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Iran rules out any talks with Trump

Dariush the Great

Jan 28, 2020
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
US better elect someone else if they dont want another 5 years of heavier uranium enrichment.


A former Iranian defense minister who currently advises Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei on military affairs says the Islamic Republic will never negotiate with US President Donald Trump, because it considers him a criminal, not president.

Hossein Dehqan made the remarks in an exclusive interview with Aljazeera network, excerpts of which were released on Monday.

Asked about the possibility of future talks between Tehran and Washington under the Trump administration, Dehqan said, “Iran will never engage in negotiations with US President Donald Trump, because we consider him to be a criminal, not a president.”
US better elect someone else if they dont want another 5 years of heavier uranium enrichment.
Why wouldn't they want to see this? They can't wait to see this unfold, 5 years of uranium enrichment and then the product will be handed over to Putin.
cowardly murdered soleimani and thinks he will talk to Iran and get foreign policy points when he is trouble at home.

this guy is delusional . He would be extremly lucky if the Qods force doesnt personally come after him or his family once he steps down from office. he crossed a red line.
cowardly murdered soleimani and thinks he will talk to Iran and get foreign policy points when he is trouble at home.

this guy is delusional . He would be extremly lucky if the Qods force doesnt personally come after him or his family once he steps down from office. he crossed a red line.
iran will not forget or forgive, these bastard clowns are having the same attitude since 1953
we have to be consistent till the end.
iran will not forget or forgive, these bastard clowns are having the same attitude since 1953
we have to be consistent till the end.

IRGC would revolt if anyone from the Iranian government talked to this "criminal"

there is an unwritten rule that political leaders dont try to assasinate each other for fear of retaliation.

the US has gone to great length to justify the soleimani murder as a battlefield event.

they claim that soleimani was an iranian soldier, coming to iraq on a tactical mission to hit the American miltiary. Thus killing him was a legal military action to take out a combatant.

Iran claims soleimani was not in uniform, in Iraq on an official capacity as an Iranian leader, and that his killing was an assasination and murder. and that trump is a criminal

this is a huge difference. as this gives Iran the right to respond in the same manner. and potentially give Iran legal and moral justification to personally go after Trump.

Saddam Hussein famously tried to kill Bush Sr.. And W Bush never forgot and openly stated that this is a man who tried to kill my father.. and broke a taboo and made it personal..

The US is not going to have a green light to openly assasinate Iranian leaders and not have Iran respond in kind. this is a big point of contention thats not getting enough attention.
cowardly murdered soleimani and thinks he will talk to Iran and get foreign policy points when he is trouble at home.

this guy is delusional . He would be extremly lucky if the Qods force doesnt personally come after him or his family once he steps down from office. he crossed a red line.

I don’t know if it’s wise for us to go down to their level. We must be wat we are and wat we represent. The Iranians believe they fight for justice, not even for National gain. Iranian leadership and military should not make changes to the ideological approach that is in place . So no point going for him . But I do hope the great Iranian defenders have a secret military nuclear program sumwhere deep under ground.
I don’t know if it’s wise for us to go down to their level. We must be wat we are and wat we represent. The Iranians believe they fight for justice, not even for National gain. Iranian leadership and military should not make changes to the ideological approach that is in place . So no point going for him . But I do hope the great Iranian defenders have a secret military nuclear program sumwhere deep under ground.
hello rouhani :)
come on Dad, how can you not remember your Son Xerxes? (If ur the Darius that I assume you are). Rouhani who? I have been reborn as a mighty Islamic Revolutionary warrior, loyal to the Islamic Establishment. You got it wrong
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