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Iran Saudi Tensions , What Should Pakistan Do?


Mar 21, 2007
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United States
Iran Saudi Tensions , What Should Pakistan Do?

Iran Saudi Tensions , What Should Pakistan Do?


Pakistan should stay at it's place, mediate in peace talks, and mostly ignore both KSA and Iran, let them sort it out, both sides know, that even after centuries of animosity, nothing good has come into being, so how will this war be any different?.
Pakistan should make as much money they can by supplying arms and ammunitions to both sides, Pakistan should no longer play the lap dog or a dog looking for the master to through the bone. That's what USA would do!
Theres nothing for Pakistan to do.there's only a "not to do" which is taking side with one against the other one.I am sure Pakistan has a wise approach to this conflict.
Pakistan should make as much money they can by supplying arms and ammunitions to both sides, Pakistan should no longer play the lap dog or a dog looking for the master to through the bone. That's what USA would do!
At the cost of millions of lives?, it's wiser to mediate.
Nothing..except wait and watch, if possibe fuel the war. so more saudi then saudi and more Iranian then Iranians type slave from Pakistan move to defend their illegal holy fathers, just think what if all ttp, ssp, lej terrorist left Pakistan to defend saudis.. Pakistan will become peaceful as it was till 2006.
Maintain neutrality. Arab vs Persian war is not for Pakistanis to fight, we are neither.
Syrian will also feel relief when ISIS, Nusra etc left syria to defend their wahabi brothers, and Hizb Mehdi Army etc left syria for Iran to defend Ayatollah,
Iran Saudi Tensions , What Should Pakistan Do?


We should stay well clear of this but hope that Saudi Arabia & Iran resolve their differences peacefully & amicably. And do whatever we can to make sure this happens. May Allah swt help the entire Ummah Inshallah.
should side to the country came to mediate/help during wars with india.
Pakistan should make as much money they can by supplying arms and ammunitions to both sides, Pakistan should no longer play the lap dog or a dog looking for the master to through the bone. That's what USA would do!
Great suggestion....but there is a difference..USA is situated between two biggest oceans like Pacific and Atlantic, which means they mostly don't worry about issues like border tensions just like Asian countries...whereas Pakistan lies direct between India and Afghanistan...not an ideal geographical situation...which means we cannot afford to do silly things which you are suggesting here concerned with Iran and Saudi Arabia. We cannot afford Shia Sunni split, we cannot afford further divisions, we simply cannot afford that mess which some crazy heads wanna drag this country into...!!
I don't know why people think that we are the " thaikadar" of the region especially a conflict between KSA and Iran, we need to get our own shit squared first, we are in no position to take sides and we are in no position to solve the conflict, the best we can do is be neutral and possibly provide a neutral ground for mediation purposes.
its not our disputes and we need to stay the hell away from it.
This is a critical time and tomorrow saudi defense minster is going to visit Pakistan... do not forget this guy is son of King suleiman and he will be future king ... his age is just 30 it mean Pakistan should adopt a long term policy regarding KSA while dealing with current and future leaders of the state. we cannot ignore Arabs.
Money talks Bullshit Walks! If Pakistan had its back to the wall what do you think......?
Not in this case, Pakistan refuses to fight in Yemen, how is Iran and KSA any different? .
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