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Iran, Saudi Arabia eager to join CPEC

Have you seen me supporting TTP? Hell I used to love Iran alot until I got to know Iran have a tomb of Abu lulu in their country the same guy who martyred Hazrat Umar(R.A). This level of hate against our Khalifas is enough for me to know Iran is not a country to be dealt with respect.
His tomb was shot down by our government. We , all of us , have to condemn extremists in our community.
I condemn any kind of Sunni blasphemy. I strongly believe in our common believes like our prophet , Quran , Mekka and etc. Sunnis believe in our first Imam Ali (A) as their fourth caliph. That's a great point to me to recognize Sunnis as my brothers. Also we have 25 mil Sunnis living with us in peace.
You say that we are worse than Zionists . Do you have any reasons for your claim?
Saudis are killing our brothers in Yemen , Palestine , Syria , Iraq , Pakistan , Nigeria and etc and also they are defaming whole Muslim community by protecting and funding terrorist groups. Whole the world knows it.
Israel has turned into the best ally of KSA. I have never hated KSA coz i know that it's people are innocent. Al-Saud family doesn't belong to Muslim community. British monarchy funded and protected them against whole Muslim's world.
Iran is doing the same with Shia Militant groups Operating in Karachi and other Parts of Pakistan
Do you have any proof bro?
Do you have any proof bro?

Not anyone that can satisfy you .. Karachi CID chief is on Record for claiming that some Forces from Iran are involved in Target killing of Sunni leaders .. same goes for KSA forces targeting Shia's ..
Not anyone that can satisfy you .. Karachi CID chief is on Record for claiming that some Forces from Iran are involved in Target killing of Sunni leaders .. same goes for KSA forces targeting Shia's ..
I cannot believe it without proof. I promise , i will search about it but i wanna ensure you we have no problems with Sunni community. There is no reason for us to kill our Muslim brothers. Why should we even do it?

I did not say you support the TTP, I said you support groups that share the same ideology as the TTP whom are targeting Shi'ites. Once again, many Muslims (including you) would never live with the TTP, however if the TTP or a group like the TTP (IS) kill (innocent/unarmed) Shi'ites they have your approval and you've shown this recently on PDF.

I was on this forum in 2014 as well, some Saudi members paid a special visit back to the forum to celebrate, that does NOT mean they would want IS in their own country, it is that they are supportive of the crimes these groups commit against Shi'ites. Do you need more explanation?

Abu lulu killed the person that enslaved him, he wanted to be a free man again. lol, is this a problem? You are angry about something that happened that long ago?

Piruz/LULU needs to be given a medal at his grave, he fought to resist slavery. Didn't you just say you condemn Saudis that treat Asian workers like slaves. What an amount of contradiction.
Hey bro whoever you are if you are a Muslim listen to our leader's fatwa :
Any kind of religious discussions which may insult Sunni's Sanctities for example their Aysha or their caliphates , is absolutely HARAM (حرام).
Please NEVER and EVER say something like that again if you stand as our brother. Respect their believes otherwise Muslims will remain West's continual slave. We shouldn't start killing each other by NON-SENSE religious discussions.
Destroying Israel is our desire and anything unlike that will be treason.
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