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Iran test-fires ballistic missile able to hit Israel: media


Mar 10, 2012
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Iran test-fires ballistic missile able to hit Israel: media


TEHRAN: Iran on Tuesday test-fired in its central desert a ballistic missile capable of striking Israel as part of war games designed to show its ability to retaliate if attacked, media said.

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard fired the medium-range Shahab-3 missile at a mock target in the Kavir Desert on the second day of its Great Prophet 7 exercise, which is due to end on Wednesday, Iran’s Al-Alam television network reported.

The Shahab-3 has a range of up to 2,000 kilometres, which means it is theoretically able to hit Israel, which is some 1,000 kilometres away.

Al-Alam said two short-range missiles, the Shahab-1 and Shahab-2, with ranges of 300 to 500 kilometres, were also launched.

The Fars news agency said “dozens” of different types of missiles were fired from different parts of Iran at a single target in the Kavir Desert.

“In these exercises, we used missiles with a range of 2,000 kilometres, but the plan called for them to be fired only 1,300 kilometres,” Fars quoted the head of the Guards aerospace division in charge of missile systems, Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, as saying.

The ISNA news agency said the last day of the drill would see Revolutionary Guard “bomber drones” also used.

Although the Islamic republic has test-fired its Shahab missiles before, and frequently holds military manoeuvres, it says these war games are aimed at sending a message to Israel and the United States to think twice on their threats of possibly attacking Iran.

“The message of these Grand Prophet 7 manoeuvres is to show the determination, the will and the power of the Iranian people in defending their national interests and core values,” the number two of the Revolutionary Guards, General Hossein Salami, said, according to the official IRNA news agency.

“It’s a reaction to those who are politically discourteous to the Iranian people by saying ‘all options are on the table’,” he said.

He added that the launches were “100 percent successful”

The exercise targeted a replica military base set up in the desert and made to look like a foreign facility, similar to those the United States has in neighbouring countries such as Afghanistan.

The launch of the Shahab-3 missile coincided with the day experts from Iran and world powers were to hold talks in Istanbul to discuss the West’s push to have Tehran scale back its sensitive nuclear programme.

Israel, which is not part of the talks, and its ally the United States have both said they reserve the option of military action against Iran if diplomacy and sanctions fail to convince it to curb its atomic activities.

US President Barack Obama has said several times that “all options” remain on the table.

Iran’s test-firing of its missiles also occurred on the anniversary of the July 3, 1988 shooting down of an Iranian commercial airliner by a US warship towards the end of the Iran-Iraq war.

All 290 passengers and crew on the plane died in the attack, which Washington said was the result of erroneously identifying the civilian aircraft as an Iranian fighter jet.

Iran test-fires ballistic missile able to hit Israel: media | DAWN.COM:tup:
whats all the fuss about anyway... israel has missiles that can reach iran so why shouldnt Iran have the capability lets have a balance of power then perhaps there will be less bullying of the Muslims in the region. Good on ya iran!!
we can send 5000 missile per day in Persian gulf , for about 100 days => iran have more than 500,000 missiles from any kind !

so it is balanced :)
I think Dawn News, a Pakistani paper, should rather cocentrate on "Iran test-fires ballistic missile able to hit Pakistan: media":)
i just read about that airliner shot by US , wow 290 innocent killed and it wasnt even a fighter jet .
The short range missiles are fine but as a minumum you need hundreads of these longer range missiles to make sure you can hit israel numerous times

Approx how many does iran have

Hizbollah must also be armed with better missiles that can cover all of israel and cause more damage

The only reason iran hasent been attacked is because they fear the consequences
i just read about that airliner shot by US , wow 290 innocent killed and it wasnt even a fighter jet .
Yes and not only they didn't apologize Iran,but they awarded Captain of that destroyer a medal for his 'bravery'.We are living in the world of hypocrites brother where defending yourself is called terrorism,while shooting a Civilian airliner and burning 290 innocents in the sky is called self defense.
Combat-ready: Iran to strike mock US base
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Published: 03 July, 2012, 05:16

Ballistic missile Ghadr, a modified version of the Shahab 3, is launched during a military exercise. (AFP Photo/Mehr News/Raouf Mohseni)

Iran tension
TAGS: Arms, Conflict, Military, Nuclear, Iran, Sanctions
While Iranian lawmakers are still debating whether or not to shut down the Strait of Hormuz, the country’s powerful Revolutionary Guards are to conduct a military exercise, during which a replica US military base is set to be hit by missiles.
The Revolutionary Guards say thousands of missiles are to be deployed during the three-day long drill. These include the Shahab-3 ballistic missile, which has a range of 1,250 miles (2,000 kilometers) and is capable of reaching Israel.
“All units and missile bases have commenced their preparation and movement to the designated areas,” a statement published by the Revolutionary Guards by the official IRNA news agency reads.
The exercises, dubbed Great Prophet 7, show that Iran “will decisively respond to any trouble” brought on by “adventurous nations,” Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, head of the Guard’s aerospace division, said on Sunday.
A mock air base, akin to US bases in Afghanistan, Bahrain, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, is to be targeted during the three-day long drill to be held in Iran’s Kavir Desert.
Iran had previously warned that it would target those bases if the US and Israel went ahead with an attack on Iran.
Hajizadeh said an Israeli attack on Iran would give the Islamic nation a “pretext to obliterate them from the face of the Earth” and said the US would not be inclined to help its ally as its bases would be within the firing range of Iranian missiles.
The exercises will start on Tuesday, as Iran heads for the negotiating table in Istanbul with the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany (P5 + 1) in the latest round of talks on its contentious nuclear program. The last round, held in Moscow last month, was largely fruitless, with Iran unwilling to budge on its nuclear program until the West calls off its sanctions.
Iran has insisted that its nuclear program is strictly peaceful, but the West has continued hitting the country with more sanctions in an effort to force it to abandon the program.
On Sunday, the EU imposed its sanctions, establishing a bloc-wide embargo on all Iranian crude oil imports, and preventing EU companies from providing insurance to tankers carrying Iranian oil. That move prompted the Iranian Parliament to draft a bill that would close the Strait of Hormuz for tankers heading to countries that support the sanctions.
The US also slammed Iran with new sanctions last Thursday, reinforcing restrictions on foreign companies doing business with Iran’s central bank unless their nations were granted exemptions on the basis of reduced Iranian oil supply.
Iran preparing for full-out war – source
In the meantime, sources indicate that Iran is already preparing for a full-scale war with the US, Israel and its allies.
A man who served in the Revolutionary Guards’ intelligence but later defected to a Western country was quoted by The Daily Caller as saying that the Iranian military is preparing to shoot down Western airliners in the event of an attack.
The paramilitary Basij forces would also be able to mount strong resistance to an invasion, Morteza Mirban, the deputy commander of the Revolutionary Guards’ ground forces told Basij News.
“Today over 3,000 boats are in the Persian Gulf and involved in commerce, constantly passing by America’s naval ships,” he said. “The question is how can America engage us in war not knowing how it will get hit next? If they dare to take up arms, they will see how they will regret their act.”
Mirban also admonished potential attackers that “all of the enemy’s bases” were within the reach of Iranian missiles and that with allies such as Hezbollah, Iran was capable of striking them thousands of kilometers away.

Combat-ready: Iran to strike mock US base — RT
keep on Iran,, lets wait one day these will have nuclear capability...
If Israel can have nuke why not the other countries to have it........................? Bangladesh should have nukes.
I agree , not israel but if any country has it then any other country should have it and the only muslim country is pakistan , there should be more , i wish we get it , its a massive detterence

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