning system.

Iran's Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi and Minister of Communications and Information Technology Reza Taqipour were also present at the ceremony which was held on Tuesday.

Referring to the Fateh 1D-110 missile, the Iranian defense minister said during the ceremony that, “This missile is one of the most precise and advanced ground-to-ground ballistic missiles with solid fuel and has played an influential role in enhancing the defensive prowess of the Islamic Republic over the past decade.”

Iran successfully test-fired the fourth generation of its indigenous Fateh 110 precision missile on August 4.

President Ahmadinejad is also scheduled to visit an exhibition of the latest achievements of the Defense Ministry and its related organizations, including the Iranian Aerospace Organization (IAO), Defense Industry Organization, Iran Electronics Industries, and Armed Forces Geographical Organization.​

In recent years, Iran has made great achievements in its defense sector and attained self-sufficiency in producing essential military equipment and systems.

Iran has repeatedly assured other nations, especially regional neighbors, that its military might poses no threat to other countries, insisting that its defense doctrine is merely based on deterrence.

PressTV - Iran unveils major defense achievements


Iran's defense minister says the country’s Defence Ministry plans to produce a variety of fighter aircraft, missiles, drones, submarines and military vehicles by the end of the Iranian calendar year (started March 20, 2012).

Referring to the 190 defense achievements that were unveiled during the last Iranian calendar year, Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi said on Tuesday that a number of other important military products would be unveiled by the end of the current year.

“Producing new drones has been put on our agenda, and we are also trying to employ new submarines next year,” the Iranian defense minister added.

Vahidi said the Defense Ministry also plans to produce a new generation of flying boats with high combat capabilities as well as a new generation of ballistic and cruise missiles and military vehicles.

Vahidi also stated that one of the projects of the Defense industry is producing new fighter aircraft by the end of the year.

In a ceremony on the occasion of the national Defense Industry Day in Iran on Tuesday, six new defense achievements were unveiled.

The achievements included an enhanced version of fourth generation Fateh (Victory) 1D-110 missile, Armita flying laboratory, Bonyan (Foundation) 4 marine engine, Aras tactical vehicle, Vafa (Loyalty) mortar launcher as well as Shahed tapping and positioning system.

In recent years, Iran has made great achievements in its defense sector and attained self-sufficiency in producing essential military equipment and systems.

Iran has repeatedly assured other nations, especially regional neighbors, that its military might poses no threat to other countries, insisting that its defense doctrine is merely based on deterrence.

PressTV - Iran to produce new fighter aircraft, submarines, drones: Minister


well, I will post the images in near future
Bonyan (marine engine ) :


power : 5000 horse power

we will use this engine in Jamaran 2 and Velayat ...


Armita ( flying laboratory )




I think the most important one is the engine,we really needed a powerful engine for naval vessels because Europeans don't sell them to us anymore.With further working on it,they can produce much more powerful engines,like 15,000 hp ones.
Aras tactical vehicle :




Vafa (Loyalty) mortar launcher :



well , look like we made it from this : Soltam M-66 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

well , next time , Hezbollah will say " hello " with this to zionist tanks .......


Fateh 110 4th Generation :


I think the most important one is the engine,we really needed a powerful engine for naval vessels because Europeans don't sell them to us anymore.With further working on it,they can produce much more powerful engines,like 15,000 hp ones.

nope ... IMO in worse case , we need to make a 10,000 hp engine .... we can use them in a 2 , 4 or 6 combination and that will reduce fuel usage and improve the range of our naval ....

well , it time to make nuclear engine ( well , I don't know what is the proper word for this ) for our naval vessels ...

More details:

Vahidi added, &#8220;Pinpoint accuracy in any weather conditions, the extended life of the missile (Fateh D1-110), the extended duration of the stay of the armed missile on the launch pad for a timely launch, the reduced time necessary for tests before the launch and during the launch, the reduced time necessary for leaving the launch pad, and the fact that it does not require short periodic inspections are among the significant capabilities of the missile.&#8221;

About the Bonyan 4 ship engine, the Iranian defense minister said that the 16-cylinder and 5,000 horsepower engine weighs 18 tons.

