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Iran supports Armenia over Karabakh


Apr 17, 2010
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The Iran called Islamic Republic staunchly supports Armenia over the dispute on Nagorno Karabakh, The Washintgon Times reports in an analytical piece.

“In fact, Iran has been threatening Azerbaijan for more than a decade,” reads the article.

“Iran has staunchly supported Armenia’s conquest of undisputed Azerbaijani territory in the Nagorno-Karabakh crisis to the point that Armenia regularly votes against sanctions on Iran in the United Nations,” it adds.

Further, it says that in 2001, Iran shot up an Azerbaijani oil-exploration platform in the Caspian Sea. Apart from blocking the legal resolution of that sea’s status, Iran regularly threatens Azerbaijan with invasion and other unspecified military action if it supports a US base in its country and because of its close ties with Israel.

The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict sparked in the early 1990s when Karabakhi Armenians voiced their intention to live independently and later spiralled into a bloody war, leaving around 30,000 killed and more than a million displaced.

Iran supports Armenia over Karabakh - The Washington Times - Armenian News | Tert.am

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The Iran called Islamic Republic staunchly supports Armenia over the dispute on Nagorno Karabakh, The Washintgon Times reports in an analytical piece.

“In fact, Iran has been threatening Azerbaijan for more than a decade,” reads the article.

“Iran has staunchly supported Armenia’s conquest of undisputed Azerbaijani territory in the Nagorno-Karabakh crisis to the point that Armenia regularly votes against sanctions on Iran in the United Nations,” it adds.

Further, it says that in 2001, Iran shot up an Azerbaijani oil-exploration platform in the Caspian Sea. Apart from blocking the legal resolution of that sea’s status, Iran regularly threatens Azerbaijan with invasion and other unspecified military action if it supports a US base in its country and because of its close ties with Israel.

The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict sparked in the early 1990s when Karabakhi Armenians voiced their intention to live independently and later spiralled into a bloody war, leaving around 30,000 killed and more than a million displaced.

Iran supports Armenia over Karabakh - The Washington Times - Armenian News | Tert.am

at the time we reached a compromise between Azerbaijan and Armenia but sadly just one day after Azerbaijan and Armenia agreed to that agreement in Tehran ,Azerbaijan went offensive and as the result lost Karabakh , they must blame themselves not anybody else if they could not defeat an oponnet that had half manpower as themselves and used far more inferior military equipment .
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We support Armenia against Azarbaijan...that is for sure
No we are not supporting Armenia against anyone,It's a new wave of Turkish propaganda against Iran.
Iran is helping Armenia economically,but politically,we are neutral in their conflict.You shouldn't fall for every bs Turkish members post here.

It is really interesting,during the Karabakh war,Turkey not only didn't help to end the conflict,but also sealed its border with Armenia and started sending arms to Azerbaijan,but Iran completely stayed neutral,invited leaders of both countries to Iran and they reached a peace deal (it was broken days later though),Iran accepted thousands of Azeri refugees on its soil,Iran transferred all vital stuff from its soil to exclave of Nakhechavan,Iran sent tons of food to both Armenia and Azerbaijan.Both Armenians and Azerbaijanis are our brothers,unlike Turkey,we are not racists to only help the ones who speak our language family.and in response,big mouthing of officials of Aliyev republic toward Iran everyday is non stop,that's a new way to say thank you and being grateful.
It's really funny,Turkey didn't do a damn thing in the war(except flaming the conflict more and more) and they are already blaming Iran.Even Turkey wanted to Attack Armenia,but they scared Russians and backed off.
Armenia must return the stolen territory after Azerbaijan removes claims to Iranian territory preferable facilitated by Iran.

Azerbaijan should scale down their relations with the Zionazis and Turkey should remove the closing of borders they have with Armenia. :coffee:

Above all else the President of Azerbaijan must shave his mustache. :D
No we are not supporting Armenia against anyone,It's a new wave of Turkish propaganda against Iran.
It isnt. You think we will support a artifficial country who was just a decade ago a part of our country ? Not only that but Iranian authorities also found out Mossad hubs in Azarbaijan, it is a hostile entity and we must confront them. I am glad Iranian government knows what they are doing and support Armenia till the end
Well ,
If Azerbaijan cut ties with Israels and doesn't spread racist idea and doesn't claim our lands and forget about NATO membership dreams then we will help them to solve the problem with Armenia peacefully ....

we won't help some useless government who lost his land to smaller nation but claiming land of far bigger nation lands ... ( well , Aliyov is joke )
Bring it on... not even your masters (USA) dares to do anything so from where the courage to use these big words ?

Don't be so emotional friend. Everything has a price and certainly there will be consequences of this.
Consequence what?
Of course everything has a price,like sending rebels to Syria.Turkey too is gonna pay a huge price for it.

I said don't be emotional did i?

We're already paying the price of our failed foreign policy.
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