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Iran to Connect Caspian Sea to Persian Gulf

Iran plans to build a navigable canal Caspian-Persian Gulf. This means building a transcontinental channel about 600 kilometers long, of which nearly 350 kilometers will be held on the fairways of the rivers Kyzyluze flowing into the Caspian Sea and Karkheh flowing into the Persian Gulf

Had this been a canal project like suez, it would become the so called "Jugglar vein" of Iranian economy and not only negate the impact of sanctions but completely redefine Iran role in global security. Especially in co-operation with Russia, Azerbaijan and Turkey.

BTW why those people are not using CNC automatic self-tracked welder to join those pipes.?? work would be much faster, accurate and higher quality. And using iron pipes for sea water is not a good idea they would corrode in a few montsh. Iran is a petro-chemical powerhouse and can easily manufacture PVC pipes which will withstand the sea water much better.
Had this been a canal project like suez, it would become the so called "Jugglar vein" of Iranian economy and not only negate the impact of sanctions but completely redefine Iran role in global security. Especially in co-operation with Russia, Azerbaijan and Turkey.

BTW why those people are not using CNC automatic self-tracked welder to join those pipes.?? work would be much faster, accurate and higher quality. And using iron pipes for sea water is not a good idea they would corrode in a few montsh. Iran is a petro-chemical powerhouse and can easily manufacture PVC pipes which will withstand the sea water much better.

Huh.. PVC pipes against high unerwater pressure? NO good idea. In deep unerwater there is not much oxyzen so no corrosion. Besides you can just put little pieces of copper which will take all the corrosion but got to replace them after some interval.
wow awsome iran. we i look at this country i see ppl who will fight to make this country stronger with every step supported by a amazing and smart leader. we got ur back. build this huge canal.
well they are not supposed to carry sea water , it's going to be filled with desalinated water .
about the corrosion ,we usually use low voltage electricity to stop it from happening .
This looks like a water pipeline project and not a navigation canal. Building a shipping canal would be impossible cutting through those mountains and deserts for such a long distance.
The project was to transfer Caspian sea water to central Iran, Huge project! I just wish Semnan was near Urmiyeh lake. A small branch of that pipe is able to save that beauty.
This is actually quit posssible and will give iran an un imaginable Economy boost, Only thing they need to do is dig where the rivers from Persian gulf end and connect a couple to each other and BAMM!! you have an river connecting 2 seas :)
Perhaps before building the pipeline the polution issues in the Caspain need to be addresed?
The level of industrial and oil pollution in the Caspian Sea has reached a "critical condition," an Iranian ecological expert warned, quoted by local media on Thursday.

"In terms of pollution, the Caspian Sea is in critical condition," Reza Pourgholam, head of the Caspian Sea Ecological Research Institute, told Fars news agency.

Exploitation of oil fields and traffic of large oil tankers dumps 122,350 tonnes of potentially cancerous oil pollutants into the world's largest inland sea annually, Pourgholam said.

The sea is also poisoned by large quantities of heavy metal just as dangerous as the hydrocarbons, he said, adding that "304 tonnes of cadmium and 34 tonnes of lead pollute the sea every year."

Iran expert alarmed by 'critical' Caspian Sea pollution - Environment - The Independent

Do you really want to use water contaminated with cadmium and lead to irrigate crops?
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