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Iran to UAE : We will crush any act of agression

or Peassssssssssssssssssssssss
@ pakistnis,saudis,iranis

show me when india licked western boot or bowed against western pressure against indian interest??.

it will be better if paksitanis(who brought nato is region which is now a threat to whole asia) and saudis(who are natural U.S licker).

A good example is Afghanistan, while Iran, Russia, China, and Pakistan want the US to pack its bags and leave, india is begging US to stay so that they can continue to support and strengthen anti-Pakistani elements in Afghanistan.

US is funding BLA to destabilize Pakistan while at the same time jundullah is also getting support from US, and indians want them to stay so they can further destabilize Pakistan, Iran, China and Russia.

India fears quick US withdrawal from Afghanistan after bin Laden's death - The National

Once US leaves, all of those countries india back stabbed for the past decade (while US was occupying) will want to take care of some business with india. india doesn't really have good relations with all of its neighbors (Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, China), you have disputes with all of them. :lol:
A good example is Afghanistan, while Iran, Russia, China, and Pakistan want the US to pack its bags and leave, india is begging US to stay so that they can continue to support and strengthen anti-Pakistani elements in Afghanistan.

US is funding BLA to destabilize Pakistan while at the same time jundullah is also getting support from US, and indians want them to stay so they can further destabilize Pakistan, Iran, China and Russia.

India fears quick US withdrawal from Afghanistan after bin Laden's death - The National

Once US leaves, all of those countries india back stabbed for the past decade (while US was occupying) will want to take care of some business with india. india doesn't really have good relations with all of its neighbors (Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, China), you have disputes with all of them. :lol:

india dont depend on U.S to spread terror in paksitan if we want to .:P
our supplies goes through iran and U.S is not going to leave this region(thnk you paksitanis,you will enjoy more for decade)
They will drop 30k troops here at different bases and it has no link with us since they dont provide security to us.
The more smileys one uses in a single post, the more immature.

india dont depend on U.S to spread terror in paksitan if we want to .:P
india needs US presence as a umbrella for its anti-Pakistani activities.

our supplies goes through iran and U.S is not going to leave this region(thnk you paksitanis,you will enjoy more for decade)
They will drop 30k troops here at different bases and it has no link with us since they dont provide security to us.

You need US, once they withdraw the whole Afghan system will fall like a house of cards. Iran and Pakistan have common goals and will come up with a agreement for post war Afghanistan, you won't have a piece of the pie.
The more smileys one uses in a single post, the more immature.
india needs US presence as a umbrella for its anti-Pakistani activities.
You need US, once they withdraw the whole Afghan system will fall like a house of cards. Iran and Pakistan have common goals and will come up with a agreement for post war Afghanistan, you won't have a piece of the pie.

1)its your post which brought smileys :lol:
2)we dont need U.S and india have already started to talk with iran about post 2014 and recent dealing with iran and supporting iran against western pressure shows smthing else.we dont need U.S cover for any anti paksitani activity.
3)Iran too want influence in region but their first problem is complete U.S withdrawal from region.
IRan is against taliban rule in a-stan while pakistan favours them.
iran supports northern alliance but paksitan dont..;)
one of the reason why U.S is talking with taliban coz taliban anti iran stand

no doubt you paksitanis have done blunders to this region by bringing U.s here.
you are paying and also making others too suffer.
I still dont understand the enmity between Saudi and Iran!!! :unsure:
Is it the old Arab/Persian rivalry or for the sake of it?
I still dont understand the enmity between Saudi and Iran!!! :unsure:
Is it the old Arab/Persian rivalry or for the sake of it?

No its America playing divide and rule and our sucker brothers are falling for it
I still dont understand the enmity between Saudi and Iran!!! :unsure:
Is it the old Arab/Persian rivalry or for the sake of it?

Yes,most of Arabs have personal problems with Iranians from their birth day.
It's also a little sectarian.You know better.

No its America playing divide and rule and our sucker brothers are falling for it

With all respect,i don't agree.Not that U.S is innocent,no but they shouldn't be blamed for almost anything.God gave us brains to use it,not just keeping it untouched.We are humans not puppets,we can think.
1)its your post which brought smileys :lol:
Not! Look at your post that i first quoted (in which you replied to Mosamania), you used more than 2 smileys, usually kids are fond of lots of smileys.

Since you are so fond of smiley's, i picked one just for you:


2)we dont need U.S and india have already started to talk with iran about post 2014 and recent dealing with iran and supporting iran against western pressure shows smthing else.we dont need U.S cover for any anti paksitani activity.
3)Iran too want influence in region but their first problem is complete U.S withdrawal from region.
IRan is against taliban rule in a-stan while pakistan favours them.
iran supports northern alliance but paksitan dont..;)
one of the reason why U.S is talking with taliban coz taliban anti iran stand
2). The link i posted suggests otherwise.

3). That's impossible! What proof do you have?? I don't think indian government is willing to risk its relations with its ally israel. israel and Iran are enemies, you can't chose to have strong ties with both of them, you side with israel (which, considering india's strong ties with israel, is most likely) then you don't share Iran's interests/concerns.

no doubt you paksitanis have done blunders to this region by bringing U.s here.
you are paying and also making others too suffer.

Is that why india has problems with all of its neighbors?:lol:
With all respect,i don't agree.Not that U.S is innocent,no but they shouldn't be blamed for almost anything.God gave us brains to use it,not just keep it untouched.We are humans not puppets,we can think.

mate the Arabs all of them combined can not challenge one nation of 4 million people in more than 6 decades and you think without American assistance they could even stand up and talk to a nation of 80 million?????
No they will not fought for Arabs indeed but they are capable of creating a situation in which they will fight with Iran and will get compensation from the Arabs. How is it ?
mate the Arabs all of them combined can not challenge one nation of 4 million people in more than 6 decades and you think without American assistance they could even stand up and talk to a nation of 80 million?????

I'm not talking about military force and power.I'm talking about taking sides.

You said:
No its America playing divide and rule and our sucker brothers are falling for it

i say God gave us brains.Only Americans shouldn't be blamed for what is happening in ME.
Just look how other Muslim countries are backstabbing one another.Do you think Americans should be blamed for it?
Of course Yankees too are playing their dirty games in ME,abusing the situation.
Not! Look at your post that i first quoted (in which you replied to Mosamania), you used more than 2 smileys, usually kids are fond of lots of smileys.
Since you are so fond of smiley's, i picked one just for you:

2). The link i posted suggests otherwise.
3). That's impossible! What proof do you have?? I don't think indian government is willing to risk its relations with its ally israel. israel and Iran are enemies, you can't chose to have strong ties with both of them, you side with israel (which, considering india's strong ties with israel, is most likely) then you don't share Iran's interests/concerns.
Is that why india has problems with all of its neighbors?:lol:

1)if you post BS then expect smileys from me ,i dont have more option.
2)Israel and indians relations are on the bases of mutual interst not blind.india provide huge market to israeli products.
No nation purchases made in israeli products other than military but they can sell here in india(i m telling exact words of an isralie minister who was here to promote trade b/w countries,i read it few months ago).
India provides market of 600 million middle class to israel and defence tech is separate. and even we provide aid to palestine too.
India too voted for palestine 3-4 months ago in U.N :whistle:

so keep your shitt to your self only.Your brain needs more knowledge about india israel and india iran relations.
Every thing doesnt revolve around paksitan.

3)so with how many neighbors india fought war with?? india have much closer relations with BD,Burma,Nepal and of course china.
and issue with lanka is not big as u r thinking..its political one and lanka too understand.
so who is left ??pakistan..:lol:
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