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Iran to US: Stop racism against Afro-Americans


May 4, 2014
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United States
United States
Ah poor America. Every day your propaganda means less and less. Your double standards just cant be hide from the world anymore. At least one country has some balls to give America a tase of its own medicine.

PressTV - Iran to US: Stop racism against Afro-Americans

Iran’s Foreign Ministry has condemned the US's “targeted discrimination” against African Americans after an unarmed black teenager was fatally shot by the US police and protests over the killing were met with a heavy crackdown.

“The targeted discrimination against the black in America by the US police and the judicial system and the suppression of protesters… are clear instances of violations of human rights of people of color in the US,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham said on Tuesday.

Afkham said the breaches come as the US administration constantly publishes reports of alleged human rights violations in other independent states.

The Iranian official called on the US to comply with the articles of International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination as a member state.

Afkham also extended her condolences to the family of the victim and called for the prosecution of Brown's murderer.

Michael Brown, 18, was killed on a residential street by a white police officer in the town of Ferguson in the state of Missouri on August 9. Several demonstrations have been held in the state following the incident with protesters calling for justice in Michael’s case.

The police officer stopped Michael “for walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic,” according to the Ferguson police. The police officer then fatally shot Michael who was holding his arms up.

The victim’s family has described the killing an “execution style murder,” and called for the arrest of the white cop, who has been identified as officer Darren Wilson.

An initial autopsy has revealed that Michael was shot at least six times, including twice in the head.

The killing of Brown has inflamed racial tensions in the largely black community of Ferguson. Heavily-armed police officers with military equipment have been deployed to the town to disperse demonstrators.
well if Iran wants afro-americans they can have them if they want
they can show us the proper way of dealing with them
I wouldnt worry too much. Im sure your crimes will be revisited upon you in short order. Your time is coming. Its amussing youre just too stuoid to even realize it. Like a pig to the slaughter.

well if Iran wants afro-americans they can have them if they want
they can show us the proper way of dealing with them
we treat blacks just as well Iranians treat their gays.
preach on.
Even you might not want to see a black guy trying to cozy up with your daughter, but stop treating them like the worthless beings.

The black people's ancestors have already paid their blood and sweat during the foundation of America with their wageless slave labors.

They were not born freeloaders, and America was not born a 100% pure European country either, so people with other skin color also have the right to live there.
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White America is dying out. In 20 years time America will be majority Latin American. Lets see how Latinos threat the white when they come to power. Lets hope they are humans instead of the animals currently in power.

And btw. Most blacks in America are actually 25% white european genetically. The legacy of slave rape in America.

Even you might not want to see a black guy is trying to cozy up with your daughter, but stop treating them like the worthless beings.

The black people's ancestors have already paid their blood and sweat during the foundation of America with their wageless slave labors.

They were not born freeloaders, and America was not born a 100% pure European country either, so people with other skin color have the right to live there.
White America is dying out. In 20 years time America will be majority Latin American. Lets see how Latinos threat the white when they come to power. Lets hope they are humans instead of the animals currently in power.

And btw. Most blacks in America are actually 25% white european genetically. The legacy of slave rape in America.

In fact, most colored people in America know their exact place, they act and behave very carefully, otherwise something very serious will come after them.

Meanwhile, those neo-nazis from stormfront.org keep fabricating the false stories and conspiracies about white genocide, non-whites are trying to steal the white women, blahblahblah, everything was used to justify to hate the non-white people.

These white supremacist are the one who are the most keen to launch a race war, and they are in fact the biggest threat to the white people. The history has already told us that the lunatics like Hitler has killed more white people than non-whites have ever done.

Sadly, if the non-whites are trying to raise the voice against the white racism, then they will be immediately labelled as the race card player. Meanwhile, if the white racism is just the free opinion, thus it should be allowed.

Just see how fcked up America really is.
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Give me a F'ing break.

PDF lecturing people on racism? I remeber reading the thread of PTI azadi march, and some dunderhead called Obama 'a nigger of a president.'
Give me a F'ing break.

PDF lecturing people on racism? I remeber reading the thread of PTI azadi march, and some dunderhead called Obama 'a nigger of a president.'

That was Informant, and he was taken care of. Please do not make such general statements. PDF is not a person who posts here. It is all of us.
That was Informant, and he was taken care of. Please do not make such general statements. PDF is not a person who posts here. It is all of us.

Wut when did i use the term nigger for odumbo? Hain? Chak Bamu you slipping. Heck i didnt even use Odumbo but as a role model for blacks. And that too in a different thread.

Trigger happy strikes again. Kindly be more alert and confirm beforehand when accusing me of racism.

Hain i also support the democrats in the US.

You git me confused with some other member. I am apotty mouth not a racist.

Ok a teenie bit.
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