Vahidi also spoke about the Armita flying laboratory, which was named after the daughter of Iranian Professor Darioush Rezaiinejad, who was assassinated in Tehran on July 23, 2011.

&#8220;The pad for flight tests, named Armita, has been constructed with the aim of testing air systems in a real situation,&#8221; he stated.

He went on to say that the Aras armored tactical command vehicle, which weighs 3.4 tons and is equipped with a 133 horsepower engine, can be used in both mountainous and urban areas.

And the Vafa mortar launcher is capable of firing five to eight projectiles per minute and the Shahed navigation and surveillance system has very high capabilities, Vahidi explained.

In addition, during a speech at the ceremony, he announced that the Iranian Defense Ministry plans to manufacture new fighter jets, ballistic and cruise missiles, armored vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and heavy submarines by the end of the current Iranian calendar year, which concludes on March 20, 2013.

Iran&#8217;s defense industry achievements will never be used for conquest: Ahmadinejad

The Iranian president also delivered a speech during the ceremony, in which he said, &#8220;We do not (seek) the progress of the defense industry for conquest and domination over other countries, but rather, we want it for defending ourselves and the dignity of humanity. Of course, defending the dignity of humanity does not mean aggression; rather, deterrence is our objective.&#8221;

&#8220;We have to reach the point where the country&#8217;s defense capabilities stop all the tyrants and hegemons and even make them back down,&#8221; Ahmadinejad added.

Iran unveils upgraded missile, five pieces of military hardware - Tehran Times
Does anyone know what Armita flying laboratory is for? "testing air systems in a real situation" doesnt say anything to me, probably not a very accurate translation.

Achievements are pretty good, but nothing Earth shattering, and we already seen Fateh D1-110 few weeks earlier. Hoped for an update on Bavar-373 too :)

However on the production line there are many high-profile equipment to be launched within a year - B-373, new fighter jet, heavy submarine, ballistic and cruise missiles, etc. Iran is busy 24/7 :azn:
Does anyone know what Armita flying laboratory is for? "testing air systems in a real situation" doesnt say anything to me, probably not a very accurate translation.

Achievements are pretty good, but nothing Earth shattering, and we already seen Fateh D1-110 few weeks earlier. Hoped for an update on Bavar-373 too :)

However on the production line there are many high-profile equipment to be launched within a year - B-373, new fighter jet, heavy submarine, ballistic and cruise missiles, etc. Iran is busy 24/7 :azn:

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by referring to the construction of Armita flying laboratory project the Iranian defense minister Gen. Vahidi said : it has been conducted to experiment air systems in real conditions with the aim of testing fighter planes launch systems, aircraft oxygen generator systems,aircraft advanced avionics systems and teaching advanced avionics to fighter pilots .

it was a rapid translation i hope my buds correct it asap .
They said on TV that Velayat is going to use Bonyan 4 engine. No more problems with Germans and French. :D
Do you have any further details on other frigates being built in Iran right now?Do they have any advantages to Jamaran?

our army plane to mass produce it for civil usage as well ....



first usage of Armita was to test our indigenous flying seat ( &#1589;&#1606;&#1583;&#1604;&#1740; &#1606;&#1580;&#1575;&#1578; / well , I don't knew what is proper name of it ) >>> Russia stop selling it to us as well .... we plane to test our indigenous Oxygen systems as well ....


well , they said it will use for our next naval vessel , and we have plane to design and make 2 new kind of marine engine as well ( maybe heavy marine diesel engine and turbine engine .... )






we knew that USA is so strong in electronic warfare , so we doing our best and making new system to stand against it ... we are strong in electronic warfare ... RQ 170 's story only shows a tiny of our power .... "
thanks for the pics
and &#1589;&#1606;&#1583;&#1604;&#1740; &#1606;&#1580;&#1575;&#1578;=ejection seat

that vehicle is mehhh

they need to produce a bullet proof version of that for VIPs.

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